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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Agree! Thai police have been very fair in my experience. My Thai neice (car driver) collided with a Thai girl (moto rider). Neither had driving/riding licences or insurance. The girl moto rider was actually at fault by undertaking whilst my neice was making a left turn. The girl sustained cuts and bruises only. Policeman was a family friend but he nevertheless applied the 'most valuable vehicle pays rationale'. My neice was ordered to pay for moto repairs plus compensation for injuries. Surprisingly, the injured girl only asked for 1,000 baht. We never saw any hospital bill so assume the Thai NHS picked up the tab for the girl's A & E admission and examination, X-ray etc.
  2. This is on VietJet website, unfortunately in Thai; https://www.moicovid.com/ข้อมูลสำคัญ-จังหวัด/
  3. Thanks for this. Valuable information for others! I understood that hospital treatment for injuries arising from RTA's (Road Traffic Accidents) is billed to the patient as it should be covered by motor insurance/police order. Did you have sight of any such bill for the older man's treatment? Sounds as if your insurance rep wouldn't have agreed for it to be paid out of your policy. Possibly the Thai National Health Service footed the bill in the end?
  4. Try a different dentist. A General dentist told me filling was not possible, only options were extraction or root canal, post and crown (estimated 14,000 baht). She didn't do root canals so referred me to a specialist friend in the next town. He decided a filling was possible and that was what I had, total cost 1,200 baht.
  5. Has to be simplified. For example, any vaccine, in any combo, wherever manufactured and wherever administered is acceptable providing you have received two jabs within the previous 12 months. The original concept of 'one of three' to avoid quarantine i.e. vaccinated, negative test or had it and recovered within the last 90 days sounded just too good to be true!
  6. Something has to be rationalised. Boosters have to be recognised as vaccinations even though not part of a 'set' of two within the prescribed timescale.
  7. Same true for dentistry I understand. We (Brits) have a set maximum charge of £282.80 GBP for dental treatment performed under our NHS. I believe the costs can be several thousand dollars in the USA. Opinion is often given based on our most recent contact/treatment only.
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