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Everything posted by robblok

  1. PTP had defections too far more even a few in the current government. SO that argument is invalid. Yes MFP is not as strong yet but they are a threat to both Thaksin and the government as they are a cleaner solution. So that is why Thaksin can't be too friendly as he might lose votes to them. That is why he chides them acts like he knows best. Truth is Thaksin and the government are both part of the problem MFP is not it could be a solution. Anyone who either supports the government or Thaksin is crazy its just more of the same corruption only difference is where the money goes.
  2. What it says is that Thai consumers spend their money abroad on shopping platforms that offer better quality goods or cheaper goods then locally available.
  3. This signing in of a non present MP is so similar that using cards of an other the Thaksin mob did it while voting on things with cards of MP's that were not present. It was condemned by all (except of course the PTP but there was video evidence). Now this mob does the same. Shows how similar they are and how they only attack others for doing wrong and never their own side. Just so scary only confirms more that Thaksinites and the current mob are just two sides of a coin so similar with the only difference where the money goes. Sickening that is what Thai politicians are. It also amazes me that she got punished as she was in the ruling party. That is the only bright thing that some punishment happened. There is a lot of money to be saved by cutting down on the army. But that of course will never happen as long as the army is in power. Generals need their toys, actually they don't need the toys they need the kickbacks.
  4. Unfortunately not and Thaksin wont let them near his voters that is why he chides them and does not like them. But at the same time he needs them.
  5. Right, Thaksin lover. I mean Thaksin is seeing future forward as a competitor too. You see it in how he acts. Besides when i supported the coup the alternative was Thaksin and at that point it was not known how bad the junta would be. Maybe its time for you to accept too that Thaksin is not the anwser and that besides future forward there are only bad choices.
  6. Yes but lets not forget there are not many viable candidates to vote for. Thaksin and the Junta both dislike move forward as they can potentially outclass them both. Thaksin still has to keep them a bit close as an ally but his party does not like the fact that this party is taking their votes and government votes. Right now move forward is one of few better choices. But the point is ther is not much good choice in Thailand.
  7. I have similar feelings for him and his sis, when i came here he was the first corrupt politician who lied like crazy that i saw. I think that is why it stuck with me so much. I was so amazed at the corruption here and how they acted as if we were all stupid with their lies. Then YL did the same thing and now Prayut does the same. After all that i came to the conclusion they are all the same. If you look at policies (Prayut copied a lot from Thaksin things he attacked b4), the lying and covering up things. YL with her fake G2G deals denying denying and finally yes the deals were fake. Then you have Prayut and the vaccines lying lying untill documents prove they were lying. Its all so similar. Its just what Thai officials in power do they are corrupt and they lie constantly expecting people to accept their answers. Now after my time with Prayut i am 100% neither this group or the Thaksin group is a solution for Thailand. They are just the same only difference is who gets the money. I will attack both and support neither.
  8. Just a guess, he probably wants his wife to be vaccinated too and nobody to take care of the kid. Just my guess though.
  9. Yes that is how i understand it too.. so why compare dengue with a lockdown to slow the spread of covid. Its just not a valid comparison more one to make fun of the lockdown. That was why i made the comment nothing more nothing less. Dengue is best prevented and like you said once its in a house you have to be careful as the mosquitos are probably still around. But nobody would go into lockdown for this makes no sense.
  10. Registered 3 jun paid 1 jul am number 847391. Maybe your faster no clue. But was not yesterday got a message that i could book the appointment but was in 2nd q 2022.
  11. I am also registered for Moderna and paid for it. However they pushed it back from 4th quarter to 2nd quarter 2022.
  12. If you advocate a lockdown for dengue like he seemed to say people would do then you don't understand the difference between the two diseases. The best thing against dengue is making sure there is no standing water around for mosqitos to breed. https://www.breakdengue.org/toolkits/keep-dengue-away/?utm_source=googlegrant&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=toolkits&gclid=CjwKCAjw3_KIBhA2EiwAaAAlitVkvJc9dijHH9uGVgIhghdd7IcdLsjzi2KDzkRMOeeyGN53iwOsFhoCRhAQAvD_BwE
  13. Of course i know what you CAN do in a massage shop, but not everyone goes there for a happy ending. So you know for certain all rents have halved.. sure. Anyway why would they give discounts when they can barely survive. Seems illogical to me to start a bidding war for customers and not gaining any money.
  14. Covid deniers / anti lockdown people getting less intelligent by the day Dengue cannot be spread directly from person to person Even if the numbers were higher a lockdown or less human contact would not do a thing. Next time if you want to make fun of covid do study a bit and find a disease that transmits from human to human.
  15. Im divided about this I mean its clearly a risk and breaking the rules. But personally I would not report people on the other hand stuff like this makes us all live with covid longer.
  16. I doubt that it was wealthy Singaporean businessmen. What i saw were just normal (mostly young) Singaporeans. I did see some other white faces like me so it was not as if it was just Singaporeans. But when I registered it said priority would be given to them. Plus anyone who had a shot of anything already would not qualify. But the people i saw were definitely not HISO people and the registration was advertised at facebook. That is how my friends gave me the link I don't use facebook. But as I said no idea how they got the vaccines. But would it not be easier for wealthy SG businessmen to just bribe people to get a shot as to get (no clue how many) and open it for all SG people and others. Your assumption seems a bit far fetched. I mean the part of them using it as a cover. I mean there are easier ways for them to do this.
  17. To be honest I have no clue where the vaccines came from. I only know that my friends showed me the link and said i should register as i had had no shots yet. I registered but actually did not have much hope for it (too good to believe). Registered last Friday, appointment confirmation Monday and today first shot and next one in 3 weeks. I got it for free did not pay a thing and was amazed about it. Its not the US embassy that is bad the Dutch embassy did not do a thing either. But its strange that the US did not make sure that some of the doses were allotted to US embassy who then could have helped you guys. That is a bit strange IMHO.
  18. Invade IT assembles computers not sure if they help you with selecting stuff. But if you want it assembled they will do so for you. (at a cost)
  19. Is there a reward for doing such things, never read about it. Im sure some people would do such things to claim money.
  20. Yes i already paid for it and just got the message yesterday. So yes amazing Thailand. It was sheduled for q4. and i registered when it first opened on jun 3rd. So not fast.
  21. Oh in that way your right, but this was allocated to the SG chamber of commerce and they set their rules. The rules were no prior vaccinations and SG people first then others. I just took what was offered, i qualified did not bribe anyone. But yes I get your point others would be helped more with this. But on the other had if I had not taken it would it have gone to others in need, i doubt it as this was allocated to them to do with as they saw fit. Almost all the SG people were younger then me. GF who is from SG did not qualify as she had had a shot of astra through her company already. I was just lucky to be informed of this and when i registered i thought it would not happen (as I expected it all to be snatched up by SG people who had priority). But registered before the weekend and today the shot already. SG efficiency. But the way vaccines are allocated in Thailand leaves much to be desired. If i had not taken this opportunity who knows when as the moderna i registered for long ago and paid for was pushed back from q4 to q2 the following year.
  22. No queue jumping at all, they had doses allocated and I was free to sign up. All above board. Was people from SG first then other countries. Did see some other white skinned expats besides the Singaporeans. So i was not alone. All done above board did not bribe anyone. It was actually free (surprised me the most). Just a lucky opportunity. In 3 weeks ill get my second shot.
  23. Of course its all about keeping the economy going these guys make money for rich Thais so that is why they got vaccinated. Also these people like you said are more likely to spread it so that was one reason too.
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