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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. You should get some options or extras included. Some dealers will also give 1st class ins. for a year which is about20,000bht.

    Look around neighboring cities to see if the's any in stock. Some colours have longer waiting lists.

    Stick to the auto,diesel. In the end diesel will always be cheaper as the truckers and farmers use it. As for the wife learning to drive such a large veh. to start with you might want to look at buying older car in the 100,00bht range to practice on.

  2. What silencers? Huh? Let the force out!

    I suspect it’s like being reminded of one’s youth as one enters one’s decline; the temptation is high for those sad fiftysomethings who run out and buy Harley-Davidsons the instant they realise that they can no longer keep it up all night without the aid of scaffolding........and now for the one of the silliest pieces of inane gobbledegook that I have ever read....a statement from the Harley-Davidson Company no less;

    "We make lousy motorcycles and great Harley-Davidsons and since we're in the Harley-Davidson business, and not the motorcycle business, that's exactly what we should be doing."

    Might there be a connection between this mission statement from the company and the mentality of Harley riders?


    If you're looking for someone that can keep it up all night maybe look at a Honda rider.

  3. My bikes <deleted> loud and i ain't changing it. :o

    Nor do I want to change mine. Mines loud but not obnoxiously loud. If Thai motorists can't see me on the road because they're too busy yapping on the phone or looking at their dashboard tv or GPS, then I sure as heck want them to hear me.

    Loud pipes don't just save the lives of the owners but other road users and pedestrians as well.

    And there was me thinking of making my quiet-as-a-whisper Honda Transalp louder so Thai kids no longer run into my path. Never had anyone run out in front of me on the Harley.

    So I apologise in advance to any kid that I run over causing a loss of life or limb because you didn't hear me, but your government that doesn't teach you to be spacialy aware wants to protect your hearing. The hearing that you're already losing due to loud stereos, tv, arcade games, tannoy systems of mobile food vendors and your government's election canvassers etc, etc.

    Mines LOUD and love it. Agree with Gazza loi% LOUD mufflers save lives. They hear me before they see me and don't walk or pull into your lane. That's the facts and not worried about boys in brown. Yes over 40 and poom puey.

    How cool do these guys think they are on a 100cc step thru?

    Well, doesn't that go towards proving my point? As I said, I consider this whole Harley culture is nothing but adolescent and selfish nonsense. Speed reduction is probably much more of a life saver than excessive noise.....and I'm sure that it never enters the heads of these guys riding 100 c.c "step thrus" that they have 'coolness', they use their bikes just to be mobile.....unlike the adolescent Harley riders who think that disturbing the peace is the epitomy of being cool.

    These big words for us riders who like it loud sorta fall on deaf ears.

  4. My bikes <deleted> loud and i ain't changing it. :o

    Nor do I want to change mine. Mines loud but not obnoxiously loud. If Thai motorists can't see me on the road because they're too busy yapping on the phone or looking at their dashboard tv or GPS, then I sure as heck want them to hear me.

    Loud pipes don't just save the lives of the owners but other road users and pedestrians as well.

    And there was me thinking of making my quiet-as-a-whisper Honda Transalp louder so Thai kids no longer run into my path. Never had anyone run out in front of me on the Harley.

    So I apologise in advance to any kid that I run over causing a loss of life or limb because you didn't hear me, but your government that doesn't teach you to be spacialy aware wants to protect your hearing. The hearing that you're already losing due to loud stereos, tv, arcade games, tannoy systems of mobile food vendors and your government's election canvassers etc, etc.

    Mines LOUD and love it. Agree with Gazza loi% LOUD mufflers save lives. They hear me before they see me and don't walk or pull into your lane. That's the facts and not worried about boys in brown. Yes over 40 and poom puey.

    How cool do these guys think they are on a 100cc step thru?

  5. I've seen posts regarding insurance, registration and road tax for cars. Is it the same procedure for a motorcycle (i.e. one of the 125cc Honda Waves or a 200cc Honda Shadow type bike).

    I would like to buy one when I get back next time, and would like to have an idea of what I'm getting in to (taxes, cost of insurance and so on).


    Bikes over 150cc cost about 850bht@yr for gov't ins. and road tax. Under 150cc about 400bht.

  6. TV Forum? Maybe because the movie will play in local BKK cinemas it's related to things about Thailand or is it because Bruce once visited Thailand? Now that you've mastered djing you've gone and become a movie critic?

  7. To buy a vehicle you'll need a non-immigrant visa,although some say a tourist visa is possible. Depends on where you register the vehicle. Then you'll need a letter confirming your address. This can be done at your embassy,immig. in BKK or your local police station. Local police station being the cheapest,free.

    You reg. the vehicle at dept. of motor veh. where the veh. is from or change it to where you are going to live.

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