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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Epitome of Darwinism....
  2. Same old song and dance just another day.....
  3. As the world turns in Thailand...
  4. The owner will be paying for his mistake for the rest of his life and then some....
  5. A remote possibility but highly improbable. Like squeezing water out of a rock.....
  6. I'd rather see Japanese tourist than Chinese, Korean, Indian and Russians. They are more often than not, law abiding, polite, courteous and clean....
  7. Free drinks in Soi Cowboy!
  8. Same old song and dance....
  9. Just follow the money trail......
  10. Sri-on knew the talks were dead in the water already....
  11. Typical Thai reactive thinking. Instead of regular up keeping and being proactive, people wait for a catastrophe to happen before taking care of things....
  12. Why not? You're only gone for a month or so....
  13. That's the last thing you should do. Let it be, you are blessed that they are in your presence....
  14. Yoaza! I don't care if she's not real. I'm in LOVE ????.....
  15. Really, I thought I've seen it all. Whoever their PR rep is, they really set a very high expectation.....
  16. They're hardly coming....
  17. But it's only good for one car! Not very cost effective if you plan on parking many cars....
  18. "Considered" is the key word. Not very assuring..... In other words, Cross at your own RISK!
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