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Everything posted by robblok

  1. It certainly looks that way given the change. Not sure how much of that was fat loss though. If you look at his legs they are compatible. His upper body is a lot smaller. But he was not super lean in the first picture. But its a bit hard to say from the picture. His face is a lot smaller too.
  2. Or you could actually learn what the definition means. An education is a wonderful thing.
  3. Yea that is what i heard about the Dutch army, friend of mine was conscripted. Told me it was drinking till you dropped. That was one of the reasons I did not want to be conscripted. (thankfully that never happend we got a professional army) Anyway of course you drank more back then, even I drank beer when younger. But mostly just because everyone did (social pressure) never liked it much as i got a lil bit older i stopped.
  4. 1) Im impressed that you stopped drinking. Great work (though i don't have a problem with drinking) I just assumed given your avatar. 2) I was never able to smoke, so vaping or a bong, the moment i try to smoke i cough till i die 3) humor sensor is broken had a bad night woke at 3 am could not sleep so left bed at 4 am. Not fun. Had i vaped, then I would have certainly slept well but try to not get dependent on it for a good night sleep.
  5. Your more an alcohol man, the harder drug of the two. If you worry about smoking then vape it then it only heats it to release the active ingredient not burn it better for the lungs. Alternatively you can eat it in a cookie for instance. Anyway its great there are now alternatives to alcohol. For me it helps me sleep like a baby, only problem is if i use it too early then my diet goes to hell as ill order grab to bring me tubs of ice cream. So it does have its drawbacks. So i try not to use it too often as a value my diet. Normally im quite strong willed but when under the influence of cannabis that goes to hell. Not inhaling it as an excuse is like saying you poured your beer on the floor and not drink it.. does not make sense.
  6. @WaveHunter Lets make it easy so i can get some direct answers. Do you think that after cutting processed foods, and only eating healthy carbs there is an advantage to going keto or low carb. I am talking about lower then say 200 grams of carbs a day (of stuff like oats / sweet potato / rice berry brown rice / some fruits ect if so how many % more fat (not weight) will you lose then Do you think that on a diet as I described you cannot lose weight because im eating carbs Because that is basically what im talking about a diet without processed foods (or way of eating). I dont contest that highly processed foods and bad sugars. I mean that is a given. This is short and simple because we might be arguing about nothing.
  7. I think you still don't get it a calorie is a measurement of energy, i hope you can agree there. If you eat more then you burn you get fat and vice versa if you burn more then you eat you get lean. Your to hung up about calorie counting and stuff, and look too much at things under a microscope and miss the big picture. After you cut out processed foods and added sugars it really does not matter anymore if you go high low or whatever carb or protein. The differences are minimal. The obesity is because people eat too much highly processed foods. If you think calories dont matter then find me 1 study about weight loss or where they compare diets where they dont mention calories. Just 1 study ? I dare say you wont be able to find it because in science calories are the measurement of energy. That is all they are. So basically to lose weight you want a deficit of energy and that translates to a caloric deficit. It does not matter how you create it. Your the stuborn bias one, not me I looked at all diet and looked at all studies and only if you cherry pic will you find that some diets are better. If you do meta analysis you will see they are basically the same. However some people respond better to some diets then others. There is are just individual differences.
  8. @WaveHunter You focus too much on small things that look good on paper but in factuality have no real impact given all the studies. Just like that guy with his when there is insulin you cant burn fat (right) but then the twinkie diet proved that there is enough time to burn fat when insulin is down otherwise weight loss would not have been possible or the guy with the vitamin c that increased the speed of fat burning however we did not need an increased speed as the normal speed is already fast enough and limited by the defict. You need to take a step back and see if its actually working in the grand scale of things. Quite often you make good remarks like no processed foods and sugars and so on. Everyone agrees on it and then you blow it by things like this. Basically once you remove processed foods and those HFC sugars it does not matter anymore what diet you choose.
  9. I dont take your wordt for it as i have seen research that showed no difference between low carb and med carb diets in meta studies. So again your focusing on the stupid small things while the big picture proves you wrong. I posted this before you probably ignored it as usual. Cutting calories always helps, no way around it. But yes you need to fix the problem of overconsuming foods and clean your diet up.
