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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 1 minute ago, sandyf said:

    The age restriction imposed by Thailand and other countries is based on the fact that initial Chinese trials did not include anyone over 60, doesn't mean to say it doesn't work. There has been subsequent trials to include the over 60s but as far as I am aware not published yet.

    There was a meeting scheduled for yesterday at the WHO to debate the Chinese vaccines. If the Chinese have put further data forward and the WHO gives the nod, there may be an update in the coming days.

    sorry but i dont trust anything the WHO say any longer ,especially regarding anything from China

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    • Confused 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, AgentSmith said:

    Tried to have my parents who are in their 70s registered for a jab at Hua Hin hospital. Unfortunately falang cannot. Try again next week. Very frustrating. I just want my folks to be protected like anyone else in their age group. Thais can get jabs easily in Europe but Europeans in Thailand is a whole other story. My respect for this country is plummeting in this stage of the pandemic.

    Tell me about it ,my Thai sister in law is married to a British/Thai and she has diabetes ,gets great free treatment in the UK ,mind you she has worked and  paid tax there about 15 yrs.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    I have a yellow book, as condo unit owner, but no ID card.

    My lawyer and I agree it is useless.  Even if it can get you a Thai entrance price somewhere the person doing you the solid is making an error. Only a Thai is a Thai.


    If it can get a foreigner registered for vaccination it has a purpose!


    Where to apply for a Pink ID card for foreigner, in Chiang Mai?

    My wifes best mate is a lawyer who owns her own company ,her advice right from the start was get a yellow house book and a pink card ,it was good advice ,ive had one now for years .

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  4. 15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Used the Mor Prom App on Line tonight and registered myself using my Pink ID card, you do need one or else it will not let you register as it needs that field completed.  It does also ask you to select a category which you fit into for needing the vaccine ie...Medical Person, Covid control person, Seniors 60+, Persons with underlying diseases (7 types) and I believe 1 other.  Since I have diabetes I fit into the 7 types of diseases category.  It then also asks you for your hospital.  It timed out on me twice, so a bit frustrating.  In the end I got the completed screen. It said I would be contacted for an appointment, maybe because I am under 60, but a diabetic.

    my son tried to register me with my pink card ,but it just keeps coming up that its not registered ,actually i am registered at Chonburi heart hospital .we use my pink card there .

    • Sad 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Your not a permanent resident per say. We are long term stayers and subject to the whims of the government unfortunately and why a plan b is needed always. Hate to walk away from the many millions invested between a condo, car and motorbike, but in the end I have prepared for the eventuality.  

    I know what you mean and if i left i have a place to live ,no problem ,but to leave my wife ,my son ,my life behind ,there would be nothing left to live for .

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Might be worth avoiding Queen Sirakit for a while, they were swamped with covid and cancelling appointments, maybe worth checking if that's changed

    Thank goodness not due there for ages yet ,also have plenty of eye drops,but i am due to go to Chonburi hospital soon .

  7. 2 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

    What drops and price please? I buy Xalatan 2.5ml at Fascino 2 boxes 1416baht normally 780baht per box Cheapest i have found anywhere.....so far.

    Sorry one mistake i made was its 490 baht i pay not 900 when i see the doc at Sirakit,the drops i have to use are the most expensive ,the two cheap ones did not bring the pressure down ,its  ganfort ,they are imported from Ireland at farcino 1590 for one month at sirakit 795 . by the way when using Sirakit if you get the doc who has a clinic in Pattaya she is good but will not speak english ,she is old school ,the young one no problem ,so my wife comes with me .

    • Thanks 1
  8. We have not recieved a bill this month ,so poped into the office to pay yesterday ,i notice they now have a drive through payment ,like water ,but it did say you need an invoice ,so if you have not recieved one cant pay drive through????? 

  9. On 4/26/2021 at 10:51 AM, actonion said:

    Thats cheap, i was quoted 600,000thb for a Cartoid Artery Stent  in 2019 by a Bangkok pattaya Surgeon who had done only 1  Cartoid Stent operation before ..I ended up  in Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok  with a surgeon with a lot more experience  and  same  price, a 2 night stay ...

    I was quoted 35k per stent at Chonburi govt hospital ,and it was written down as was the cost of my angiogram 15k ,it was what i was charged ,everything i have been quoted there is what i was charged ,unfortunatly i was not suitable for the stents. this is in the last 6 months .

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, whiteflight said:

    My wife and I walk every day, and we constantly have to move to the other side of the road because of some idiot walking or running past us without a mask on....
    Maybe that's why!

    Well as its a rd out in the countryside,you would see us coming a mile off ,as we would see you ,if you came close we would put our masks on ,but then nobody has ever been less than 50ft unless  on their  motorbike or going by in a car .

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  11. 1 hour ago, bluemoonpattaya said:

    I have sent an e-mail to the British embassy in Bangkok 3 times,  asking about where i can obtain a suitable vaccine for me. As a British passport holder i was hoping for some response. I'm sure i am not the only person to have sent an e-mail, and would have expected some formal response would have been drafted up. I looked on the embassy website where there is a video about this, but it is 8 weeks old and has not been updated. I have registered my name with Bangkok hospital, who will inform me when a vaccine becomes available.  I was hoping for some guidance from the British embassy.   Stay safe   


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