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Everything posted by robblok

  1. You obviously have no clue you can't store fat if you don't overeat. Also insulin release is not all day long even if you eat carbs. You body can burn fat in the time your not high on insulin. Proof is in the fact the twinkie diet (100% carbs and surgar) made a guy lose weight. Should not be possible accoridng to you.
  2. I am not misinformed; besides, I talk about early abortion that is when about 2/3s happen. Christians and other moralists are uninformed thinking they can decide for others. How about you decide for yourself and others decide for them. This does not concern you. You force your family and friend and follow your stupid code. Others will do the same for theirs.
  3. Yes its about overeating.. now you got it. So its overeating not carbs. Yes some people overeat on carbs others dont people are different stat to accept it.
  4. Nothing wrong with this post just your belief that carbs are bad. Its been discredited its about the amount of calories once you get that in your head you will understand. Otherwise the guy on twinkie diet could not have lost weight. Case closed. Now I wont say that eating huge amounts of processed carbs are not bad, but in the end its about quantaty. Its time for you to understand that not everyone has a problem with carbs. There are people who indeed react good to low carb, others don't that been proven too in scientific tests. Maybe you should get out of your bias and start reading other websites too.
  5. Who are you to say that a womans right to her body is hers. You live in the past i hope that fanatics like you clear the field soon and leave room for a younger more progressive group of people. There is a good reason to hate Christians this one of them in many ways they are as backwards as the Muslims. Seriously abortion is totally fine up until a certain time. For a woman its a right and any many denying this is an stupid. I get it that there is a time limit but before that time there is no brain nothing. Just a clump of cells. These remarks are just backwards thinking to control a woman. Get your own life in order before controlling others.
  6. I dont think they work for the taxpayer or consument but take their kickbacks from the company to tell them they cant do it then get compensated and allow it. (ok really negative view but with decisions like that it just shows corruption as it breaks their own rules)
  7. Yes im sure some people got nice brown enveloppes. It really is crazy their own law forbids it and a blind man can see this will cause damage but they let it happen.
  8. No I back my stuff up with science, and research while you back it up with ..... nothing. Cannabis has been researched in more liberal countries like the Netherlands for decades. All science points to alcohol being far more dangerous. Even Brit Scientists agree and rank alcohol high risk. I think im the only one that posted some research nobody else did so yea im intitled to call people uninformed and you too as you seem to think cannabis has not been researched much. Just that something is illegal does not mean they don't research it. Some countries might say it but its been researched for decades in my country. Its just a fact that many on this forum don't want to admit that alcohol is worse because then they cant look down on pot users anymore. I am not saying that pot is harmless as no drug ever is. https://journal.nzma.org.nz/journal-articles/alcohol-is-more-harmful-than-cannabis (THC / Ethanol (alcohol)) coparison https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-11660210 (harm score see graph) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320895 (alchol more damaging for brain health then marijuana)
  9. If you compare cannabis with opium then your not educated on the subject. Cannabis is less addictive then alcohol and far less addictive then opium. I posted research and graphs to back that up. Problem is that people love to demonize it while it certainly not harmless its in a lower leage then alcohol. So why do people think alcohol should be allowed and is ok while the less harmful of the two is demonized. Its all about not looking at true science. Now i wont say its harmless as it certainly is not. But to compare it with a far worse substance is just not good. People should be educated about cannabis with real facts not scare tactics. I am totally against use of minors of the stuff.
  10. Its not as if they can catch you if you do it in your home. ????
  11. Cannabis it certainly not harmless, but compared to alcohol its less harmful and less addictive. People should be educated about cannabis based on real facts. It certainly is not perfect, especially if you smoke it. But vaping or eating makes it less harmful. It of course has negative effects too. Just make sure to put them in a clear perspective. Much science has shown alcohol to be worse, so acting like its worse is stupid. Dont overblow risks and negatives, but show them how they are. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3538401/
  12. Your a bit uninformed, but that is normal on this forum of alcohol lovers. How about we let science tell us instead of your.... As a self confessed Author would you not first do some research ? But yes it should be discouraged and given this graph alcohol should be discoraged even more. Source Mayoclinic https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3538401/
  13. Yea like people would intentionally do that, just more stupid news. Nobody ever thought its a good idea to give kid pot, or to give anyone pot without them knowing (both reprehensible IMHO). These are just stories to act like pot is a huge danger by people who know nothing or want their moment in the spotlights.
