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Everything posted by robblok

  1. So you just ignore all my points. You keep not responding to the Twinkie diet, maybe because it blows holes in your theories. Great, you forget one thing caloric reductions work, problem is sticking to them. Its never been proven that they don't work the problem is sticking with them. (like with most things) Now if you have the metabolic syndrome you say it will get back in balance by cutting out processed carbs and eating less then you burn. Its that simple. Latest research shows aging is not so much of a problem but the inactivity and loss of muscle that comes with it (like you described) is the problem.
  2. My point is also simpel, if you don't eat more then you burn your body will burn fat because at those amounts your body can't have a constant insulin height. You seem to forget that all the time. You seem to overstate insulin as i have proven with the Twinkie diet. (so much carbs and still weight loss). If the amount is low enough you will lose fat even if its carbs. You are too focused on details while ignoring logic. If insulin was so important and so destructive the Twinkie diet would not have worked. Tell me how do you explain that ? All I am saying is that insulin is not a problem if you burn more then you consume. However it can compound things if you overeat. But don't underestimate the bodies ability to get insulin low again.
  3. Your not rich enough to be a share holder (to have any meaningful influence), so its just your personal vision. Not something that is done in any country. I guess that says enough.
  4. Do they have that in the west too or is that just something you just came up with. Now paying compensation is an other thing that is of course normal just like in other countries.
  5. Stupid tourists overestimating themselves and dragging others to their death (figuratively).
  6. True but chances are higher that it is no crime. You never know something 100% sure but the chances are higher that it was natural then that it was not.
  7. Maybe confusion dementia onset by some illness. Who knows but no robbery as everything of value was there.
  8. It is as it is a mind altering substance that is worse then some drugs and is classified as a drug. So people consuming alcohol are as bad as other drug users. Simple as that. I dont have a problem with drug users, only when they commit crimes while using drugs (an accident with victims while drunk and or high should have an extra few years added IMHO) People who cant use their drugs (and alcohol for those who don't consider it a drug) responsible without bothering others should be punished. Not the guy sipping his beer or the guy smoking a joint. But the guy killing or hurting others while under the influence should be punished extra severe.
  9. I am all for liberal drug laws, however when someone commits a crime like this under the influence extra punishment should be handed down. Same goes for the drug alcohol, like driving and killing someone. Should also be far harsher be punished. But if you take drugs fine your own business. If you then harm others, extra punishent should be added.
  10. There is a link if your parents have a high intelligence then quite often you have too. Though you could say that your points prove it because smart parents usually have money and so on. But what i read there is a genetic part to it. But not so broad as to say that Dutch people are smarter then fill in the ones below the top 10. But its seems to be linked to your parents for sure.
  11. It should be after consultation with some psychiatrist or something to be sure the person is not pushed into it by his or her family. Because that is the only problem with it that people might feel they have to do it to not be a burden on their family. But I doubt it will ever happen that we will be totally free like that to decide too many religious people who want to oppose their views on others. Even in the Netherlands its those bible thumpers that are against it. I mean they believe life is a gift from god. Sure if they think like that then let THEM not do it but give freedom to others. Many religions are against this kind of freedom. But it makes sense on a planet full of people and overpopulation.
  12. How very Dutch of you ???? My country has one of the best euthanasia laws int he world. Im not often nationalistic but i think its a great thing to be able to choose ones own ending.
  13. Indeed plus rather have someone take a bit longer then to have a lying PM like BJ. Whenever he opened his mouth lies came out and a lot of people sure were fooled by it.
  14. If she was high on weed this topic would be full of posts, but this is just alcohol the drug the conservative thinkers love. ????
