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Everything posted by robblok

  1. I played it i like it only hate the unit cap of 200
  2. What idiots woman are not property and shooting someone for cheating with a wife is just stupid Divorce the wife that is it. Shooting her or her lover is childish and in this case pre meditated. Cant say it happened all of a sudden. This was murder simple.
  3. I don't often agree with you but this time i do. I find it strange people always bringing it up. Its almost like they like it themselves and bring it up because of that. Strange people. If this guy goes to jail he wont get old that is for sure. Bad conditions and he is older. His life will be hell anyway (and so it should)
  4. No I don't when they endanger others with their sickness. That moment all sympathy is gone. If your an alcoholic and not driving you got my sympathy but if you drive drunk all sympathy is gone even if your "sick".
  5. A lot can be made up by location of cars and so on.
  6. When drunk people have a short fuse. That might have something to do with it. But it would be so bad if this was intentional. I mean he could not be that stupid to do something like that on purpose and thinking to get away with it.
  7. I wonder if someone is going to defend him. All people who are high or drunk should be punished extra harsh when getting into accidents. This is unacceptable. First hitting people then fleeying.. being drunk. I would not want to be him at his age jail could mean his end. Not that i mind if the things stated in this article are factual.
  8. No but you cannot prove that the information came from the seller. It could also be a trick on the OP's side or even him talking to friends who got wind of it and scammed him. He can refuse that this is true but the seller also can claim he did not pass on his data. Maybe the seller did not even know it and it was an employee.. Its just too hard to prove and this goes outside of lazada.
  9. Your friend is quite a cheapskate. ???? Not to mention forgetful. I have encountered deposits at times. Its nothing strange.
  10. Is it strange that people cannot put information about top secret files in the media. I think not if it was that easy then the documents were not important and Trump could have kept the files. Just wait and see and hope this sticks and he will be disqualified to be president. Then the US might finally move forward instead of backwards.
  11. Clearly by watching CCTV its clear i was wrong and the driver was lying. Scum.
  12. Even if it suddenly stopped it can never be as fast as a motorbike. So the motorbikes are more likely to be at fault. Anyone sober would be able to outbreak a garbage truck (mass x speed ). So its more likely the motorbike drivers are at fault. They hit the truck not the other way around. Its not as if garbage trucks are fast. So if they were keeping their distance and not going fast it would probably not be a problem.
  13. They could be drunk and should be checked for it but if you hit something from behind in general your always to blame. Not sure why the garbage truck driver would be guilty ?
  14. I mean that must be a huge egg on the face that a really senior guy in this organization is found corrupt. It just shows how deep corruption is routed. Its totally unbelievable. But even worse they probably wont do much more as firing him.
  15. I tried it too with flavor tea's from Twinnings it got close to this. I just prefer this a bit more but im pretty sure its not ecomic. I am just happy that its easy to get sugar free stuff or low calorie stuff.
  16. The twinings cold infuse is nice, it is expensive but not something for me to worry about. I have made tea the way you describe its not the same. I am just informing people about cold infuse (and no i dont have shares in the company ????) It is expensive like 20bt per half a liter. For me its not that expensive and I can afford it easily as I don't drink alcohol. One beer a day is couple of times more expensive. But if you look at it from a price value thing its expensive. Its almost more expensive then cans of sugar free stuff. Still its a nice alternative.
  17. Just a heads up for those that get bored of water and hot tea. Now there is twinnings cold infuse and if you put it in water it gives a mild flavor to water at almost no calories at all. (but if you like low carb please dont use this as carbs are evil according to some). Each bag is about 5 calories probably carbs and is good for half a liter of water. I like it its a nice addition to other sugar free stuff and maybe better then those with artificial flavor. An other really nice one is Schwepps no sugar.
  18. Just an other idiot fallen to the hard drug alcohol. I can imagine the comments if he had been high. They would condemn him a lot more.
  19. That high risk what if your GF of the night decides to cut of your finger..... did you think about that. Your not paranoid enough to be on Thaivisa ???? I think anyone who sets a good password on his phone and a different one be it fingerprint or facial or again an other password for the banking app is relatively safe.. (if they dont show their passwords off to others)
  20. Yes losing a phone with banking apps is dangerous. But most people have a password on their phone and one on their banking app. I got two different passwords of course. I wonder how they figured out his birth date. Maybe it was someone he knew otherwise how to figure out his birth date.
  21. This is not unique to the USA but to the Netherlands too you got people who dont save and then get bailed out and you got people who do save and sacrifice and get shafted. (I have had that in the past). But yes not everyone who cant pay did not put in enough effort. I did put in my reply that this does not apply to everyone but there are always people who do. I pay off all my debts but see plenty of people here saying going bankrupt is better. I just don't like that mentality. But yes its broad generalization and it certainly does not apply to everyone but it does happen. That is something you cant deny. Neither can i deny that there are people who really need this support. I think you get my point.
  22. Both are right, I would be pretty <deleted> if i had saved lived careful and paid it off while others did no such thing and got it paid off. I get where he is coming from. I get where your coming from too, personally i dont like these things as they are unfair to those wo do save. Though of course for exceptions that did save and still had problems would be acceptable. Too bad those things are hard to do. (to check such things)
  23. Just a remark gratitude means you think your putting in more then you are getting. Your money namely. She thinks its a fair trade and she might even think you have to be grateful So its just a matter of points of view and if this is how she thinks you have to find one that accepts less and is grateful for me. Its all about finding the right one.
  24. Or taking a hard look at himself. I mean he probably wants girls that expect more then he does. He finds he is offering enough for her and she does not. If that is the kind of relationship then take it or take a lil less pretty one that likes you more maybe closer to your age. Choice choices. I have no pitty with men like this. They make their own bed and lie in it. Like you said its all about the selection process and accepting you cant have it all.
  25. Sorry brain was not totally awake. Anyway if the guy was drunk / high whatever hang him high and make him pay (selfish act and preventable by taking a taxi. If you can afford to drink you can pay for a taxi or not drink / or get high) For the family there was probably no other way then to go with 4 on a bike money wise. Its a question of life and no other choices. So it far less a crime then having fun drinking and so on and then driving when so many taxis are there. I really find this a selfish act.
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