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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    it's a half decent merc so they would have known the driver had money. that motor would cost a few baht out here. bet he's driving it today. money has exchanged hands and carry on as normal


    this is the cheapest $hit CLA benz available in this country...

    Any farmer or farang with a minimum of self esteem can own the same.

    It's not even a c-class...



    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    What do you expect? It's a low cost tariff. Really cheap.

    And you would be surprised how much you can do with 10 Mbit/s.

    (assuming it is really delivered)

    Good enough for HD video.


    Of course 10mbits is more than enough for anything.


    so this offer is still valid, i mixed my thai months, thanks.


    ok i checked again and of course I was not wrong, previous ads were saying 31 may 2018



    พ.ค. May เดือนพฤษภาคม preut sa pa kom





  3. 12 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Old fashioned?  Well you don't elaborate on what the 'new fashion' but based on your last comment about banging your stepfather let me guess?  Everyone sh*gs who they want right?


    When I'm in a committed relationship and as a couple, we decide to get married, I make it very clear to my partner what I expect from that relationship - I expect her to spell out what she wants too.  I can tell you now that if it had been me playing around, my ex would have gone crazy - she was even jealous of female Thai friends that I'd had for years before I knew her. So I think its fairly clear that me playing around was not acceptable...........it later turned out it was OK for her though.  I've even had it said to me - by the girl who's father was dating the German's wife "this is going to sound very selfish, I want to see other people but you can't".........yeah right!!


    So back to my 'old fashioned' ways of expecting my wife to be faithfull.........I worked away for 8 week stints and returned home to Thailand for 2 weeks.  I paid the bills, bought the car, paid the insurance, paid for her mother's eye operation. etc. etc. etc. Damned right I expect a faithfull wife.  I didn't get married to have my wife sh*gging every Tom, Dick and Harry just because maybe she's a bit lonely, horny or whatever!


    So what's the modern way then - seeing as I'm so old fashioned?  Work your guts out, pay the bills, buy the car, pay for the insurance etc. and both sh*g whoever you want?  Is that the modern way? Naaa, its the stupid way...............if you want to play around all the time, why bother even being in a relationship? Why not be footloose and fancy free as I am now? What's the bloody point? Is it just that you want the security of having someone at home you can call your partner to make you feel better?


    I've heard this all before - so called modern, new age people - well let me tell you something, I'm not old fashioned at all - infidelity is still the biggest cause of all divorces by a country mile so its clearly not acceptable to many people. If I'm old fashioned then most of the world is too.


    If you knew how many married women I banged !!! Married to Thai and foreigners, but latter my fav, less chance to have problems when knowing that kind of idiots are many of them !


    Yes you are old fashioned to believe in any faithful relationship, it's so ridiculous in 2018.



    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I'm not struggling at all. It doesn't matter whether I'm in Farangland or Thailand, I will not accept unfaithfull partners. Why struggling? With my ex wife for example, are you suggesting that I should accept that she plays around with her 'cousin' whilst I'm away working? With the girl I mentioned in my original post - are you refering to that as failing to understand Thai behaviour? If so, are you suggesting its fine for her father's girlfriend to deceive the German guy.


    I've come to the conclusion that very few Thai girls don't play around so I've given up - and I'm OK with that, not struggling with it. Do you think you understand Thai people? You may think you do but I doubt it. they have a completely different mindset to westerners but again, that's not a problem to me most of the time - sometimes gets a bit frustrating getting things done etc but its OK.  I have many Thai friends in Bangkok however who don't act like most Thai's and I'd say that they understand them less than I do.


    But your missing my point overall - I, like so many thought I could make it in a relationship with a Thai, I thought I could find the one that was not after all she could get and would not jump in bed with someone else before my plane got to the end of the runway - I was wrong - lesson learned.


    Why should I stay home?  Not being in a relationship suits me now, I have nothing to worry about, nobody to 'take care of' and girls are ten a penny.  Lesson Learned.


    This is what I said ! so old fashioned !


    If I was bi I could also bang my stepfather !






  5. you are too old fashioned ! what's wrong in thinking a bit differently ? Now I understand why some foreigners cannot adapt and finally leave.


    I could do anything that do not involve kids and that adult people decide to do, even bang my girlfriend mother if she was hot ! And if my girlfriend brother wanted to bang my Mom, no problem also !


    So I guess that I am ready to stay here forever ❤️





  6. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    We can have all these cheeky Indian restaurant topic discussions ad nauseum in a dedicated Indian restaurant thread. Perhaps such a thread would even attract Indians and restaurateurs.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Please do it ! And we should use this thread to try to push prices down as most of them are overpriced for just Indian food without even the decor !



    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Petchou said:

    Xiaomi have stores in Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc.... you got warranty if you buy from Xiaomi official store in Lazada.  


    No, other sellers on lazada also have warranty for most xiaomi phones. I would not buy from xiomi directly as they are more expensive than most other Thai sellers.


    Only Mi Max 2 has no warranty on lazada, maybe too old phone, the max 3 is coming.



  8. 3 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

    Chiang Rai Immigration is getting real snotty about this. 

    It's not just out of country visits, it's anytime you are registered at another place even for a night they want a new report. If I decide I've had a little much and shouldn't ride my scooter so guesthouse it for an evening I've got to get the landlord to report me again.

    This is all pointless. Bad for the expats, but also an inconvenience for our landlords and a drag for immigration.

    Stop this nonsense.


    How would they know that you have been somewhere for a night ? Totally stupid them.



  9. hello, I am wondering,


    if somebody has the choice between visa for being married, for having a Thai kid, or for being older than 50, is there any reason to choose one over the others ?


    Maybe only marriage and retirement allow to get a multiple entries 1 year visa ? (not possible for thai kid)


    But to get a non o retirement you need to have 400k in a bank for 3 months, when you don't need any money for wife visa ?


    So wife visa is the only one that you can get for 1 year multi entry without any money ? So it's the easiest ?


    Thank you.





  10. 6 hours ago, Eterno said:

    Thanks everyone.

    UPDATE: I thought about the subject and realise that probably is better if a set up the budget to 25000Baht (1 dollar a day for 2 years is a good deal) considering also time passing. It's totally reasonable to get something at least 8GB RAM, i5 CPU, and with SSD and probably a graphic card Nvidia or Amd. Should I consider a global warranty?

    Also I go for 14' instead of 13.

    for the moment the choice would be Lenovo ideapad 530S


    You are on the way to understand ❤️ Soon you will forget the stupid comments of the cheap charlies here, and buy a i7 ❤️



    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  11. On 2/3/2016 at 4:07 PM, mortenaa said:

    The registered color is in the "Blue book". I have also never ever been asked by police to show registration papers. I honestly don't think the police care about it. Its so many people who wrap their cars now. And after a year or so, people tear it off again.

    I had a wrap, and I wasn't very happy with it.

    If you change owner, then you might need to show the car, which might be a potential problem. I would think that an explanation (along with a few hundred Baht ) is sufficient..


    True that cops never ask, so actually what are they checking ? It seems easy to have fake number plates to avoid radars ?!



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