  10. Why would we lift the alcohol ban, weed is less damaging. So let the alcies suffer they were enjoying it when weed was illegal looking down on weed users, so maybe they need a taste of their own medicine. (more a tongue in cheek remark im not that vindictive). Online buying of alcohol would make things better as it will allow smaller beer sellers (with the new law change) get to a larger public. So it will probably not happen as the major players don't like a level playing field. I agree that young people should be protected and cannabis use among kids should be discouraged / illegal. The online sale thing is a hot topic for both alcohol and cannabis, i wonder how they can prevent minors buying. Even if you make people put in their details and have them verified, these details can be stolen by youth. So no system will ever be full proof. Same goes for just normal buying of cannabis and alcohol. Buying by proxy is always possible.
  11. Great that it helped for you I am not against low carb or Keto or whatever. I just like it when people know there are other ways besides Keto / Low carb. IMHO and that of many scientists / gym experts / research, there is are individual differences. Some people respond good to one kind of diet while others do not. Sometimes there is no difference. You can only know if you try. But once you try you should not (and your not doing that) advocate for only your way. Many people seem to do that. I think in basis if you cut out processed foods, eat your fruits and veggies, and cut out liquid calories your fine. That works for most. After that you can try whatever you want. OMAD, Low carb, Keto, normal diet without processed foods (my favorite), intermittent fasting ect, paleo (though how they present it has flaws but cutting out processed foods is always good). Some people get hungry when they eat carbs others don't, even within food selection some things work better for some then others. But the basics stay the same eat less then you burn or the same if you like to stay on weight. Calories do count, there is a reason all research is uses calories as a yard stick. How you limit those by eating less because you dont eat carbs and are not hungry, or just eating smaller portions its all good. People should stop being fanatics and push their way as the only way. There are many ways and people should try what suits them as sustainability is one of the biggest issues. This was not a comment on you but a general remark you gave a good post.
  12. That is a good thing, time for the alcohol lovers to accept that cannabis is no longer looked down on. Plus it actually is safer. Your totally right that you don't let an employee grow cannabis on your premises. I think my landlady would not like it if i started growing it. Personally i like it for my backpain at night, but i get a tendency to use it to early at night at times and then.. Dieet is gone. So im trying to not do that. Because the moment I get a buzz, I order icecream or other bad stuff with grab. So while i don't think its bad for me its has a serious downside. But the sleeping part is heaven. Instead of waking up countless times at night i can make a full night sleep and wake up fresh.
  13. Its great that its legal only old fossils with outdated ideas are against it. Simple things like not selling to kids seems a no brainer (same goes for alcohol) But its far less damaging then alcohol so its a blessing. Now they publicize some bad things happening (like the fake death on weed by a guy with a heart problem and no THC in his blood). Research has shown weed is better. Its not innocent but just safer. Now they do have to check about weed and driving because that is indeed a weak point. But given how well they check for alcohol and driving I dont expect much. I love weed for my back, if i take some at night i sleep well and my back does not hurt when i wake up. Its actually something that is useful especially compared to alcohol. Now the only downside is overuse (as with any drug and alcohol). For me it also kills diet but if i take it at night just before sleep for my back i dont have a problem. If i take it early i better lock my phone away or junk food will be ordered.
  14. Maybe its time for those low carb acolytes to understand that the kind of carb and amount is much more important then carbs or no carbs. All these meals are carbs and and all are great and making me lose weight. That eating overly processed food is clear but to cut out carbs is stupid. Cut out overly processed food and then eat what you like. Its stupid to limit your choices too much. Below the pics of normal meals with carbs (and no im not fat nor am i going to hell) The boxes are from homie a food delivery service in BKK around 320cals a box, the oats is just water + 70 grams of big leaved oats and 1 serving of casein and water. I really get bored at the constant demonization of carbs. Processed foods and stuff i can get into. But even then its amount that counts. For the bright guy that said that insulin stores fat, i can tell with 100% certainly you wont store any fat if you burn more as what you eat. Even if it stores the fat for a short while it will be burned during the rest of the day. YOU CANT GET FAT IF YOUR IN A CALORIC DEFICIT EVEN IF YOU EAT TWINKIES Insulin does not work indipendent from your other body processes. Maybe its time to look at the big picture instead of taking something out of context without knowing how it works.
