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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 2 hours ago, Denim said:

    Yes certainly , at least as far as the tourist industry goes. Hotels , restaurants , taxis etc. Then consider that almost every hotel room has to be built and equipped with furniture and WiFi.


    I can see how you could get that impression if you stay at one of the hotels that are most popular with visa runners and go to the nearby restaurants - as most people you see there are other visa runners. Been there, done that.


    However, I've occasionally staid at other hotels and it's a much different picture there. As far as Savannakhet as a whole is concerned, it's certainly sleepy but I'd say most hotel guests are business people from Laos and Thailand, neither regular tourists nor visa runners.


    As most visa runners seem to optimize their trips to spend as little time as possible in Savannakhet and often head straight from the consulate to the border come collection time, their contribution pales in comparison to business travelers who frequent the "karaoke" places etc.

  2. 8 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    With an EU passport you can travel around to any EU country you wish right now during Covid-19? Any quarantine requirements in those EU countries or EU passport holders can travel freely as soon as they land?

    Coming back from Thailand, as of now I would be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days, funny as it sounds considering the COVID-19 situation in Thailand.


    Then, however, I could travel freely without quarantine or restrictions within most of the EU. Most EU countries have been opening up for the summer holidays or are currently in the process of doing so. To the citizens and residents of other EU countries, that is. Non-residents still cannot travel to the EU unless their trip is considered essential / urgent.

  3. If the Thai government wanted to facilitate border runs, they could simply instruct immigration not to check for stamps from the neighboring country and let the border runners go straight from departures to arrivals. No cooperation from any other country required.


    Not going to happen, in my opinion. Border runs are being tolerated at best, that's certainly not really something the Thai government encourages foreigners to do.


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  4. 10 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    Caldera,,,,bit of a silly statement & full of me, me,me.

    Why don't you pop down to Jakarta or over to India if you must travel at this time in particular as unnecessary.

    Europe is still a hotspot & cannot believe would travel around there if not needed

    As always, I'll leave worrying to the worried noodles. In line with the updated travel advisories, I see no reason not to holiday in Europe (I didn't say I will tour places that remain virus hotspots, mind you).


    Many great deals to be had; hotels and restaurants are eager to get back into business.


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  5. 8 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    So many guys "doing your thing" . What is future plane? For example if visa exempt suspended. So then what? Fly home country? Many need think about options

    I agree. It's a very real possibility that the visa amnesty will run out before nearby countries (that I also like to visit) open up. In that case I'd, indeed, fly home and either stay there longer than usual or travel around in Europe (which, as of now, would be possible having an EU passport).


    Mid to long-term, I expect tourism to bounce back even in Southeast Asia. I had already planned to spend more time in other countries and less time in Thailand due to this unofficial rule and other factors, so this is definitely something I take into account.

  6. If they extend the flight ban past June 30 (as indicated) and also don't open the land borders in July, it seems likely that they will extend the visa amnesty.


    I'd imagine that most tourists who got stuck have been able to leave in the meantime. There are flights out to many countries, after all. I think the bigger problem at this point are people on expired non-immigrant entries who need to change their visa status. This would be a good opportunity to revamp their processes to allow more changes in-country.


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