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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. All i know is that Jesus was a good man who preached peace and love ,while the other one was a warlord who killed thousands and eventually married a 6 yr old girl , if i believed in religion at least i know which one i would follow .and it is not a warlord and a man that marries a child .

    • Like 1
  2. I dont believe there is a God ,but it amazes me that two religions that actually believe in him and his prophet,see them and him in such different ways ,Christians aresupposed to be all about love and peace and you dont see a lot of them killing and bombing people ,while the Muslims seem to see him as a vengfull sort of a guy ,or so it seems from what we constantly see in the papers day after day after day ,now what about the Jews who actually invented him?

    • Confused 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    "no longer practice their faith".......quite.........a bit like Catholics have to be Catholic all their lives I guess, but never go to church.......they are second generation and fully westernized, although one doesn't drink and neither smoke.....if it were not for their darker skin colorer ....heaven forbid.....you might be confused and assume they were British.....that would never do......thank God for skin color. 

    whoops skin colour again ,i keep telling the wife not to go out in the sun and to use that skin lightening cream

    mind you i must say our son is a bit on the white side????

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Two of my kids have married some of "them", as you so eloquently put it......both second generation muslims....fully integrated and holding down professional positions in health and education.


    Jewish people are not instantly recognizable as foreigners ....skin color, I guess for people like you, is everything.

    Yes i hate brown people ,thats why i am married to one ,so i can be unhappy all my life . 

    silly remarks i guess for people like you is everything .

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. On 3/28/2021 at 2:17 PM, Surelynot said:

    More integrated............first and second generations always find it difficult to integrate due to racism, lack of opportunity and inequalities...... all of which tend to force minorities to migrate, internally, to ghettoes.

    Didnt force my dad ,he came to fight in the war ,was Jewish ,married a local girl ,we were brought up Christian ,dad  became more British than the British,so are we and my daughter and her daughter who by the way is Catholic , its them that dont integrate and dont want to ,mind you not all ,we had a lovely Hindu family living a few doors from us ,but the muslims do not and do not want to integrate ,not the ones who came in the 60s or their offspring . you know it ,i know it ,we all know it ,just look at the lot outside that school in the UK at the moment 

    • Sad 1
  6. luckily my wifes best mate is a lawyer and she owns the company ,so no charges for anything including  my will ,mind you i dont own anything much ,its all in the wife and sons names .

  7. Just returned from Chonburi hospital ,i had some blood tests done here in Pattaya ,and one was not quite normal ,so my wife rang Chonburi heart hospital ,yesterday  had appointment this afternoon ,all normal , no worries it seems ,one thing is i dont sleep well these days and sometimes take a sleeping tablet ,asked for prescription ,he gave me two months supply 60 tabs , those plus my consultation came to the grand total of 460 baht ,

    ime not complaining .but i was amazed expected a fair bit more to pay .


  8. Thank goodness i am a resident here and belong to two  great govt hospitals ,Queen Sirakit for my cataract , and Chonburi for my heart etc ,the prices i have just seen quoted are massive compared to their costs ,but then i did spend 53k to have one night in a private hospital ,nice room though ,next day exactly the same treatment at Chonburi heart hospital ,on the ward ,9k including 3 months meds .

    by the way i am not entirely sure of the cost for my cataract operation when i need it (private hospital told me needed it straight away 6 yrs ago 52 k) but the nurse said about 20k at Queen Sirakit. 6 months ago.

  9. what always amazes me here is the fact that so many Thai people will live in some poky one room place yet have a brand new car or pickup parked outside ,we live on a nice estate and daily i drive my old car past a row of one room places ,really scruffy ,and you see the tenants sitting with the door open large tv behind them ,mobile in hand and a newish car parked outside yet living cramped up like that in a hovel.

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