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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. As it's being decided case by case, there's probably no consistency anyway, so the discussion of whether or not teachers are valued enough as "essential workers" seems almost moot to me.


    I think it might depend a lot on where the OP is located. In some countries, there are still thousands of Thais waiting to be repatriated, so there's no hope that any foreigner who wishes to return will get permission promptly. Elsewhere they might struggle to fill up repatriation flights.


  2. There's a backlog of both Thais and those foreigners who are already eligible to enter Thailand. It's very unlikely that the group of foreigners that can enter will be extended further until that backlog has been cleared up, which is a slow process due to severely limited flights.


    I don't think approaching the government to speed things up has a realistic chance of success.


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  3. Technically, only the retroactive part of the first cabinet resolution was an "amnesty". On April 7th, they "forgave" overstays for all those who had been legally in Thailand on March 26th. The part about automatically extending permissions of stay (first to April 30th, then to July 31st) is just that, an extension.

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  4. 8 hours ago, garyk said:

    Actually not a bad idea, especially if you don’t care. Stay a few years on over stay, head to the airport pay the 20 k. And head out. Never come back, and save yourself the hassle of immigration.

    As long as you're prepared to cut your stay short at a moment's notice and to spend a few weeks at the IDC on your way out, that is.


    Hard to tell what the likelihood of a clean exit is. A lot depends on where you live, your lifestyle, and plain old luck. I wouldn't like to take my chances.


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  5. There isn't even any consistency in what hotels copy. Some only copy the data page while others look up (or try to look up) the latest entry or extension stamp.


    I've printed a copy of the amnesty announcement in Thai language and keep that with my passport. If a receptionist ever mentions that my permission has expired, I'll show them this and invite them to call the 1178 hotline. So far, that hasn't happened yet.

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  6. Thailand and many other Asian countries got that right long before most Western countries. I'll give them that, and personally, I started to wear a mask in Bangkok long before it became a requirement.


    That said, there's no excuse for Anutin's rude and unprofessional remarks. No need to apologize to that piece of work.


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