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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. This may come as a surprise to some! The US and the total for rest of the world are virtual the same for support for Ukraine, based on commitment dollars. The US only ranks fifth in GDP. So the burden on the US is in fact less than some other countries. Ukraine Support Tracker | Kiel Institute (ifw-kiel.de)
  2. Trump has obviously leaked and exaggerated a possible pending arrest to muster sympathy and support from the base. The Don mafioso must think he is guilty and may soon be held accountable by his peers for this crime. He used the same playbook for the Mar-a-lago stolen document affair. His supporters seem to forget the fact that Cohen was acting on the Don's behalf when he was sentenced to three years jail during the Don's reign over the DOJ. The Don even put Cohen back in jail when he was furloughed for health reasons, to stop Cohen from incriminating him. It beggars belief that Trump claims Biden's DOJ is being weaponised for political reasons.
  3. More likely you are right! But hopefully not, broken clocks can be right twice a day! ????
  4. Maybe we will be watching the GOP squirming sooner! Breaking News! Donald Trump says he will be arrested Tuesday (nypost.com)
  5. They had nukes but gave them to Russia in 1994, after they promised that they would respect and protect Ukraine's sovereignty and borders.
  6. I suggest that the overcompensation of the tear ducts is due to the common dry eye cause, Blepharitis ie inflammation of eye lid glands, also known as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. This is a problem where the eye lid glands that normally secret lipid or oily lubrication are blocked. This can be caused by irritation from bacteria etc. Demonex a miniscule mite that infects the eyes lashes with feces etc, is common. Hygiene of eye lids is important , warm wet flannels, Q- tips etc. The wax that blocks the glands has a melting point of 42 C so warm water is key. Be careful not to burn your skin. An antibiotic can be helpful, I treated my Demodex with 0.01% hypochlorous acid and used a basic carmellose eye drop for lubrication. I found hyaluronic acid lubricants problematic as they caused me a lot of irritation and discomfort. I now only use Optimel, a Manuka eye drop once a day, its an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and a lubricant. after 5 years of trying dry eye preparations. I am surprised your doctor did not give you more assistance with your dry eye. I found most GP's don't have a slit-lamp/ biomicroscope and are unable to fully diagnose eye problems. Consulting a competent ophthalmologist is key.
  7. How do you know it's Dry Eye? There are a myriad of causes for watery eyes. And there also are a myriad of reasons and cures for dry eyes. Perhaps you need to give more information and location as well. Maybe Sheryl can recommend the names of ophthalmologists in your area. NevertheIess, I would suggest you see will need to see an ophthalmologist and not try any ad hoc cures or remedies.
  8. Yet, since the 70's, Detroit homicides, of which more than 70% were by guns, have dropped by more than 50%. I am sure registered guns or unregistered guns make little difference to the victims and their families. Crime in Detroit - Wikipedia
  9. Repatriation of money from Thailand can be problematic. Normal bank accounts in Thailand are not like other countries and don't have this facility unless you apply for an International account. Then there can still be issues unless you have a good reason for the transfer, where the money came from. and satisfactory documentary evidence. As another poster said Dee Money is the best solution. There are many who did not anticipate this problem and left Thailand during COVID 19 and still have money here.
  10. Yet, the OP said.... "Which is why the little-lad in me would just like to sign up for a new ........... sedan in candy-apple red and hope the wife just forgets about driving altogether!" I thought this car would appeal to his "little-lad" specifications.
  11. As one poster responded to you " You need to look at the facts". Bias is not necessarily my prime concern but facts are. Al Jazzeera Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: Qatar Press Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM Media Type: TV Station Traffic/Popularity: High TrafficMBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY Al Jazeera - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) My go to News Service is the PBS, the most trusted in USA. But if one is a discerning critical thinker a mixed range is fine. I even watch Fox as you admitted on occasions. But mainly for entertainment. PBS NewsHour Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH Country: USA Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: TV Station Traffic/Popularity: High TrafficMBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY PBS NewsHour - Media Bias/Fact Check (mediabiasfactcheck.com) As for others recognising propaganda, I think their actions are the best judge.
  12. Apologies to all, I erroneously thought BIOS boot speed and computer boot speed were the same. hard drive - The difference between BIOS time and boot time? - Super User
  13. Only 230 km/h, it has a speed limiter on it for your safety. A Thai biker was able to do 264 km/h on an Issan road, the Phetchabun Bypass a few years. Though sadly he did lose control and hit an obstacle due to roadworks. But evidently the road is four lanes now.
  14. You have already stated your operating system. I was asking about your computer hardware system which would give you a boot time of 3.4 sec
  15. I would suggest Bill Gate's greatest accomplishment is his Foundation where he donated $5 Billion just last year. He also has pledged to eventually give it most of his existing over $100 Billion fortune. His Foundation has helped saved millions of lives.
  16. Your Welcome. System?
  17. Ctr+Alt+Del. Start up Apps TAB . Top of Page has last BIOS time in secs.
  18. This Yaris GR is 261HP. Reviews puts this spec car 0-100km/h at 5.3 seconds. They are available in Bangkok but only downside is the price ie 3.5 M baht.
  19. My new low spec laptop takes 6.1 secs, big difference than my old crappier one with win10. What is your boot time? Task Mgr keeps a record. How many seconds is yours?
  20. Succession has 8.8/10 rating. I might start watching it too, thanks! I hope its not another Dallas ???? Any reviews on it from this audience?
  21. I lived in Issan on a farm and found the Toyota Hilux ideal. Then moved to urban Phuket and though prone to flooding I found the std Corolla Sedan a better option for the better half for parking etc. Then back to a farm but in the wettest southern province and the Corolla with its low clearance was problematic not only for flooding but bad roads. So the moral of the story it that buy a car to best cover all of your most likely location and requirements, if you can find one! The Honda WR-V seems good on paper in a lot of aspects but I find functionality and practicality is more important to me. Pointless having a beautiful ideal car sitting under repair in the garage all day. The Corolla Cross's ground clearance specs seem to change depending on what country you are in, possibly due the availability of different wheel sizes. I could not find a definite height for Thailand.
  22. Yes, past years, it has been opened to full and mixed Thai children. The Thai daughter of my ex Thai partner, lived with us during her formative years where we mainly spoke English. And we regularly watched UK TV including CBeebies , now she is fluent in both English and Thai. A couple of years ago she she was runner up in her province's English competition, to a boy with red hair obviously of mixed parents. But this year, she also won a National English competition but would not be happy with the notoriety, if it was publicised outside of school circles.
  23. Children of mixed families in Thailand with fluency in English and Thai certainly have an advantage in a country where fluency in English is rare.
  24. Windows 11 came on my new Ryzen 5000 Acer Swift X. I am amazed at its functionality, especially the AI. The only issue I have so far past 3 months is that I get the black screen of death with an auto restart about once a week. It only last a few seconds. I think there may be some software compatibility issues which should eventually sort itself out with updates.
  25. I found Toyota in Issan had the best dealer network. Others including Honda not so good. Personally I would look at the slightly larger and more expensive Toyota Corolla Cross than a small hatch as it has a ground clearance comparable with the Honda WR-V. The Yaris even the Yaris Cross, now unavailable, has a limited ground clearance. The Honda WR-V was only launched here last few days so availability might be problematic.
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