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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Started with their top package yrs ago  ,as it got worse i downgraded ,to be honest they are rubbish,i now use 3bb for internet with their tv package,about 1100 baht a month ,much much better. Also on here someone posted a hack where you can download different channels free.

    Yes i used the hack on u tube ,downloaded al jazeera and a few other things , i agree with you true visions once was very good ,now its <deleted> ,just like thier service .

  2. The wife and i were talking about missing England ,she lived there with me for nearly 10 yrs and our son went to junior school until he was 12.

    we tend to miss it when we are watching a tv prog and some lovely countryside comes on ,she loved going out into the country for a pub lunch and a walkabout ,

    but do i miss it enough to want to go back ,no.


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  3. 17 minutes ago, pagallim said:

    Ordered a small item from Amazon US last Sunday, received here in Phuket on Friday.


    Last month, a friend sent another small parcel to me from UK, took 9 or 10 days.

    Normally thats about right ,but i reckon my parcel was caught up in the covid scare at Suvarnhabum and was there while they were cleaning etc ,then just got caught up in backlog ,while newer stuff just went straight through ,anyway its on its way now,

  4. 20 hours ago, Kanada said:

    Really.....that’s just a foolish and unthinking remark...don’t you think?

    There were gays and transsexuals in your day too but they were afraid to identify themselves....maybe because of guys just like you????

    two of my cousins were gay ,it was not that they were afraid to identify themselves ,everyone knew ,even our Grandad ,had an idea , it was just they did not flaunt it all over the place ,wave rainbow flags ,start kissing their partner in public ,and demand to get married and foster children ect ect ect . .

    they just got on with their lives like the rest of us . just like my female cousin does now with her partner .

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Ladidaa said:

    You started the thread, bravo bravo bravo

    What have you learned so far? 

    That many people believe and many people dont ,so nothing new there ,mind you i wish i truly believed ,and that i would go to heaven and see all my relatives when i die  ,mind you would be a problem when the wife and the ex wives die ,

    all through time people have believed that there was a GoD OR GODS , NOTHING HAS CHANGED MY MIND ,I STILL DONT BELIEVE ,.



  6. Well i am not bored , i started this thread thinking that it may run to a few pages ,and that the original inventors of God ,the Jews would fight it out with ,the Christians , and the Muslims ,who we must say took a hell of a time to latch onto him , But they really do seem to have taken lots of bits out of both Christianity and Judaism and made it into Islam ,  dont you agree ? i mean you only have to look at the Nuns and you see where they got the Burkha from .

    anyway carry on boys .

  7. Today i had my appointment with the heart doc at Chonburi hospital ,all ok pleased to say ,did ask about the covid jab and he said cant register yet ,so tomorrow off to Bangkok Pattaya see what they are saying ,

    one thing ,i had 3 months supply of my meds plus hospital fee (50baht) 8 different  meds  ,1700 baht in all ,last week as i was worried that 3 of my meds were getting low i got a weeks supply of the 3 from the chemist 297 baht .  

    god knows what 3 months supply of all of them would have cost.

  8. 1 hour ago, HarrySeaman said:

    3000 Bt pre-vaccination Covid-19 testing, 3000 Bt for two shots of the vaccine, 1000 Bt hospital facilities charge/visit, 1000 Bt nursing fee/visit, 1000 Bt doctors fee/visit, etc., etc., etc.


    Call me a cynic but I have been visiting and living here for over 20 years and have always felt that the government only cared about me as an ATM, never about me as a person.  Twenty years ago Thai hospitals were good and charged foreigners about the same as Thais.  Now they are just as bad as the government, all they are interested in is money, money, money.  They remind me more and more of the hospitals in the US.

    You say that but i have been in Chonburi heart hospital twice in the last 7 months ,i was treated very very well ,the charges for two 3 day stays were quite small ,my angiogram was only 15k ,my meds very cheap by outside standards and the doctors very good , i am well pleased with the treatment i have had in that hospital and indeed Queen Sirakit for my cataract . mind you private hospital charges are through the roof ,53k for one night in a private room ,

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