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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. I don't see a riot coming. But it would be interesting to know some numbers: How many foreigners were on amnesty when it kicked in? How many of these left the country or were able to get a proper extension in-country in the meantime? How many remain on amnesty?


    My feeling is that many have left or are about to leave already.


  2. 11 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Non-O 90-day + 1-year extension starting with a TR entry?  It's 25K for this "package" in some parts of the country - 15K or less for just the 1-year.

    Is that a package deal offered to those who need to convert their visa for a retirement extension first? Or based on something else, as it's being compared with language studies that have a different "target group"?


  3. 18 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    You must stipulate 'Savings account'.

    Those foreigners with PR or WP can open 'Current accounts' same as Thais, which other foreigners cannot.

    Banking staff quite often assume you want a current account, hence request a WP.

    I very much doubt that this is a common problem. Most Thais open savings accounts as well, why would the staff jump to the conclusion that a random foreigner who walks in to open an account wants a current account?


    I think it's usually a combination of: confusing internal guidelines, don't want to deal with the extra hassle, don't want to make any mistake, don't want to speak English.


    Just copying the right pages of a passport can be a challenge. A staff member of Krungsri once accidentally copied my latest visa for Laos instead of my current Thai visa. That didn't go down well with their head office; they called and asked me to send them copies of each and every page of my passport.

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  4. 18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    If you had your stamps transferred at immigration when you got the new passport your old passport number will be on the first visa page of your new passport. There should be big stamp that has the info on it.

    That's what I used with another bank to convince them that they don't need to see my old passport. Worth a shot.


  5. 4 hours ago, BritTim said:

    Travel bubbles are based on the idea that you only allow people to enter Thailand just after they leave another Covid-19 free country. Your passport is irrelevant. There may be restrictions based on xenophobia, but there is absolutely no logical reason why someone who has been through quarantine in Vietnam should not then be allowed to travel to Thailand, assuming a travel bubble is in place.

    While I (obviously) cannot fault your logic, I'm afraid that it will be a lot more complicated in practice. These are bilateral agreements to be negotiated between governments, and statements so far have indicated that they will give preference to certain groups of travelers. Provisions for repatriation and cost of treatment in case a traveler happens to be infected might well exclude travelers who aren't citizens of the countries involved.


    When Thailand recently discussed reopening land borders with Laos, their focus was on returnees and on business travelers from both countries. No plans for tourists or nationals of other countries, at least not in phase 1.


    Cambodia just announced that they will let certain Vietnamese enter by land again. Notably, no tourists will be allowed to cross and also no travelers who aren't Vietnamese citizens.


    So far, this isn't looking good! It might be many months until any agreements will cover foreign tourists.


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  6. 2 hours ago, audaciousnomad said:

    Thanks. The reason I posed this question is because there are some on the forum who are applying for new visas (example Non-Immig. ED), and if their original stamp already expired, they are having to pay a "special" fee for handling that overstay. (E.g. the amnesty did not protect them from penalties if they decided to apply for a new visa-type.) So I wondered how they will handle anyone who couldn't get out by 31-July.

    I think you misunderstand that. They don't need to pay a fine for being on overstay. They are being coerced to pay a backhander for processing an in-country non-immigrant visa application (conversion of an EXPIRED visa exempt or tourist visa entry).


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  7. 31 minutes ago, HerbyJFlash said:

    Does anyone know how the deposit is refunded if you test negative?

    You'll get documents that you will need to take to a bank, along with your negative test results from day 13 (when they re-test you).


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