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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. what is an underachiever? if you sat in front of the tv all day ,did sod all but were as happy as larry until the day you die ,then you achieved all you wanted .

    on the other hand if you always wanted to be a millionaire ,with a private jet and a 20 bedroomed house ,but ended up in a 3 bed semi with a ford capri and you died unhappy ,then you were an underachiever.

    myself i realized early on that i was never going to go down in history and make billions so went for things i could achieve ,in my life i was also very lucky went to London in the swinging 60's was lucky mixed with people most of you have only read about ,took up a hobby/sport that made me fairly well known in my circle ,had great girlfriends and wives,even if some did not last that long  and now am married to a fantastic wife ,have two great kids who have both done well in life .

    had enough money to live quite comfortably ,so in my mind no i'me not an underachiever.

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  2. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I found the Lighthouse a bit tedious as well and still managed to watch it until about the last 20 minutes, when I gave up.


    Watched "Burning Kentucky" last night, mainly because I couldn't find much else to download, however despite it being a little difficult to get into early on and some of this was the southern drawl as well as a bit of a mixed story, it did pan out in the end and become much clearer, so overall was not a bad watch.


    Trying to download an older movie called "Black Robe" but finding it very difficult as it isn't available on some sites and others seem to be infected with loads of pop-ups for other things – – anyone got any suggestions where I might find a good copy? Have tried the PB and RARBG as well as 1337x.


    Thank you.

    lime eztv?

    • Thanks 1
  3. I feel sorry for kids growing up these days ,its so complicated ,when i was a lad things were simple and normal , never cared if men liked other men or women other women ,they just got on with it ,but didnt constantly preach to us that its "normal" and we should "embrace" every different "like" 

    not long ago my grandaughter told me that teacher had told her that it was alright for men to marry each other and have children ,but she could not understand"how they did it" ,she thought only women could have babies . when i was in school all the teachers ever went on about was ,not running in the corridors.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    He's not a woman (probably), he's not black and he's competent at maths. Try again.

    Oh come on off the top of my head at this time of night ? we all know many who get into high office are succesful and earn loads of cash ,but are not that bright ,Dianne Abbotts son for one ,she gave him a really good job with a great salary ,but look what he did ,

    back home i knew a guy who had a great job ,earned a fortune ,but was like two planks ,got the job through family connections .

  5. 13 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    No doubt, and perhaps i am a bit cynical, but i have no great hopes for the humans to change their nature anytime soon.

    humans have been killing each other since we stood up and walked ,,i suppose many killed each other over which God they worshiped, those that worshiped the sun killed those that worshiped the moon , "my god is better than your god ".

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