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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 7 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    the 10 provinces must have been sleeping; changing the channels ,such as upping technology, will only help if those systems minimize the interactions of People; corruption is in the Thai DNA

    True statement YetAnother,It is in their DNA from the time that the military and the big money people humpteen years ago  found out that by cooperating they could be in charge of LOS for "EVER" As the citizens see this trickle effect of corruption they in turn learn of no other way that there is to live .It is a wonder that there isn't a high school or university course in the basics of corruption here with an advance degree in "How to hid it from the public".




    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Thechook said:

     Photo:  Inset: Lt. Col. Santhana Prayoonrat being arrested Saturday.


    Absolutely hilarious, the crook is being arrested but still saluted.  I salute you sir for your commitment to corruption.

    Is the salute because as he was a big wig cop (that might have known a lot of corruption secrets) this will all blow over soon ?

  3. 13 hours ago, smedly said:

    Maybe they are getting confused from their old baht bus driving days 


    It's not as if these drivers are on a commission, what on earth are they thinking - stupidity beyond belief 

    I don't think that its about the money.I think that its just the Asian "Face" thing. And here in LOS it seems to stand out even more, along with the  Thai normal attitude of "Me First".

  4. Just think that a few years ago  without the media this was going on all over LOS and the neighboring countries ,Back then it would have been handled by the local village heads man or the Bib ,and they in turn fined the two men some money ( Keeping some for themselves) and confining them for a short while. The Bib in many areas  were known (from old news reports ) to hold a rape victim at the police station for a few days ,raping her themselves .

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Mansell said:

    No, sorry to burst your ThaiVisa bubble. I spent ten years in the British military from the age of fifteen to twenty five. 1959 to 1969, everywhere from the Persian Gulf to Africa to Asia to the Falklands to Borneo to the Caribbean to the Antarctic to South America and the USA. 

    The SAS guys caught in the first Gulf war divulged nothing under torture. And one of the guys was forced to eat his own shit which gave him hepatitis. He said if he came across his torturer years later in England and he knew he could get away with it, he would kill him.

    So they were all heroes right ? If you got out in 69 then you were never involved in any thing but training right? Is the UK army in the normal act of enlisting children?  read a bunch of news stories did you ? Wow.

  6. 58 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:

    The conclusion can be that working online and the work is involved that is abroad is allowed and not seen as work that need a work permit because the Thai labour law only regulates Thailand and not abroad.


    Which is logic because abroad the laws of Thailand has no jurestiction.

    Then the second question is where you have to pay the taxes that are with the work online?


    Receiving money you can still do in a Thai bank account as long as you respect the international tax agreement between the countries. And since you are not a residence you are allowed to choose where you pay. In Thailand or in the country of residence as long as Thailand has tax agreement to prevent paying double tax.


    Sounds all logic.


    Don't forget in Thailand the cops make up the laws as they go along and as long as your butt is sitting in a chair here as you are using that computer to make money anywhere ,you are under their interpretation of their idea of the law.This is not a country where right is right and the law is the law. Oh by the way ,Has anyone been issued the new "Dart board" license yet ? I need one.

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  7. 4 hours ago, trigpoint said:

    Working honestly and following all orders and regulations, that's a joke for a start, they could start by following the law like Bangkok tells them instead of making them up day to day, TM 30 scam , charging for residents certs etc etc.

    I remember years ago when the immigration was on Sathorn road down almost to the river.If you went there wearing shorts and flip flops chances are you were the last to be waited on a it could take all day. The next time I went in jeans and a golf shirt,was there about 30 minutes.

  8. 7 hours ago, Darcula said:


    Those could be trick questions, but I'm going with "all of the above".



    There is no "state coffers". It sometimes goes to the officer stopping the vehicle or the police station in the area. If you notice ,at the first and the last days of the month there are more police activity with major lane blocking ,etc.That is when apparently that the top police at the station receive their large bonuses for the month.

  9. 4 hours ago, greeneking said:

    I am convinced the economy is not doing well and businesses and the population are having a tough time.

    Right up until I see the latest government figures and I know I am wrong again. Ha ha ha.

    It would be enough to turn me to drink if it did not cost nearly twice as much as 10 years ago and the pound wasn't down so much.

    And the price of beer and whisky going up also.

  10. 15 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    When's Big Jerk going to get round to all the corrupt officials who cause 90% of the serious problems?

    Because he is one of the same as those that you are referring to. Do not forget that los is not a democracy of any shape or form and will never be .los is a military run country and the military and the elite  will continue to be above the laws of which the rest of the country must obey.

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