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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Thai mother-in-law had Parkinson's Disease amongst other conditions such as one kidney. Managed very well IMHO. Her medications continuously reviewed and tweaked. She went into general decline at 76 and didn't look good at all. The end came just weeks later from an accidental head injury.
  2. Don't know about their air conditioners but their washing machines were first class. At least they were when we sold them at the Electricity Board during the 1980's!
  3. My Thai nephew volunteered the year before last. His job in Japan came to an end because he wasn't able to pass the next level of Japanese language required. He served 12 months at the 23rd Military Circle base which houses a military court. He said he enjoyed it but not enough to enlist as a regular.
  4. Interesting thank you! Am I correct in thinking that your installer is not 'approved' by PEA but, in view of the upcoming changes already mentioned in this thread, can ensure that your system is acceptable to the PEA and thus qualifies for FIT payments? Their fee for this service being 20,000 baht?
  5. With mine it began at age 43 with the greatest numbers going between 57 and 60.
  6. As electricity becomes free for some (after initial outlay) demand will increase. Air conditioners are becoming cheaper, therefore more numerous and run for longer or even continuously. Then there is charging of electric vehicles. How quickly will battery technology develop? Tidal, geo-thermal and even wind turbines would be the ideal to cover the hours of darkness, but at what cost?
  7. Similar happened to me last year. However, it was using my stored UK credit card on AliExpress. A test purchase for only six USD was made and the item delivered to an address in Moldova. I was too slow to stop this but thereafter cancelled my UK credit card and received reimbursement from my bank. It was afterwards entertaining watching the hackers load up the cart with selected items but being unable to pay. Fortunately, I only ever used/saved that one card.
  8. I bought a shop-sized 'IceKool' evaporation cooler. It was 17,000 baht but spoke to the shop manager who accepted 15,000. Fill it with a hose pipe. Only use it outside because of the noise. Definitely effective.
  9. So do I. It's effective enough in the cooler hot weather! Unfortunately, my Mrs usually checks the settings. She doesn't understand how dry = cooling/comfort. She always resets the mode to cool and also lowers the temperature setting by a few degrees for good measure. Need to find a way to disguise the real settings. Is there such thing as a 'deceptive' remote?
  10. Many thanks! Stepdaughter used her iPad to set up an Apple ID for her Mum.
  11. I have a similar Aconatic and also 7,000 btu Portable Air Conditioner. Works well; https://www.powerbuy.co.th/en/product/aconatic-แอร์เคลื่อนที่-aconatic-anpac07la-229147
  12. For comparison (and possibly information purposes), today my Mrs bought a used iPhone 8 Plus from her friend who owns a mobile 'phone shop. She paid 10,000 baht. She doesn't understand about back-ups or clouds. I'm not permitted to touch her 'phones. The shop transferred everything across from her old 'phone for no extra charge. At home my stepdaughter was helping her set up an Apple ID. The 'phone objected saying; 'Too many Apple ID's created'. Both Mum and daughter looked at me. I said I didn't understand and left it with them!
  13. I have bought various misting fans, evaporator/swamp coolers. They do cool but not a substitute for air conditioning. However, in situations where you cannot close doors and windows (such as a shop with open roller shutters) they offer some relief. http://www.icekooler.com/products
  14. Another (more obvious) trick is the brand name; 'Panusonic'.
  15. His real advantage is in the extra exercise.
  16. In other words, the customer had been completely honest and disclosed everything upon his application. The insurance company didn't state there were any exclusions until he suffered illness and made a claim?
  17. Learning something here. I suggested to the Mrs setting the timer on our newish aircon units so that the temperature is more pleasant when we arrive home each day around 10pm from our shop. Mrs didn't know there was a timer incorporated. Never used the function so didn't know it was 'once only'. I understand that it is possible to turn things on/off remotely using your mobile 'phone. Have been advised that the technology is very expensive so never pursued this.
  18. Talking about Thailand in general, I miss the cafe's in Spain and Portugal. When it's 40C degrees it's great to be able to sit in comfort and choose from a selection of draught lagers anytime between 6am and midnight (or later). Cheese and ham tostie always goes down well with it!
  19. Thanks for the info. I had these taken last July but didn't understand the importance. TG was abnormal, HDL normal. Just calculated the ratio now at; 1.50.
  20. Totally agree. I'm same age and also retired but the last time I excercised was at school sports day 1970. I hated it. Physical activity doesn't agree with me! Mrs complains that all I do is sit in a chair all day drinking tea/coffee and munching biscuits. I explain that's what I've always done and will continue. Whilst my vitals remain excellent and doctors say; 'You're healthier than I am' I can't see any problem. Unfortunately, I had an uncle who dropped dead twenty minutes after passing his Army medical. My Mother died from cancer 4 weeks after a medical assessment unit gave her the all clear. Vital signs may be an indication of general state of health but don't always reveal life threatening conditions IMHO.
  21. Incredible! Did they say why injury caused by slipping in the shower in your hotel wasn't covered?
  22. My Mrs thanks me for not being an alcoholic. There's time yet!
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