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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Yes it should be more reported that for a big part 10% or so of people get long Covid. That is really bad and it takes a while to recover. That is totally different from the flue and the optimist who either classify it as a death.. or just a harmless disease you had and get over in a week or so. People need to be aware that the long covid is a serious problem. Yes the numbers are far too low we seen graphs of extra deaths this year compared to normal years and it is huge. Far more as the reported deaths. Its only reasonable to assume much of those are covid related.
  2. Yes I understood legs (just counted the hind section as 1). Just that i have seen guys move a treadmill while walking on it. Maybe if the wood or whatever is sufficiently wide and stable then it will work. So its just about finding something that works. I believe you have. As i said never had much experience with the treadmills (only early in my training time). After that i preferred stair climbers and ellipticals rowers and the sort.
  3. Ego about my lifts has been gone for a long time, I am quite strong not many (normal) guys can do what I do. But now that I can't progress much as im at my genetic max (and have been for a while) that strength is not important at all. I occasionally train with some friends and they are beginners compared to me. They seem to think its great how strong I am and impressive. I keep on saying its not the weight on the bar that is important but the effort you put in. Its better to give it all at a lower weight then to have a workout of nothing with heavy weights. Mirrors, I will have to disagree I have trained with and without. I prefer with (mainly for squat and putting the bar back). Most other exercises are without mirrors unless im standing in front of one while doing an exercise. But for those I don't consider it important. I disagree and agree about machines while i agree a lot are useless a adjustable cable cross is not. It will give you options your free weights have not, and a lat pully is a good thing too. For the rest I do like compounds and free weights but I accept that some machines are great like the ones i mentioned. (face pulls, better chest exercises ect from a adjustable cable cross). Oh i socialize AFTER training, not sure why one would do so during sets or in breaks. It would make breaks too long and the training not effective. To be honest I don't know many of the names of bodybuilders as I am only interested in what I do and training like those guys is impossible as they use LOADS of steroids' and have good genetics. To train like them is to destroy yourself. Your body can't handle their program. But the best thing is how close a home gym is and yes if i count my GF working out too then the gym would be cheaper but that is assuming i would pay for her and I don't. If you want to buy a cheap lat pulldown if i move ill sell this one for 5K (got an other one in my other home but that will take a while). I was just worried about the first one being hard to move. The second one is certainly not that hard to move and i watched how it was assembled.
  4. To be honest a lot of points are good and I agree with - own music - dial in climate - Train when you like - I don't train shirtless but trained without shoes for a while but dropped too many weight plates on my toes (not hard but still) - indeed not waiting for equipment is good - No distractions (did not have those in public gym either) - You have been training long and so have I so ego goes away somewhere along the line - I use spotters still train with someone at times, but to be honest i seldom need them I know what i can and cant do - Drink yes important - Travel, even though i was 10 min from my gym i still liked home - I have mirrors do think they are useful - Not sure if its cost effective but over the 10 years that i have used it it might break even I do miss the fact that i don't have all the machines but an adjustable cable cross will be delivered Saturday. I think ill use it a lot. Id like to have a stair climber but these are really expensive There are more machines in a public gym Got a rack, barbells dumbbells' hex bar for deadlifts. bumper plates, pull down machine concept 2 model d rower and an assault air bike. Some rings that i can attach to my rack and many other stuff.
  5. Basically that is how i train, start off with deadlifts 3 sets of 8 reps with around 170-180-190kg (trap bar deadlift so easier then conventional deadlift also safer IMHO)(on heavy days but i have lower days too to recover). Then 3 sets of squats 100+ kg depending a bit on how intense the deadlift was. Its usually my lower back that limits me then. After that some bench-press (far less heavy on the cardio vascular system then the deadlifts and squats. Bench press i start of at a weight that can help me warm up a bit. Only the last 2 sets of the 4 are work sets. up to 125 kg. So my chest is stronger. That is what you get from focusing on chest before i learned the benefits of squat and deadlifts. Then i do some rows or lat pull down and for shoulders landmines (relatively safe shoulder exercise) then some biceps and triceps if i still got some power left. Doing full body like that now 3 times a week as its easy as i train with others who sometimes skip sessions. If i were to do a bro split or a push pull the training would go wrong for those that skip sessions. So for now stuck on full body. Soon when my cable pull will arrive ill add stuff like face pulls good for shoulder health. I might even go back to a push pull split to change it up. Not that expect much (if any) muscle gain, its just maintenance for me. Sometimes my weights go down sometimes up but they will not get past certain levels. After many years of training you get close to what you can do. Plus no need to get bigger or stronger. Doing some cardio too not as much or consistent. Either rowing or the assault bike. But if money was no object id buy a step machine but at 200k its a bit too much.I loved the stair climber in the gym was great could zone out was heavy enough. For me its always hard to find a cardio exercise that i like. In the end its all about doing something you like.
  6. Sure i mean when im doing deadlifts and squats im panting like a lil girl. So sure compound exercises give you a cardio workout too. Though its never wrong (even beneficial) to add some cardio too.