  15. does stoned not mean on drugs ? I made a joke but could be on drugs could be drunk could be a normal mental case could be drunk and on drugs. So many options but i mentioned the drugs in the first sentence.
  16. Again carbs are not the problem, for some people yes for others not. Just got a 70grams of oatmeal with caseïne. Later I will also eat some rice berry or sweet Potatoe. Will get close to 150 or more g of carbs. And guess what i lost 25 kg that way. Of course this wont work if i take loads of processed foods. But i can even add in some bread (with chicken breast). Basically you got it totally wrong but your stuck in an echo chamber of like minded fools. Now going low carb when dining is great as it helps you selecting foods. But i order my foods before hand when i eat at home. My rule is making sure i got the right food and it works. Now i got a friend who can eat all the carbs and junk food he wants and he is super super lean. Actually if he does not eat enough he starts to lose weight right away. Maybe its time for you to accept there are more ways then one and not everyone has a carb problem. If your talking about an older expat with a love for alcohol then yea there will be problems. Alcohol is the absolute worst. For me cannabis is the worst as then i do order bad carbs and lots of them.
  17. Again you cant store fat if your not in a caloric deficit. That is the only truth. I am seriously thinking that low carbs limits brain function. You said it yourself it because of overeating and now your going back to that idioticy. If that is the case how could the twinkie diet work ? pure carbs but weight loss. Now i am not saying its healthy because its not but it blows your argument out of the water. https://edition.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html
  18. Yes they do but that is not going to happen. I prefer that just like you. But it wont happen soon.
  19. Yes it 100% fails its objective. It should be susidised.
  20. Probably drunk and stoned ???? It really sucks when something happens to you even if you have first class insurance its hassle. People should just keep from other peoples property. Too bad there are too many idiots in this world.
  21. Yea she will fit right in cheating on entrance exam and all. I mean its such a shame Thailand if full of losers like that. I don't mean just her but the fact they let a drug dealer in. It just shows how morally corrupt Thai politics on both sides is. Before I would mention Europe as an example, maybe if I say Western Europe Uk excluded it would be true. Seems standards in some countries in Europe have gone backwards too. Its just sad to see this in a country. I think we need time take care of this maybe in a far future things will change.
  22. Your right the only thing they did well was legalize cannabis. Thaksin is a dangerous idiot comparing cannabis to opium. Dont forget he was the one that allowed the killing of drug users to happen. So im not sure what we can expect from the Pheu Thai on that front. They probably want to criminalize it again as it was something that made the other side popular. Also the major of BKK was an idiot reporting an overdose on canabis and then after the guys body was examined there was no THC in his blood and he had an heart condition. So not sure about that part.
  23. The relevant experience part is a joke as there was a drug dealer in the current MOB. I mean its not as if experience means anything in Thailand both sides mess with it. So i don't see the experience thing as a problem. Just look at Prayut with his military style of doing stuff. Not exactly a shining example either. Competency wise i think both sides are equally weak. In Thai politics it never is about experience / competency but about contacts and power. I don't mind the PTP, cant be that worse as the current MOB, just don't want to see problems again. These can be easily avoided by not bringing Thaksin back. But it seems that was their main goal in the past and willing to ruin their chances at a peaceful government. I just hope they don't make the same mistake again. If they don't wonderful. Corruption wise i think both are equally corrupt.
  24. Depends if she is working for the people then there would be no problem. If she like her other family tries to get Thaksin home then it could lead to trouble. So it all depends do they want to work for the people (and take their corruption cut like the current MOB) or go after a Thaksin pardon again. (not beneficial to the people will lead to problems) Will have to wait and see for that one.
  25. Counting calories works, its just not practical for most. The rest I fully agree. Though its still about excessive calories. Can't beat science there. I dont get it why people dont understand it probably brainwashed. There is a reason ALL studies use calories as a yardstick. If they did not do you in or matter then calories would not be used as a measure in scientific experiments. Could you explain to me why all scientist use them to measure diets and their results if they are not the driving factor ? I do agree about the excessive carbs in form of processed food and high fructose corn syrup. Though ultimately its still about amounts.
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