  15. Fake arguments, he was no threat at all cuffed on the ground. Before might have been resisting but the danger was long gone. No need to go overboard. The guy was no angel and he might have deserved to die however that is not the cops duty nor does it influence their mistake. The guy was a criminal and a bad one I don't lose sleep over his death. But once you start accepting this lines blur and more violence by cops goes on. The US already has a reputation for that. Other cops and the judge and jury saw it the same so your a minority. Your argument of cops being placed in tough spots is far more convincing. The others are just B.S. Cops have a hard time that is for sure. However when they truly cross the line like here the should be held accountable. When things are more grey they should have more slack then the average person. You do know that cops are only to use force when in danger, using deadly force on someone on the floor and in cuffs is not accepted anywhere in the world. I can understand cops being more violent if dealing with people who are known to be dangerous and criminal but that stops once the danger is gone.
  16. Your got a strange opinion. What i know of the law is that judges (in other countries) and juries (in US) deal out punishment. The cops themselves should not deal out punishment, you act like the cop should have punished the guy. Yes the police should be given some slack however in this case even other cops were shocked. We all know the guy was a bad guy but that does not mean that cops should be judge jury and executioner. Maybe you like the movie judge dredd a lot. This cop crossed the line used violence when it was not needed and the suspect was not a danger to anyone. He begged bystanders begged and the cop just went on. He was in handcuffs on the ground no danger at all. I am all for giving cops a way out because they are put in situations where they can make mistakes in the heat of the moment. This was not such a case. In my country just recently a cop shot at a 16 year old farmer, during the farmer protests. The cop thought he was in danger the boy had no ill intention but the cop was put in this situation and the farmers were violent before. So i get it why the cop made an error. But this was a in the heat of the moment action. Then I am for no or really low punishments. But not like this a suspect already in cuffs on the ground. As for you saying he would likely be dead and crimes have been prevented so the cop should get off. That is a load of B.S. again you don't know the future and cops should not do this.
  17. Noo...Noo.... you should not use logic and reason.. it makes people look bad. Either they really don't understand and that means lack of critical thinking or they knew and just want to justify something.
  18. Not sure why people should feel guilty about slavery, its so long ago besides many of the original slaves were captured by their fellow countrymen not whites. They should tell it how it that is was a horrible practice that was done in the past. Should sugarcoat it but at the same time nobody living now should feel guilty about it.
  19. Its a sad world that is for sure, too many crazy people.
  20. I agree, 100% with you. Processed carbs are bad. But not ALL carbs are bad. That is my whole point. That is why in almost every post i make it clear stay away from the processed food / carbs. You just don't seem to differentiate between the two is it so hard to admit that there are carbs that one can eat without problems (again if too much its still a problem but i really cant stuff myself with sweet potato ????)
  21. I guess my IQ is well above the average thaivisa reader at 125-135 so no wonder i post smart things at times. But cannabis is a dangerous thing for me if it take it too early, then i will order icecream and bad carbs. All my self control is out of the window then. But not everyone responds the same way to cannabis, same as with diets there is no one rule for all.
  22. No that is absolutely not difficult to understand, hence what i always say don't eat processed foods those are the bad carbs that people overeat on and ad sauce too. I never seen people put sauce on a steamed sweet potato, or add sauce to oatmeal. So what I have always been saying cut the processed foods then it really does not matter if you eat some good carbs. Saying that all carbs are bad and you should stay away from carbs is far too much of a generalization. It really tires me that there are too many acolytes of the low carb sect. I believe in eating healthy foods carbs included (not processed carbs like cakes french fries and the likes) Is it so hard to differentiate between the two.
  23. The strange thing is nobody, ever gave me an explanation why the twinkie diet, highly processed sugary stuff still worked for weight loss. Maybe they cant because of their information bias.
  24. Its so funny that you dont seem to understand what I am saying. Processed food is bad, normal carbs are not bad in moderation. Maybe you should read some real science instead of believing the pseudo science of a few. I never stated that too much carbs is bad. Im at 200 grams (high days) of carbs a day. that is around 33% the rest comes from proteins and some fat. My carbs are oats, sweet potato, berry rice slow digesting no problem with insulin. Maybe you could explain me how it is that a professor lost loads of weight on a twinkie diet. I mean those are bad carbs and he still lost the weight. So riddle me that how is that possible ?
  25. I think that falls onder the ban on online ordering of alcohol.
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