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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Sympathise with you. Only six months after our (my wife's) house was built our monthly water bills went from 300/400 baht to 3,000. Plumber took a look, muttered something like 'slab leak', said he'd be back but never returned. Got another plumber to cut off the existing pipe at the water meter and reinstall eveything. Pipes now run on surface both inside and out. Avoids any possibility of repetition I suppose. Niece complains that her shower is now too hot though!
  2. Apparently (as someone mentioned above) it was a 'static line' jump and the line broke, thus their main parachutes failed to open. Maybe they didn't receive any/adequate training in what to do in such a scenario? I don't know either!
  3. Thanks for getting back to us with the solution. Has helped me!
  4. Exactly! Anyone who's been in the 'forces' understands the obsession with 'getting your book signed off'. There is constant pressure to compete, complete and conform. If the officer is (or intends to be) a SOCO (for example) or even totally desk bound they shouldn't be exposed to that culture.
  5. What on earth are they doing forcing a police recruit to make a parachute jump? My stepdaughter recently successfully completed the five year university police entrance course. Hate to think she'll be required to jump?
  6. If it's any help, I tried to change my Thai mobile number to a United Kingdom mobile. Tried all the permutations but every time I get the message 'Invalid phone number'.
  7. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fvets.2020.570504/full This is interesting. Plenty more if anyone cares to search themselves.
  8. My local newsagent in U.K. changed hands. The incoming proprietor was previously an office worker, it was his wife who wanted to own a retail business. He told me stock was disappearing right, left and centre. He invested in CCTV and was horrified to learn that, in his own words; ‘Everyone steals from my shop; male, female, singles, couples, young and old’. Sad but many people seem to enjoy getting something for nothing and don’t care who it affects.
  9. Neighbour got it, his son who lives with him also. Both had very mild symptoms. Elderly bedridden Mum in living room whom they both 'attend to' remains negative. All three have had 3 shots each. As you say, why worry?
  10. Thanks! Some reading for me to do! On the subject of profiles (albeit virtual ones), I signed up with 'VYKE' the other day. Apparently, receiving SMS is the unreliable aspect of VOIP services. There are some positive and also very negative reviews about this company. However, I invested $15.99 USD to rent a virtual mobile number for 12 months from them. So far, it works perfectly. They offer virtual mobile numbers for Canada, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Poland and United States. You don't get to choose your number though, you get what you're given!
  11. Good advice. Last time I rang Customer Services (a year ago), Santander Bank told me they have no issues in sending cards to Thailand. Halifax Bank told me they will not. However, although Halifax intercept and destroy my renewed Debit cards, renewed Credit cards get through.
  12. Many thanks for taking the trouble of clarifying. I was incorrectly thinking of 'bundled services' i.e. that connections/payments to mobile phone companies could all be handled through ESIM service providers who would negotiate special rates for their customers. Thanks to you I now understand that ESIM providers only enable you to connect to your existing companies without need of physical SIM cards.
  13. 100% agree! My niece lost part of one foot aged 15 when she collided with a lamp post. A friend's teenage daughter had half of her brain removed. She was only 'going around the corner'. Now all she can do is sit in a wheelchair. No recognition or communication. I would add parachute jumping to your list. Was discussing with a friend the chances of main 'chute failing to open and reserve tangling. He insisted the odds were many millions to one. A few days later a 17 year old in USA was making her first jump (strapped to her instructor of course). You can guess what happened.
  14. A basic mobile phone user looking for simple explanations and advice please. I need a new phone. Become aware there are such things as E SIM phones. Does this mean we can forget about obtaining, installing, activating, maintaining credit balances and performing chargeable 'events' to keep our various SIM cards active? The concept of single, double or triple SIM card slots becomes redundant? Bands and frequencies are now irrelevant? No such thing as roaming now?
  15. I'm agreeing that it's unacceptable. Ignorned communications, no-one in this office you can speak to, use that 'phone on the wall is a cost cutting measure and very poor customer service.
  16. What would you suggest? Maybe fly Bangkok to Eire and enter U.K. via 'Common Travel Area?'
  17. Asking for a friend; The gentleman has a debt in U.K. that was progressed to a ‘means enquiry hearing’ in a Magistrates’ Court. Being in Thailand my friend didn’t attend his hearing and a warrant of apprehension with bail was issued. I understand that U.K. ‘Border Force’ have no access to arrest warrants so he will be OK upon arriving at a U.K. airport. My question; could this matter affect applications for Visa’s that require a Criminal Record check?
  18. Totally correct. By the time I got out of the Embassy I'd had enough. Found an agent literally around the corner from the (old) British Embassy who charged 3,000 baht. Well worth the fee.
  19. I'm in the same position. Understand all you need is 30 days cover to reenter Thailand. Can tell the insurance company anything to get the lowest price but you have to accept that you could never make a claim.
  20. Thanks for the info. Always good to know what's available. Booking directly with the airline gives peace of mind.
  21. Most reassuring. Thanks for taking the time to post!
  22. An especially dangerous trick is by those who refuse to join the queue to make a U-Turn. They hit their brakes whilst in the right hand lane then stop alongside you thus blocking your view of the oncoming traffic. Definitely need prosecuting!
  23. Received Sinovac then AZ. Mrs and my niece had same. All three of us noticed headaches following the AZ. For boosters we were offered a choice of AZ, Pfizer or Moderna. Mrs asked the doctor what he would choose. He recommended AZ as booster. Strangely, none of us had a headache after our AZ boosters.
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