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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. On 3/5/2020 at 6:03 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I'm happy for you, but loneliness makes me sad, then I get depressed and eat too much, and we know what happens when we eat too much.

    Much better to just do things that stop me thinking about it. That way I survive to post on TVF.


    I don't think I should be continuing on this line of conversation, but thanks for your input.

    Although i started this thread i only come on it from time to time to see whats happening ,so sad to hear that you are lonely,i suppose luckily i never have been ,in fact sometimes i am glad to get some time alone .

    I suppose fantastically handsome men like me have always had to beat the women and admirers off????, seriously though I cannot imagine what it is like to be lonely ,i hope at least coming on here gives you a chance to interact with others ,if even for a short time

    take care .

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  2. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Climate change is real. Only a few idiots deny that.


    And obviously people could have done better to prevent climate change in the last 100 years or so.

    And now people should work on that real problem.

    Obviously things won't change over night. And some people see things very extreme.

    But to pretend all if perfect because our (old) generation will be dead before the climate on earth gets too hot is not exactly a good attitude.


    Why don't we all admit there is a problem and we should work on that problem - without going into extremes?

    You sound like a good man so i will leave it to you ,while i am not a good man and will carry on with my bad ways . well done.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    I always return for a few weeks mid summer. No reason to change my plans this year.

    Same here ,but to be honest ,just could not be bothered ,what with skype,line ,messenger ,i can talk for ages ,its like being with the family there .

  4. A local Temple near us  used to have at least 10/15 tour buses parked every day and hordes of Chinese tourists ,have not seen a bus for weeks ,no Chinese ,all the local stalls have gone.

    feel sorry for the stallholders , but apart from that great ,no buses everywhere.

  5. 5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    the Deuce is great- Pelicanos deliberately planned it as 3 series. The finale is a complete opposite to how US series normally come to a close. Gotta agree on the pimp outfits and cars.

    Very very good series watched it and am now watching the shield ,another darn good series.

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  6. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    To repeat only providing facts. I lived among a Muslim community in Thailand for a number of years & never had any negative issues. My mother was a racist / bigot which I hated. My so called upbringing now manifests in my loathing of those who constantly post right of centre rhetoric; that is what I push back against. If members were to post factual content relating to Islamists - so far as I'm concerned - no problem. 

    Most who live in muslim areas in Thailand are part of the community ,i take it you are then.i seem to remember some time ago you saying this ,while i have worked amongst them in the UK  ,i find the ones here are not the same,not so bad (apart from many down south) 

  7. 57 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    True. On the other side of the coin Turkey has refused to provide shelter / support for the additional refugees from Idlib. Accordingly, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not surprising Turkey has declined to take on the addition burden considering they already provide for at least 3.8 million refugees / asylum seekers. Many returnees to Syria aren't being welcomed, but subject to interrogation and torture. Accordingly what would you do in their situation?

    Go back where i came from ,why go somewhere where you are not wanted and hated so much? and where they fire tear gas at you to stop you coming,could it be the freebies?

    ps dont you mean economic migrants?

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