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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. Ideally, both of them will resign. With those economic challenges ahead, Thailand can no longer afford to be ruled by a bunch of clowns without any applicable qualifications. Being too dumb to recite an oath or too lazy/unhealthy/old to show up on time and stay awake during important proceedings is just the tip of the iceberg.

  2. I just returned from a road trip in a rural area of Thailand. Being generous, helmet compliance was at about 10% overall, and that includes major highways. Children are usually seen wedged between their parents, just like 15 years ago, and rarely wear a helmet to protect their precious little heads.


    Sorry, but I fail to see what's amusing (or amazing) about that. It's plain stupid and it's plain sad.

  3. "Praewa has also been banned from driving until she is 25. She turns 25 this year."


    One more reason to be scared when on the road. Who knows if she even obeyed that ban, considering that she had caused that accident without a license and her complete and utter disrespect for the law and her victims.

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  4. 3 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Common sense suggests that just because someone has money in the bank or claim to have a job in another country does not mean they are not working in Thailand; especially if they are spending months/years in the country. At best it shows the person is less likely to need to work in Thailand. Some people have more than one job. Many long stay tourists are funding their stay by illegally working remotely for their foreign based and paid business.

    Common sense suggests that foreigners who have been "vetted" as holders of extensions based on being married to a Thai or being retired aren't any different from long-term tourists in that regard. Applying your standard, they could also work illegally in Thailand. I know at least two "retired" guys who are, in actual fact, digital nomads.

  5. 3 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Do you believe Thailand would allow anyone to live in the country (which is what long term tourists are doing) without vetting them?

    Yes. Most foreigners who stay in Thailand long-term haven't been properly vetted. And it shows. A few long-term tourists more or less hardly make any difference.

  6. 4 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

    i dont get it. it seems the average forum farang can only respond to just about anything with only  deeply cynical and personal anti thai replies against thai autorities. how about integrating in the country that you chose to live in? 

    Back in the real world, I just had dinner with a group of Thais and they dissed their government pretty much throughout our meal. I didn't even get a comment in. Does that make them anti-Thai, too, or are they maybe just against the government?

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