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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. When will AN become functional again? Still get the pop up " This page is slowing down Firefox", in many cases it is impossible to post a comment, you click on comment and the page went to top of the side etc..
  2. The one I have has a Sensor and Display for PM 2.5
  3. Some weeks ago have bought a Xiaomi 4 Pro for my Bedroom, works very good. Price was 7k THB.
  4. I have Statements from the Bank in my Home country, but all is in German. Have a doubt the RD will accept this. Probably it must be official translated to Thai or English and and confirmed by the Embassy? Will find out.
  5. The only open question is for me what kind of proof the Revenue Department like to see, for now haven't found an information yet. I'm not in rush to find it out but will contact RD in Hua Hin in some weeks to clarify this question for me.
  6. Have seen your Video, but how such a Switch can be installed with a 3 phase System? Would it be an option to have a 3 phase Hybrid Inverter and connect the V2L System to the Port where usually the Solar Battery is connected?
  7. Interesting, from where you have got this Information from?
  8. How Solar Panels are unethical made? Please explain.
  9. Will this V2L System work also with a 3 Phase System? I have a 3 phase 10 kw on Grid System and have it already for longer time in my mind to buy a EV Car and use the Battery as back up.
  10. Have had the same yesterday evening. Have tried to write a post in a Forum, but have given up after 20 minutes.
  11. Seems to be it is getting even more worse after the Maintenance, now it takes sometimes 10 minutes to get something posted. Get permanent the same pop up again.
  12. Numerous times they have done this with my Deliveries as well, or even worse they reschedule the delivery for the next day and then the System shows " Customer refused delivery again, back to Supplier" without being at my House at all.
  13. Now for every Logon I get a mail into my Mailbox? How to switch of this nonsense?
  14. Thanks for the Info, but sounds a bit fishy. Why the IO has helped you to get a fixed Bank Account, you payed her for?
  15. And you do all your Mrs. want even if it is nonsense? Better to order a Tank tomorrow.
  16. It started appr. 2 weeks ago that I get a pop up telling me "This side (Asean Now) is slowing down Firefox".Since it get more worse day by day, somebody else is having the same problem?
  17. Have you used your Fixed Account for Extension of Stay at Hua Hin Immigration meanwhile, was it accepted?
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