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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 21 hours ago, Surelynot said:


    IF i was a single guy living out my days here i would agree,but if your like me with a wife and a son living here ,who earns a very very good salary for a Thai ,buy and although our house is on a mortgage(son and wife) it pays to buy and leave it for them when you go to meet the sky fairy.

    also we got our house at a very good price.it is now worth a couple million more than i got it for.

    horses for courses

    ps ,the mortgage payments are less than the rent would be ,mind you all expenses must be paid by us now ,not the previous owner.

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  2. On 2/12/2021 at 9:15 AM, Will27 said:

    I agree.


    It's probably a legal requirement or something along the lines of natural justice, but surely the cops could just ask if they're going to answer no comment to every question and just wrap it up.

    they do ,after saying "no comment" or  times ,they ask if that is what you are going to say all the way through the interview ,,they then stop the interview.  please  dont ask how i know. 

    ps ,just started watching an old series (new series of it starting) called Ozark ,really enjoying it.

  3. 3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Nearest towns to me are either Sawang Daen Din or Ban Dung between Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon, both the big cities are an hour out.


    I will take up your advice and see if I can make the switch after I email my Cardiologist to the brands you suggest above.


    The chemist I went to in Sawang Daen Din is big and that's what the staff told me, will get the wife to also go with me on Monday as I found that to be pretty crazy, however I would think most Thai's who need such meds get them from the government hospital.

    as do many of us falangs ,very cheap from my hospital 

    • Confused 1
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  4. Our sons girlfriends father was having stomach pains just over a week ago ,he was diagnosed with a stomach cancer ,taken into Chonburi hospital (they live in the area) had an operation next day ,he is in hospital now ,i know he is on the 30baht scheme ,sorry thats all i can tell you.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, greenmonkey said:

    If my wife had been there she would have screamed the place down.... just 6 months ago they tried to fine me 2k for not being able to provide a piece of paperwork (i forget what for), my wife looked her in the eye and mentioned reporting her to the police for corruption and she got quite flustered and magically the 2k was all forgotten.


    Don't pay the bribe. Next time you are in there to do the extension have your phone out and record the whole thing. If he mentions the 20k you got him by the balls.

    In 15 years i have never been asked for a bribe here in Pattaya,mind you if either my son or my wife had been there if i had been ,there would have been holy hell .mind you i am talking big money ,in a certain dept we were asked for 500 baht donation ,and that was handed over ,it was not at immigration though.

    • Like 1
  6. 51 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    None of those charges involve an imported device. There is always a separate charge for the stent device itself.

    correct i did not have a stent fitted ,but at Chonburi hospital the cost for one is 35k ,that is what i was quoted by the doctor and by the office ,this is all i can say ,every other quote i had or charge was as stated ,the fact i included Samitivit was just to show how expensive private hospitals are .

    As i said the charge for my angiogram ,3 nights in hospital all other costs at Chonburi was 29k ,a stent was 35 k extra,if i had had one. i wish i had kept the quote and i could have posted it on here , one other thing that really did suprise me was that when my son went to pay the 29 k he was asked if we were paying it all now or some later , i know i am on their books but it really did come as a shock that a falang would be given time to pay>

  7. 12 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    Are you absolutely sure that included the cost of the device as well as of the surgery? Because 35k sounds like the right price for just the surgery.


    the device itslef costs far more and is additional to the cost of the operation.

    Hi Sheryl

    i do realize that you are extremly knowlidgable regarding medical things ,but i can assure you 110% that the prices i have quoted are correct ,my son and i were told the cost of everything ,before i had the angiogram ,it was even written down at the time ,as you see i had the angiogram 15k the cost i was quoted ,but was not suitable for the stent or balloon angioplasty, one thing our son was told one price for all ,no extra for me .,i can only tell you what i have been charged the three times i have been in Chonburi hospital and the times that i have seen the heart doctor ,compare this with one night in Samitivit hospital where i had an x ray and a scan 52k  that is almost as much as everything i have had done at Chonburi.that is 9 nights in all in hospital,one angiogram ,2 x rays a scan an angioplasty ,5 months meds(6 different ones) 3 meetings with heart doc use of oxygen once etc

    But then at Samitivit i was charged 27 baht for one 81mg asprin ,also when i left in the morning ,everything in my room ,including stuff ,like soap ,toothbrush ,etc etc which i had not opened were all bagged up and charged to my bill and given to me in a bag . oh yes i was even charged for a pair of slippers that i had not seen or used ,lol

  8. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    I'm pretty sure stent would be more than 35k extra. They are imported and expensive devices.

    no the doctor quoted me the price a stent is 35k ,I dont know anyone else who has used the hospital ,but the prices i am charged are very reasonable, the other day i was only charged a few hundred baht for seeing the heart doctor ,  there are very few falangs who go there ,but the doctors are from the major hospitals .i cant praise the service  enough ,

    my son and wife accompany me ,they are quite articulate and help greatly ,

  9. 8 hours ago, MyThaiYou said:


    Just as a follow up - I did see Dr Taworn and he was most helpful.  Very clear to understand and precise in his prognosis.  A pleasure to deal with.  I did have the angioplasty (1 stent needed) at Bangkok Christian Hospital. Everyone was kind and helpful although it does help to speak some Thai.  Total cost including balloon, stent and 1 night in ICU was 170,000 THB approx. 100,000 THB cheaper than Bangkok Hospital on Sukumvit.  


    glad it all went well ,I did not get a stent fitted at Chonburi heart hospital and i spent 3 nights there although only one full day in icu but the total bill including the angioplasty was just under 25k ,if a stent had been put in i believe it was approx 35k extra, i can only say about Chonburi ,but i have had very good service there ,at the moment the doc has signed me off for 3 months ,unless i need to go back ,3 months meds (6sorts) 1590 baht,far less than even the cheapest pharmacy  ie Farcino in Pattaya.

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  10. 52 minutes ago, simon43 said:


    At age 65 in Thailand with BPH, I don't expect to make 70....



    Well, BPH isn't prostate cancer, so I'm not sure why you are so pessimistic about your lifespan.  I also have BPH (so many men do!).  It can take 15 minutes to wee in the morning in little dribbles!  But I take no medication at all, preferring to follow a healthy diet and exercise.  My BPH was first noticed by my doctor some 15 years ago and my lifestyle keeps it 'at bay' - it certainly doesn't interfere greatly with my day-to-day living.


    yes i had it diagnosed 20 yrs ago , hardly any difference now than then(i did lose weight) always pee quite slowly but only takes a minute or two,also these days i take a diuretic for heart problems . so pee quite often .

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