  7. When i first started out lifting progress was not that fast either but I was 16 or so. No internet forums with good information just bro science and stupid muscle mags. When the internet made its entrance and real forums started then things became a lot more clear and progress was faster. Wish i knew back then what i know now. I was the average stupid lifter not doing squats as they were deemed dangerous by the gym instructors. Some people like lifting others don't point of lifting is to get more muscles and more burn (limited though) Also helps for a good core. You touched on bodytype, for some progress is slow for others its a lot faster. I now train with a young SG guy and i must say the guy is super lean. But he has a problem adding muscle. Not because of lack of effort in training as he gives it all. His problem is eating. People forget that for the natural leaner guys if they want extra muscle they need to eat more and its hard for some of them.
  8. Ok not much experience with treadmills but would it not get unstable with blocks under the rear leg. Depending of course a bit on your weight and how hard you run / walk whatever. Have you ever looked at those treadmills without a motor bit curved one (awfully expensive that is why i never bought one). I used to like running on a treadmill at a gym as i could zone out. But prefered the stair climber best but these things are around 200k bit over budget.
  9. Yes i seen this too people seem to equate sweating with burning fat. I always sweat buckets but that does not mean I burn fat. The myth seems wide spread here. You even see people in plastic body suits to get even more sweat. I think its dangerous. Yes a cooler gym makes you work out more and burn more calories. But I have to say the amount of calories burned from working out is not that huge, diet still wins out if its about fat loss. But working out makes sure that you don't lose muscle during fat loss (lower muscle is lower basic metabolic rate is less calories burned)
  10. Im pretty sure its not as low as what those workers make (I mean in comparison to cost of living). I am also pretty sure you did not have to live on site in a tin shack. I did hard labor too when young worked in tulips and so on but pay should be good or else you don't get people. The farmers that paid better got more people its that simple. I think the workers are being exploited a lot by these construction companies. Just my 2 cents but i get your view too.
  11. Non violence works best if the other side outguns you Gandhi proved that. Its not smart to use violence against the police in Thailand. I get the frustration of the proteters but for their sake they should reign in the ones that are violent.
  12. Would you be willing to live in a shack get a low wage and do hard work ? I mean maybe they should raise the salary a bit and the workplace to lure in Thais. Seems to me they just want the " cheaper" foreign workers then Thais.
  13. It all depends on how many vaccines they have. So far they have handled this worse then I expected. I never expected these numbers and these deaths and I was pretty negative about the government. Now 500k a day for vaccination is great but depends a bit on how many they have. Still the fact that they can do so many a day is positive to say the least.
  14. That is indeed a nice effort and the only way to get out of this trap. Vaccinate. In my country we did around a million plus per week. Thailand is about 4 times as big so not bad at all.
  15. Its all about context, if you have a big wrench in your toolbox as a plumber its ok, if you bring it to a protests its a weapon. Its not that hard to understand. Marbles + slingshot + protest = weapon Kids with a slingshot and marbles far away from protest sites = being naughty / having fun
  16. To vote someone out and to progress democracy and so on there need to be non corrupt good alternatives. I havent really seen them besides future forward and we all know what happened to them. Voting without good alternatives is just voting an other pair of corrupt officials in who will rape the country for their own benefit. The junta and Thaksin crew are just all in it for themselves. I mean just look at how easily MP's from the PTP jumped to the opposition so they could make money. Anyone who can't see that both sides are corrupt entities is just deluding themselves. Right now I don't really care who is in power. I mean what is happening now will happen again. The lying the cheating the denying. No matter who is in power. Its an ever ongoing puppet show of people who only want the power to enrich themselves.
  17. 2 grams per 100 grams.. not exactly high in protein.
  18. Lying again my friends middle class were not paid went after work to protests and during the day worked their normal jobs. So not everyone was paid just like the reds were not all paid. They actually were there before Suthep ever came up. He only came later. But on both sides there were paid for protesters. You keep defending one side while attacking an other I see you integrated well in Thai politics. Never admit the faults of your own side and keep attacking the other. Right out of the playbook of both YL Thaksin and Prayut.
  19. Did not explain it one bit why you are so laws should be enforced in one topic even if bad laws and now your supporting breaking the law here. Your anwser did not clear a thing up. Right my support made this happen. I think you give too much credit to us foreigners. We have absolutely no power my support did not make one bit of difference. Thais on the other hand they can vote and change things. As a foreigner we can just comment.
  20. So pulled out of thin air. Do you really think that its now 2% i highly doubt it. I don't doubt at all that they will lose an election but would not be surprised if they still got 20-30% of votes.
  21. But in the topic of Kratom you were saying breaking the law is breaking the law. Why such a split personality ? Its a stupid law that they cant protest but its the law. Like you made so clear in that topic that breaking the law no matter what should be punished. Not that I don't agree with you about the protests but its strange that you have such a dual view on things. On one side you want people to be prosecuted because they broke the law even though its changed now and on the other hand your now condoning protesters breaking the law. For the record i agree with the protests (not the violence)
  22. No doubt the government is not popular at all but I am pretty sure he pulled those numbers out of thin air. There is still a substantial minority supporting the government. There is no doubt in my mind that they would lose an election but also no doubt in my mind that far more then 2% of the population would vote for them.
  23. I use playstation controllers too. Fifa might be a lot more button bashing then the game i play. Anyway hope you find a solution.
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