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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. Suggest you give up being a FoxNews foollower and get your facts from somewhere else more reliable. By the way, Russian collusion was not BS! Mueller did find evidence that the 2016 Trump Campaign did commit collusion and that Trump committed obstruction. Manafort of 2016 Trump Campaign admitted collusion with the Russians last year. Andrew Weissman: New Unredacted Memo From Trump DOJ Officials Is ‘A Doozy’ - YouTube Paul Manafort Exclusive: I Gave Trump Campaign Polling Data to Russian Associate (businessinsider.com)
  2. Fox admits that "no reasonable viewer takes Tucker Carlson seriously" yet you have used his quotes as evidence to support your post. ???? Fox Wins McDougal Case, Argues No One Takes Tucker Carlson Seriously (businessinsider.com)
  3. If anyone has noticed lately, RT's Vlad Solovyov doesn't look too healthy and has lost a lot of weight. I sometimes watch RT along with Fox and OAN for a bit of light comedy, to alleviate the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine. Possibly Nemesis is affecting his health in retribution for his immorality, maybe the fact that it has become known that his son is avoiding military service or that he is almost as popular as his boss. Possibly he is worried about assassination like falling from a window or poisoned underpants from jealousy, disgruntled viewers or Ukrainians.
  4. Lloyd's of London faces £6bn claim over planes stolen by Putin "The case – the biggest-ever insurance dispute over aviation – has been brought after more than 400 Western jets worth £8 billion were seized by Putin's government in the wake of his invasion of Ukraine last February. It is alleged the move by senior Kremlin figures was in retaliation against UK and EU sanctions". Lloyd's of London faces £6bn claim over planes stolen by Putin (msn.com)
  5. I found watching the first 2/3 of the movie hard work.
  6. Must put this on my list of movies to watch. I will watch Remains of the Day first. It's one that went under my radar. Has anyone seen this?
  8. To every cloud there is a silver lining! And for this cloud, the approval of the proposed changes would be the epilogue and therefore the end of this boring and torturous saga inflicted upon this forum. Apologies to @scorecard for butting in.
  9. The only place a 17 year old in the US Army is given a loaded gun is at the range under strict supervision.
  10. Sorry it was not evident! May I suggest it may be appropriate to change the nomenclature of this forum now that you exceeded your 250th post of your epic saga of "Taxing Forum Pensioners". I have a few new names to offer: 1) War and Peace on Forum Pensioners. 2) There's More Than One Way to Skin a Cat Forum Pensioner. 3) 50 250 Shades of Grey Taxation Posts to Flog a Forum Pensioner with and Make Him Suffer.
  11. With respect, what I stated was not ad hominem and it was not intended. It was fact with a dash of humor!
  12. Yet, BBC is not funded by the Government. "The BBC is principally funded through the licence fee paid by UK households. In 2021/22 this generated £3.8bn. In addition, the BBC's commercial operations, such as BBC Studios, provide supplementary income. In 2021/22, the BBC made £1.7bn through its commercial operations." Future funding of the BBC: Lords committee report - House of Lords Library (parliament.uk)
  13. Apparently, you have made 236 posts on this topic and most of them have been on the same one subject. Of those posts, you seem to have only offered one useful contribution of fact, to which I shall be eternally grateful. That there is a possibility of expatriate pensioners being taxed on their OAP. Once is enough! Re-iteration is unnecessary! Give it up! Talk about flogging a dead horse! The comments in my previous post stand!
  14. Your raison d'etre seems to be continually postulating hypotheticals about the OAP. Have you ever considered starting your own topic on something like UFO's? I suggest you leave this forum to those who deal in hard facts!
  15. Yet, Trump might either write his own results or get his doctor to lie for him. Donald Trump wrote own health letter, says physician Harold Bornstein - BBC News Trump’s Doctor Just Admitted He Lied to Stay “Upbeat.” He’s Still Leaving Big Questions Unanswered. – Mother Jones
  16. AFAIK, 1) The transfer/repatriation of funds from Thailand thru Bangkok Bank can be problematic and needs an International account, documentation and is only available for specific reasons. Dee Money may be a better alternative. 2) I do not have any personal experience with marriage extension so I will not comment. 3) No, getting any type of credit/debit card is not fee free. Debit cards have an up front charge and a yearly fee. Usually a non-thai getting a credit card is pointless as the required deposit must equal the credit limit as is the same procedure for debit cards
  17. Next James Bond | Who Will Be 007 After Daniel Craig? | Esquire
  18. Mothballs are evidently good for moths and larvae. It is very doubtful about the rest. The balls and fumes are toxic to humans, particularly children who may confuse them with candy. They are banned in many countries including the EU and NZ.
  19. "I'm not confusing anything"! With respect, universal compulsory super in Australia started in 1992. Could you possibly keep your version of the "facts" to yourself?
  20. So now, according to Trump, Pence is a not "P***y and Wimp" but "an honorable man". Video: Aides Say Trump Called Pence 'P-Word' and 'Wimp' on Jan. 6 Call (businessinsider.com)
  21. It's money "earned" in Australia". Yes it is. Yet the most of the payment is the person's own money and they have already paid tax on it. Most of your posts are about what you are thinking, not what will happen. Suggest, you should keep your anxious thoughts to yourself until legislation becomes law.
  22. I have always had the ability to add or delete other bank accounts but i have only tried at the same BSB. The only missing item was Gifting where I sent them a letter. If there was no facility for you to add another BSB or explanation, you should have phoned them or sent them a letter on line.
  23. If you moved the money around from bank to bank irrespective of location, there should be no change in pension. If you only removed it online from ANZ without showing a corresponding amount to another asset like a car or household goods etc, there may be issues. If no other entry it is doubtful that Centrelink would just accept your word without some evidence of what happened to the money. Valid reasons may be payment for holidays gambling fraud etc. Invalid reasons may be no reason or gifting etc. I would suggest you resolve this unless you gave your SCB account details on line too or it is only a minor amount, as penalties do exist
  24. Tip: Use the Compliments and Feedback Line and jump the queue. You will also get a senior staff member who knows what they are talking about.
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