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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Its nothing new to be honest. I don't know what it is with Thai governments - they construct rules and regulations but they either don't issue them clearly to all departments or they allow regional 'warlords' to interpret the rules as they see fit. The result of that is often mayhem and in some circumstances it sets the scene for a few 'brown envlopes' to be requested.
  2. Mine covers me for accommodation up to £2000 if I'm instructed to quarantine. I don't think they discriminate between a hotel or a hospital but clearly the latter will use up that £2000 at a much higher rate of knotts.
  3. The information below would fit with several threads running at the moment - I'll leave it to the mods as to where it should go. I've seen several posts regarding entry to Thailand and Thailand Pass that mention an ATK test on day 6 or 7. I've even seen a booking confirmation for a 1 night stay under 'Test & Go' that says the Antigen Test Kit will be supplied. To the best of my knowledge you do not need an ATK if you are entering under Test & Go - once your negative RT-PCT result arrives, you are free to go with no further restrictions. ATK is for Sandbox entries. If you read this, its quite clear: 3. I will be responsible for all relevant costs associated with COVID-19 diagnostic tests by RT-PCR technique at locations designated by the Thai Government. I shall undertake the first test upon my arrival in Thailand and should I stay in the Sandbox Programme for 7 days, I shall undertake a second test during the 6th-7th day or as required or deemed necessary by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand. 4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme: 4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day. 4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand. https://tp.consular.go.th/en/policy But this (which I believe to be incorrect) from: https://thaiembdc.org/2021/10/21/enterthailandafter1nov/ contradicts the above (bottom section under exemption from quarantine).
  4. Well I'll give it a go regarding the insurance but I still find it difficult to believe that they've employed such technology yet limited it to png/jpeg formats. My vaccine certificates, hotel booking and insurance policy (55 pages approx) are all in PDF format so I have to scan them all in and save as jpegs. The insurance pages will, I believe, have to be merged (free online program) in order to be able to send enough. So, loads of mucking about and this is just the paperwork - all the above items had to be obtained - and they want tourists? Not a hope - just us mugs that have no choice.
  5. Only those resident in the UK. £15 million medical cover.
  6. Sorry I don't buy it. All insurance policies are written differently - mine has very little detail in the schedule. To get all the information they need I would have to send at least 5 pages. I've attached the schedule. Knowing Thailand as I do, I very much doubt they are using the technology you refer to - they just don't do that. Nor do I think it could cope with such requirements/varied potential responses. I'd be very happy to be wrong.
  7. I would also like to know about UK vaccine documents. The NHS App and downloads put dose 1 and dose 2 together, side by side and each has its own QR code. Do I need to separate them?
  8. If that is true all I have to do is type out a form that says Mr. XXXX XXXXX has health insurance for $50,000 US which covers Covid 19. Another fake booking letter from my AQ hotel and I'm good to go..............................right? Naaaa.
  9. Precisely - all this talk of automation is rubbish unless they are simply relying on the vaccine certificates and ignoring everything else.
  10. And insurance? And how do you know it extracted your passport number and date of birth? It could simply recognise that a file has been uploaded.
  11. Does anyone know if any of the 'improvements' they've made allow PDF documents to be uploaded now?
  12. How can that be? You are placing to much weight on the vaccine part. How does a computer program read a confirmation of booking from a hotel and the insurance documents? Despite what they claim it has to be manual - either that or they are ignoring everything except the vaccine certificate.
  13. Rot! Until there is an internationally agreed standard it is incumbent upon a country to state exactly what they will and will not accept in terms of proof of vaccination. In doing so they would be wise, if they want tourists, to check what is available and from where. I've seen a few Thai vaccine certificates and none of them have a QR code. If and when an international standard is agreed it may or may not include a QR code, we don't know yet.
  14. More than involved. They dealt with COE's at the beginning - then their bosses at the MFA thought they could do a better job but kicked it back to the embassies and consulates after just a few weeks.
  15. Not that I think the 1 night quarantine is necessary but when the range starts at 3900 baht, the hotels are not necessarily expensive. My wife's RT-PCR test from the Bangkok Hospital in Korat cost 4000 baht and a taxi from the airport to central Bangkok is a minimum of 250 baht.
  16. An automated process that can read insurance documents? Well I'll be damned, what a breakthrough in technology.
  17. 1. Calling people out on spelling or grammar on this forum is not allowed. However, disregarding the spelling mistake, in the UK both 'Programmer' and 'Program Writer' are acceptable terms for the profession. It would appear that I'm not alone in being 'clueless' - welcome to the club. What is a program writer? A program writer, or programmer, is a technical specialist who writes the code for software and computer applications. They combine skills from programming and technical writing to complete projects involving both the coding and documentation processes in software development. Program writers are essential to quality assurance procedures, as they monitor computer programming and code writing to ensure completed products are free of errors. Because of the specialized nature of program writing, these professionals often have backgrounds in information technology, computer science and computer programming. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-program-writer 2. Plenty of websites employ systems that allow uploads of documents and photos, I don't believe its particularly complicated. 3. I am not allowed to say what you appear to be. On computer software, I am 'clueless' as you put if you hadn't been in such a rush to try and put me down and appear superior, you might have noticed this in my post: 'but I'm damned sure those who are will tell you there's nothing difficult about creating a website that allows documents/photos to be uploaded'
  18. Can you advise how many documents/photos you were allowed to upload for each section? I'm going to struggle with the insurance section (or have to learn how to use a 'merge' programme) if I'm only allowed one.
  19. Brand new process my a$$. I'm no programme writer but I'm damned sure those who are will tell you there's nothing difficult about creating a website that allows documents/photos to be uploaded - we do it on Asean Now every day. You also seem to forget they've had plenty of experience through the previous system - COE. My bet is that the website was created on the cheap - probably by somebody's brother in law who 'knows about computers'.
  20. Jeez, I woud have thought a man in his position would know the rules. There is no quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers - they just have to wait one night ????????????.
  21. Mistake Mods - when you need to delete a post, how do you delete any images? I've deleted the image below several times but it stays in 'Uploaded Images' at the bottom and re-appears when I click 'Save' Edit: Now its gone - magic!
  22. That's precisely what I mean - if you arrive without the required documentation, the airline hasn't checked it properly so they'd have to foot the bill for your return flight. I believe that's how it works currently regarding visas - arilines are fined/poy the cost or both.
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