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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 2 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

    so u had advance permission /Permit from PP?
    if not, than u came in, " illegally" same as me.

    Just cause u left ur book at customs does NOT make ur car in Cambodia Legal!!


    I have also entered a few times at Koh Kong, leaving my temp doc papers from Thailand and exited there.

    Been doing in an out of Cambodia for over 12 years and have been stopped an fined a few times, average was $5 and most was $20, cause he had to share the $$ with his 3 friends, ( $5 each)  LOL


    PS; a few friends of mine also do as i do and just enter at Osmach without leaving their book an exit elsewhere.

    Enter at Koh Kong, pay 100 baht/day.


    But now the cops at Sihanoukville stop drivers without Khmer license and keep the car...



  2. 35 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Even though many think that "glass coatings" are a fine waste of money they are not a scam but they are very expensive to apply properly. 


    The car has to be masked up and the underlying paintwork has to be perfectly prepared otherwise all you are doing is coating a bad surface (even if the car is new).  Doing that prep takes a long time and usually involves several people in a team, that is expensive even if you think that they are farmers.  If you want a cheaper job why not take the car to the NE and get a real farmer to do it?


    Yes it's famous that labor is very expensive in Thailand !

    25000 thb for half day work ! Really, why posting if you have nothing interesting and useful to tell ?!

    The prep and coating takes less than 1 day and they charge 30000 for a product that costs less than 5000.

    Anything else smart to add ? Go ahead, I like to laugh.





    • Sad 1
  3. 3 hours ago, JoeW said:

    Could you please tell me what store is charging 30,000 +? I would really like to know. I know a few shops in Bangkok charging 30,000+ but those shops are also doing cars worth well over 5,000,000 THB. All staff trained in Japan at the HQ. 


    And you really believe ! hahahaha

    Thai staff trained in Japan... hahaha...

    You made my day !

    Can't stop laughing hahahaha


    And in case you still don't know, ALL care care charge at least 25000 thb for glass coating.

    But where are you replies to the initial questions ? So why commenting if you have nothing useful to tell ?!




    • Sad 1
  4. 11 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    I7 is not nesseary unless you are heavily into video editing and the latest fastest games.

    My new i5 8th gen flies and are okay for photo editing, not a gamer.

    Get min Full HD or you will likely regret it.

    I also bought mine from Amazon, don't want a Thai/English mixed keyboard.


    So proud of you ! You saved 3000 thb by buying a i5 ! What a great success.

    Sorry but I do not buy the cheapest things available just to save $50 and I even find this idea so ridiculous for a machine that you will use so many years.

    And yes, live here but refuse a Thai/English keyboard, your life will always be easy !







  5. 4 hours ago, ravip said:

    This is entirely a matter of personal opinion. For example, same as saying I buy only Rolex watches as they are the best in the market.


    So ridiculous.

    A computer is not a watch and we do not buy a design, we buy electronic parts.

    And of course it's a fact that a i7 processor is better than a i3 processor.

    Why posting something so stupid !? Nothing else to do ?! You are not helping the op.








    • Sad 1
  6. 2 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

    Evidently you have not been in Asia long enough to understand the desperation of many of its poor people just to eat for another day.because of how these governments think of their lower class  (in the government''s mind) citizens.Or you never took the time to learn how people live outside of your on life narrow life.


    And I am sure that you are still dreaming the world and the people.

    These low life people all drive a brand new car, so stop thinking as a ridiculous tourist who believes what he sees.

    The only really poor people are working in a farm, and they do not drive brand new pickups in BKK.

    Take some time to open your eyes about real Thailand and you might understand it better.





    • Sad 1
  7. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Firstly, the topic is based upon the Op's assumption that Thai's hate tourists - this is simply not true. 


    The vast majority of Thai's are equally as indifferent to tourists and foreigners as they are to each other.

    Fall outside of a Thai's 'circle' and generally they don't care one way or another.


    That said, in some tourist areas in Thailand it can be recognized that there is a level of disregard towards tourists. This, I suspect is down to a 'double stigma' effect whereby Thai's have been exposed to a minority of poorly behaved tourists and 'tar all with the same brush'... unfortunately this manifests itself as a poor attitude to towards tourists who in turn behave less politely in return and hence the 'double stigma'.... 


    Within Bangkok itself there are areas where the treatment of foreigners varies and is seemingly dependent on how 'touristy' that area is.



    Yes treatment varies when they see me coming in a German car, then then they are sure that I am not a tourist or at least not the cheap kind ?






    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:


    I liked the hummus menu,

    but considering the number of eateries that serve hummus in LoS

    it is quite a mouthful to say the best hummus in Thailand






    It would be the best also if it was your restaurant ?


    It's clear that people will never understand that there is not "best" of anything, it's best for them, not for the whole world.


    Even in US so many people still do not understand that Donald is the best president ever for USA ❤️







  9. 2 hours ago, ravip said:

    If you are not in to 'heavy' computing i7 is not really necessary.


    Yes but why buying $hit when paying a bit more give you the best ? I understand that many people buy japanese cars, but I don't...

    Same as computers, people might keep them so many years that they will be slower and less performant, so better buy something really good at first and not change it for long.

    I hate apple  but still I understand why people buy them and keep them 10 years...


  10. 5 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Yea I understand what you're saying man .. It does sound very excessive to treat a car .. But for a new or fairly new car it can help protect the paint before the sun starts to age it .. There are numerous products out there that will allow you to do itself .. Autoglym have a good range as do  Meguiars .. I bought a new cruiser 2 yrs ago and did it once over with below when it was a couple of days old .. everytime I've washed it since the rinse water still runs off the paintwork in beads kinda indicating it still quite effective .. If you use these treatments on paint that ain't so new wash the motah thoroughly first then if you use a revive compound use a finer grade than T - cut as that can be a bit course on modern water based paints .. Use again a good quality polish before putting on a sealer .. Claybar is another that some of the custom scene swear by .. All of this does take time which is why people will pay to have it done ..



    Thank you but are you sure that it's the question asked ?


    Nobody seems to even have any idea about what is a car glass coating but keep speaking...





    • Confused 1
  11. 5 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

    Strange these people always exposing yet another scam in Thailand.


    Many business around the world have high charges to allow for overheads, cost of equipment, rent, labour etc.


    and (hello) they actually do need to make some money or may as well stay at home!


    but when its Thailand people seem to think a business should make nothing or its a scam.lol


    last time i had a car, in (another) country, in that place the mechanic boss charges

    $140 per hour labour 

    all parts needed + added 200 or 300% of the cost to charge you. pure profit for nothing!


    and the poor guy who just working there, well he gets about $15 hour.

    thats what i call a scam!



    This is why charging 5000 thb labor for 1 day work of farmers (what else are they in a car care ?) who get 300 thb is over the top.





    • Sad 1
  12. 5 hours ago, ktm jeff said:

    Sounds more like you have got your medication mixed up. If you cant help feeling a few thousand Baht spent , to protect a few million Baht of vehicle , isnt money well spent , it might be best to stick to the Baht-bus. 


    The problem is that it protects nothing except in your head. So the meds are for you, not for me...



    • Haha 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, johng said:
    12 minutes ago, gaff said:
    Another related question, if 4 millions to invest would you buy 4 condos for 1 million each, or 1 condo only for 4 millions ?
    I am still wondering and might just prefer to buy a new car instead emoji846.png

    Buy 3 condos for 1 million each then you have another million left over for the new car.


    Sorry but I do not buy 1 million cars, my name is not Somchai, I am not Thai, and I have a face ?

    No decent car costs less than 4 millions here.



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