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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. I hold a Master's degree in computer science that I've never used in the sense that I've never been employed in that profession since graduating, neither in Thailand nor elsewhere.


    Personally, I don't see this as a waste. I loved studying, both the challenges thrown at us and campus life, and I'm still very much interested in my subject of choice, it just so happened - due to personal circumstances unrelated to my studies - that I didn't need to seek employment after graduating.


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  2. They can clear him all day, every day. They can clear him left, right and center.


    To me though, he will always be the Watchman.


    Edited to add: By Thai standards, I would imagine there's immense shame in the fact alone that he had to wait this long to be vindicated. By a body stacked with guys he and his friend (the one who's still alive) handpicked. Now, I do realize it was a very complex and thorough investigation, but still. Makes me chuckle.


  3. 21 minutes ago, firemans35 said:

    I've tried paying for items outside of Thailand with my Thai Paypal account. Couldn't do it. The reason I've been told is because I have no work permit and under Thai Law I can not transfer money outside of Thailand. Now I don't keep money at any bank in Thailand.

    Who told you that? PayPal? I've never had a Thai work permit, but I make payments to payees outside of Thailand with my Thai PayPal account all the time.


  4. On 5/30/2020 at 4:09 PM, USslugga said:

    And if nobody knows how to fix this, maybe I can try to transfer money from my Krungthai account to paypal.  Not sure how to do it though.

    Thai PayPal accounts don't allow you to transfer money from a Thai bank account to your own PayPal account. Basically, a Thai bank account can only be linked for withdrawals. To make payments, you need to link a card.

  5. 42 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    But a person on the "automatic extension" until July 31st may not be able to do it. Immigration has refused to accept those for for a nonimmigrant visa application. I am aware of case that started a month or so ago who was using an agent and he was told to get a letter from his embassy to apply for a special extension to do it.

    Assuming that someone hadn't used their regular 30-day visa exempt (or tourist visa) extension before the automatic extension kicked in, do you reckon getting that extension towards the end of the automatic one would also work to make you eligible for a conversion to a non-immigrant visa?


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  6. My exit strategy is quite simple: Preferably, I will fly to a nearby country if things open up enough so that there aren't any onerous restrictions. That failing, I'll fly to a country in Europe that has opened up by then (I'm thinking Greece). That failing as well, I'd fly to my home country as a last resort and wait things out there.


    No need to panic just yet, but I'll have my flight booked well before the end of the amnesty. If they extend it with sufficient advance notice, I'd consider staying in Thailand for some additional domestic trips.


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