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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 8 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I was prescribed omeprazole by a doctor and it worked but caused nasty side effects so I want to switch to an alternative PPI. The only ones I've seen are 800+ baht for 14 compared to about 40 baht for the omeprazole. Are there any other cheap generic PPIs available in Thailand?

    I'm not looking for general medical advice or "natural" alternatives.

    i take them ,what are the side effects you get?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Post a letter ????

    Thai citizens get into National parks at a reduced rate, so this non-Thai ID has no real value. Better just to speak Thai and they'll usually let you in cheap.

    I suspect that you are NOT entitled to a free flu jab but somehow cheated the system.

    not so ,i was offered a free flu jab last year at Sri Racha govt hospital , told that so many hundred were free ,i paid so that a Thai with less money could have one . 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    What’s the point in being rude to someone because you haven’t bothered to check first?

    I’ve done all of the above except the National Park which I haven’t tried. There... I’ve told you. If you’d check through other threads I’ve  responded to, you’d have seen plenty of examples I’ve given.

    At the national park here in Chonburi ,they let my family who were on holiday in for Thai price as well ,as they were with my wife and i .

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  4. The main problem is that todays youth and those older have never really had any hardships ,no wars ,no shortages ,even if your out of work you get money and a place to live ,so add to that social media and you have a society that has to find something to be offended by,its the woke society ,when and if there is a real disaster in the world(no not covid)that makeslife really hard for them ,wokism would be the first to go.

    also countrys in the west especially are not made up of "native people" but people from all around the world,all being taught different values .

    to be blunt the world is going to hell in a handcart ,when i was born there were 3 billion of us ,now 7 billion by 2050 12 billion ,glad i was born when i was 


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  5. 29 minutes ago, gamini said:

    Absolutely essential if you use government hospitals. If you don't have 

    a p[nk ID you might have to wait an hour or two while they  get somebody to translate the required information from your passport or whatever else you use before they  issue a hospital card. Which is now only valid for one day. I have had to attend a government clinic every day for a wound treatment and each time they insisted on the pink card.

     i seem to get Thai price as well ,so its been good for me . 

    • Sad 1
  6. 15 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    is she Chinese too? 

    no ,but funnily enough two of her sisters are married to Chinese Thai ,one lives with her Chinese  Thai English husband in the UK and the other is quite rich and lives in BKK.The two sisters made a good choice ,the wife got me lol.

  7. Every time i read posts like this ,i thank goodness that i was lucky enough to meet my wife who was in business as are her family and they are all decent middle class Thais ,who treat me so well and i think the world of them, 

    Ps for 25 years ever since he was about 15 her youngest brother has always been broke and begs off us all ,mind you he is a nice guy ,just useless in business. ????

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    • Confused 1
  8. 10 hours ago, nglodnig said:

    Don't know if anyone else has answered, yes there is no "inheritance" AFAIK my British/Thai wife has got contributions from receiving child benefit for at least ten years in the UK so she gets a pension in her own right. Without that I don't think she would have got anything....

    my Thai wife has an NI no as well we claimed child benifit while in England ,is she entitled eventualy.?

  9. 16 minutes ago, cauldlad said:

    All I am saying is the claims are fraudulent whether they are caught or not.


    By the way I agree they have earned it and it should not matter which country you decide to retire to.

    lets face it ,this law was brought out when the only people who went to live abroad were rich ,unlike todays pensioners ,mainly from Britain who get the lowest of pensions going .

    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, cauldlad said:

    Justifying fraudulent claims are you?

    if they paid in all their lives they earned it ,by the way check google and see how many pensioners have been done for fraud for claiming rises ,if you can find even one ,let us know ,

    psi i dont mean those claiming the social ,i know one who was caught doing that ,nothing was done even to him except take away some of his payments.a few months later he was back over here for 3 months.

  11. 5 hours ago, rocky123 said:

    SO...the story so far. .. I Rang Ford, on the Suk op macro, to book a service for my Fiesta. Passed to 3 thai speaking staff, then left with music for 5 min. I hung up and asked the mrs to book the service.

    Booked in 8.30 today. Went back latter to check them, and was told it would cost 25,000 + !!

    Nobody spoke English so called the mrs to come down. They wanted 11,000 to change the window rubbers, 2,400 for new window wipers, 2,800 for oil change +++ I cancelled it all and am now waiting for them to put back all the interior door panels, they took off for some reason.

    When I asked why they did not quote for the cam belt change (cars done 85000kl ) They just looked puzzled !!!. So still need a service  !!! FUMING !!!

    2500 for oil change ,god almighty ,my mechanic charges 700 baht for a 6000 km service ,(i supply the oils) and he picks it up and delivers it back. never been let down .

  12. 1 hour ago, madmen said:

    Farang are soft because they have convinced themselves after reading countless other posts of men who have convinced themselves all Thai woman are amazing partners.

    Aparantly communicating in part sign language part pidgeon English is the key to happiness. 

    there is an answer to that ,and its marry a well educated woman ,who works in a decent business ,live with her in the UK for many years ,and you will find that she is pretty much like any decent Girl from your country ,i have never spoken pidgin English or been spoken to in Pidgin English by my wife and as our son spent his early years in a Local English school in England he actually speaks with a local accent when he speaks English ,and while i have no problem at all with bar girls ,many are lovely and i am sure make decent wives ,for the most part they come from lower class uneducated family's ,so are perhaps not the girl you should marry.

    ps when you say to pidgin English thats how you spell it????

    pps bit of a smartass arnt i?

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