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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Only limited if the VPN keeps records. It really depends what VPN you choose. Some destroy records all the time.
  2. What happens if there are more tigers.. the tigers move into human territory as the wild parks are limited. Can they expand space, no space is getting less and less because of farmers encroaching on national parks. So it will end with death of tigers who stray into the human world.
  3. Yea a weak excuse but the expected outcome as he had government support. I wonder if they will find some way to reverse it if he becomes opposition. But what i find stupid is that he worked for both sides. Shows that both sides have equally low morals. I mean so many have just switched sides and would switch back again. All for the money so to say that one government is more corrupt then the other is so hard as the faces are often much the same. What a disgrace.
  4. Just shows how dirty Thai politics is again. Your hallowed PTP is as dirty as the junta as they use many of the same ministers and only attack them when on the other side. I mean how does that work no political allegiance just in it for the money. Shows that Thai politics is just that a business full of crooks.
  5. There are rumors he would go to the PTP but that would only show how evil and dirty Thai politics is. I mean the PTP attacked him full out on his drug past and then take him in. That would totally show the dark side and failings of Thai politics.
  6. First thing they should do is put int he data protection laws if they want to succeed in IT. Security is bad as all the recent hacks show. How can a country be good at ICT when its security is far below par. They never seem to point out their weaknesses but go on sprouting nonsense and almost miracle like best case scenarios. A bit more reality would not hurt. But then again this what all Thai officials do, reality is not important making exceptional unrealistic projections is.
  7. Yea for people like me who dont want any kids it would possibly help in two ways ????
  8. I have no examples, you asked if there was an incentive for sellers to do so. I just told you what the incentive could be. I have asked a seller to put a lower value on a fishing reel. That was done for me. But no it was not on the website or anything like that but the seller was willing to do so because I was the one at risk and it gave him more chance to sell.
  9. Who says that cash was all they bet if you read the whole article you see that they had a notebook for gambling activity. Perhaps people had a tab or something like that. But if it really was just 740 baht then its crazy.
  10. Of course there is an incentive for vendors to do so. People who buy want it valued wrong to play the system. This gives them more clients then honest sellers as it would mean a lot of tax for the receiver. So there is an incentive that is more sales. However if you see it you can tell them not to do it or buy somewhere else. Its still the buyer who is responsible.
  11. But why would you willingly go along with a wrong declaration and then get angry when you get caught. I mean you can instruct them to do truthful declaration too or decide not to buy from them because of the risk. I mean I have done stuff like this too but I understood the risks (gave a lower value for a fishing reel) but did not get caught. But had I gotten caught then I would not moan because it was me who risked it.
  12. But you having to take meds means you probably are at risk (dont know what your condition is so i speculate your at risk). IF so then it was right to take the vaccine. I had my private hell, really high fever for a. 1.5 day teeth clattering shaking uncontrollably. But the fever slowly got less and after 36 hours i was ok. Still worth it. But it was annoying.
  13. Its not a matter of being scared its matter or risk assessment. Chances of death and severe illness are far higher for Covid then for vaccines. Just had my second shot of Pfizer yesterday. Had a bad fever for a day last time. Will see what happens now. So far nothing.
  14. So basically its the fault of the company you bought from. Not customs not DHL. So why don't you put the blame where it belongs ?
  15. Like or not they are right. Not sure why foreigners think they got the right to protest and all kind of other rights not to follow certain rules for covid as an example. They always seem to think they are special want to stand up for their rights. What rights. I mean you know what kind of country this is you either accept it or leave trying to change it can cause you serious trouble. I might not like a lot of the rules but I am not stupid enough to make a fuzz at officials or cause scenes. Its not as if you have power. Only thing is vote with your feet deprive them of your spending. Al we can do is vent a bit on a forum and that is it.
  16. Friend of mine was in the Phuket sand box had no problems with the rules were enough people having fun and restaurants were open. I think its more of a problem for those that come for the night life and the girls then regular holiday goers. My parents like to drink with their meal but would not find it a reason not to go. The quarantine and stuff and extra cost that is more of a reason.
  17. I think every few people would have a problem with it its just that enforcing it is hard.
  18. I agree, but I own a smartphone too and friends do to we don't use our smart phones much when we are together. Its all about what you your family and friends find normal and acceptable. I agree with it not being much fun if everyone is playing with their smartphone. But that is not a smartphone problem but a user problem. I mean how hard is it not using it for a bit. Its a tool and can give entertainment. But the rest is just up to the users.
  19. Most people I know who stay in Thailand for a holiday get a Thai sim and pay some money and don't have the problem you complain about.
  20. Indeed you cant stop the tide of progress. Why would one. I mean same is with music it changes and all generations have comments on the music of the next generation. Thai apps are not that great that should change. But apps like banking apps are usually good because they are made by professionals instead of the Thai government. Like you i prefer my computer over my smartphone (except for banking in Thailand). Smartphone is just too hard to type fast like on a computer.
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