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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 12 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Bangkok is not the best place to live as it has an edge of being too cement-ish. But it certainly does have its qualities. Lived there years ago and visit a lot, but would not live there again.  October till now is not a long time at all either. One goes through growing pains or does an about face to get the heck out of here pains.


    If you are going to take your kid out of here and it sounds as if it is to the USA, then you better get started with the processes now as it will take you quite a while to sort through, and then the little lady is not guaranteed to go with you as the USA is a bit difficult with Visas.


    Yes, Thai can be superficial and huge racists, but you go to Mexico and you a re a Gringo. 


    Basically you are looking too hard into it so need to take another step back. the USA aint all that and I would rather live no other place except here. My kids are 23, 17,15 and half and half. 

    And your kids are minus the education they will need in life unless you have paid over $500,000.00 USD in " Proper School" fees or they are happy with the Thai life.

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  2. 3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    The socialists always say this about every failed socialist state. Of course, it would be different if they were in charge. (NOT)

    Socialist governments are the scourge of the working man.Its leaders pass laws that allow the non producing  freeloaders to reap benefits that is paid for those that are working to better themselves, The laws taxing the workers in order to support the freeloaders does not effect those government leaders that pass them. The "Labor" party need to keep supporting the freeloaders so they  will VOTE for them while falsely stating "FOR THE WORKING MAN."

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  3. 5 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Clean any potential pollutants and then tow it to over to Samui and sink it.

    Create a good artificial reef with the top in about 5m of water. Not sure how far off Samui the water would be deep enough !!

    That's what I think they should do with it ?

    When I was associated with the Thai Nave  10 years ago the I found out that the government allows the navy to charge fuel for the many ships in port that are never or rarely used so as to "show a ready war fleet" in defense of the country. Meaning that what money for fuel was not bought goes to the Admirals and Captains trickling on down.

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  4. On ‎19‎/‎5‎/‎2561 at 10:49 AM, Jaybott said:

    I agree with the above two posts, he should be serving his sentence in a Cambodian prison. He will have a tough time in prison though. Child molestors are not looked upon to kindly in US prisons.

    They then become the "receiver" instead of the "Giver" Like the American football player in prison. He went in as a tight end but came out as a wide receiver>

  5. On ‎18‎/‎5‎/‎2561 at 4:24 PM, natway09 said:

    What a shame he did not get 30 years in a Cambodian jail.

    That's what he deserves

    For A US citizen any sex crime involving children in any country he/she will be arrested as he/she returns to the US even if they have already been convicted in that country and served a prison term .Knowing this many countries prefer to deport these people in order to save the cost of a court case.

  6. There is three factors at work here #1 is the continuing of ambulances ,rescue vehicles ,and police using their red lights and sirens when there is no need except for the drivers wanting to speed through traffic,#2 there are no proper police patrols on the streets to give tickets,#3 is the Thais thought of self importance not wanting to pull over as that would mean almost a half of a minute that he lost on the road. In other words " They could care less".

  7. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I appreciate the humour, but...


    I actually agree; there are few things more irritating than reformed smokers! 


    This is one of the most important reasons why I like posting here and why I have started four threads to date; when I am in the real world, I never say a word about it. On the rare occasions that it comes up, I say "yes, I am trying to quit" then I change the subject as quickly as possible. Its only here that I will admit that I am proud of myself; yes, I am shallow, but I'll hide behind the anonymity. :smile:


    Any smokers who are thinking of quitting? There is a world of experience and advice that is yours for the taking...



    You just can not hear about how smoking is a bad ,unhealthy ,nasty habit. Is it maybe that you have no self discipline to be able to quit ? SO go hide under your blanket.

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