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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. Perhaps defenestration will remedy this conflict between "birds of a feather" Vlad the war criminal and Yev, the ex thief, pimp and convict hotdog vendor.
  2. The SS-Helferin or SS female guards conscripted by the Nazis to assist in the genocide at the Holocaust extermination camps comes to mind.
  3. So its attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)? Sounded so interesting just based on its "wokeness" but the User Reviews mostly 1/10 and 2/10 canned it for me. Different strokes etc. But thanks for your review not solely based on its socio-political values.
  4. Brings back memories of 20 years ago when the ICC eventually caught and convicted Serb and Bosnian war criminals Milošević and Karadžić, who were found guilty of genocide in the Bosnian War. The ICC certainly has teeth but if the Russians never eventually give the ICC jurisdiction in Russia, the culprits will never be brought to justice unless they are apprehended in a signatory country.
  5. His poor kids! Most children want to be proud of their Dad and would want him to be someone that the community aspires to!
  6. I watched 5 minutes of EEAAO. I might have enjoyed All Quiet on the Western Front but I had just watched the original version for a second time. How did it compare to the original if you watched it? I might wait a while before I watch the new one.
  7. Oscars 2023: the full list of winners | Oscars 2023 | The Guardian Has anyone watched any of the winners or other nominations that they could recommend. I was surprised that Everything Everywhere All at Once" won best picture. Personally found it ridiculous. But different strokes etc.
  8. This film originally got under my radar and seemed to have the makings of a good movie, with good actors and ratings. I watched half of it but I found the movie bit too dark and gross to continue. If anybody managed to get to the end perhaps they could tell me if it was worthwhile and if the ending justified the time. Perfect Sense - U.S. Version | IMDb
  9. Anybody watched this yet? Its 9.1/10! Worthwhile Y/N? The Last of Us (TV Series 2023– ) - IMDb
  10. Yet, I divorced mine and had separate bedrooms coz she was a lazy b*tch.
  11. The rate of full pension is by a full asset test then an income test of financial assets. Whatever is the smallest is what you get. Financial assets are deemed. I would suggest if your assets are mainly financial, super, bank etc you may not get full pension with 500k.
  12. "if trump was elected for the second term there would be no war". Yet, last month Trump "told his supporters to start arming themselves for a civil war". "He was also the only president after 2ww, who didn't start a war". Yet in 2020, he led an insurrection and "was asking for a civil war". Donald Trump Was “a President Asking for Civil War” | The New Yorker
  13. Just bought 2022 Swift X SFX14 AMD Ryzen 5000 for AUD 680. Brilliant machine!
  14. This person has offered advice on this forum, titled Australian Aged Pension, in almost 300 posts, Yet he admits that he has no personal experience with the AAP and is now asking the audience who he is offering advice to, basic questions about the AAP! ROFL comes to mind!
  15. "He plans to be a statesman, representing interests of the USA". ROFL! Trump is only self-serving and has only ever represented his own interests! "For example impeachment case against biden will speed up that election and fundamental change of policies by any new president". ROFL! What impeachment?
  16. Asking KH a question will launch KH into another 200 plus posts of War & Peace epic proportion . Please don't feed the troll, comes to mind!
  17. Interesting video from Fox Tucket Carlson yesterday called "Here is the Truth", this follows the one reported in this forum. It shows how Tucker blatantly and obviously manipulates Garland's quote to demonstrate that Garland is a liar. If you watch video from 4.00 minutes you can see Garland talking about the number of police who died. He says "five officers died". Then Tucker says that Garland said "five officers died that day" and calls him a liar. How can anyone take this guy seriously. Even when Fox openly admits in court that "no reasonable viewer takes Tucker Carlson seriously".
  18. Interesting video on Pelvic Pain.
  19. I would have though pelvic floor dysfunction would come under the urology/gynaecology disciplines. At least my treatment with a physiotherapist in the West was.
  20. If you have already looked why are you asking about violence then?
  21. For someone who thinks he knows what really happened on January 6th perhaps you should review the charges against the "Shaman guy" before you ask questions about violence.
  22. I am paywalled here too perhaps this may help! Ukraine’s secret weapon should terrify Putin (googleusercontent.com)
  23. The answer could be that NATO is an abbreviation for North Atlantic etc.
  24. A similarity, between the fallacy pushed by Trump foollowers, that the narrative of Trump's conspiracy theories are based in reality, comes to mind!
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