  14. Oh yes he was the one that allowed the police to kill drug users. How can anyone forget. I did actually but thanks for bringing it up. I bet a part of the farang community would love to see marijuana criminalized again. I can remember the discussions when this came up and also that it would never happen according to them. I also did not expect this. If there is one good thing about this government and I mean just one.. then its this.
  15. He is not stupid, he only mentions it because he can attack the government. Just like the BKK governor with his first marijuana death (within days of opening it up). First in the world ever. And then after autopsy no THC was found in the blood and a heart condition discovered. It is all about politics they just cant accept something of the other side that is popular. But that is not just Thaksin and his minions same goes for the opposition.
  16. Of course he would be against it given that his enemies came up with it. What an idiot comparing both. I bet he does not demonize alcohol because he made money with it. Kinda like the Mayor of BKK who talked about the first death from marijuana and then in the autopsy it was shown that the guy did not even had THC in his blood and an heart condition. Kinda like the US reefer madness model. You either ban alcohol and mariuana as the fist is far more dangerous or you let them both be. He is right about education about marijuana but same should go for alcohol too, how much violence it causes and road deaths. Its a smart thing to educate people about he dangers but it should be realistic because if you make it overly negative then people wont believe you. It should be based up by real facts, not made to steer you in a certain direction. Otherwise people will not believe the information your trying to teach.
  17. @WaveHunter The slowing of metabolic rate is grossly overstated. You can bring it up but its basically not a real factor. Everyone who loses weight will burn less calories no matter what diet you use. I mean you log around less weight so you burn less calories. There is indeed an adaptation that goes further then the loss you have from just carrying around less bodyweight. But that loss is not big enough to stop a diet. (see below) I can attest to a site full of gym goers who all lost weight while cutting calories. It just works nothing has ever been proven that it does not work That is basically cutting calories I mean what else is it., and yes that is the strategy one should go for. Because its sustainable. You can diet, but its not a long term solution. If 50 calories are going to kill your diet your doing it wrong. I have always advocated for whole foods and cutting out processed foods, im just not the type that will cut out carbs and it works for me and many others. Below a really good vid about obesity (and he says its not a choice and he points out the problems different people have the differences between bodies and so on. Really interesting watch). I agree with him that different people have different problems. This guy always his points backed up by science.
  18. Yep punishment seems to be strange here.. ok should be punished harshly a grenade is not a light thing its terrorism. But does it thump murder when there are no actual people dying from the attack
  19. Ok lets stick to the topic then even though carbs are not necessary they are certainly not harmful or and you wont get fat from them either unless you consume too much. Calories that is, otherwise the guy on the twinkie diet would never have lost his weight. No need to go low carb or keto to get to your goals. Low cab people need to learn that there is not one way to lose weight but many. That people respond differently (as research has shown). Some do amazing on low carb others amazing on higher carbs. On average meta-analysis shows no advantage of low carb (meta-analysis makes sure you cant cherry pick studies). However there are people who respond great to low carb, same as to higher carb. Food selection is far more important then the difference between carbs fat and protein. So constantly bringing up carbs is not helpful in the least. Do we need carbs (no) Do you need to go low carb to lose weight (no) Is it a good idea to cut processed foods (yes) Is it ultimately about food intake (yes after cutting out processed foods)
  20. The myth exists its common among low carb people. (carbs are evil ect) You can deny all you want the idiot keto / super low carb people are what caused this. Im just an example of how you can be lean on (moderate and mainly unprocessed carbs) Oats / sweet potatoes even some white bread (oh the low carb devil will come for me) Its more about amounts than certain foods.
  21. Great advertising that some foreigners could make far better teachers as Thai teachers. Of course the time imputed vs monetary reward has something to do with it ????
  22. And that is one of the best answers i have ever seen. We all have different likes and dislikes. Current GF has quite big breasts for an Asian girl but does not do much for me. But she had it easy getting guys. What i like about her are her brains and her English skills (Singaporean not Thai). Ok she does not look bad at all but its not the body type that i normally prefer. But I have long since given up on going for perfection on all fronts. But in a bar with hookers you just go for looks of course I mean nothing else is important then unless you think of taking her out of the bar.
  23. Actually not great detective work but bad reading on my part. 6-7 months and a prior English BF of 7 years i read it that the guy lived in the UK (or they have updated the story) Because in general im not that stupid. But jealousy was the case not lady boy panic.
  24. Why anyone thought it would be a good idea to let kids smoke it... I mean that is not even legal in the Netherlands. Sure they can get it now through others but same goes for alcohol can get through others too. So that is not really a reason to prohibit it. (before people bring that argument up)
  25. Seems they knew each other for 7 years.. so the I did not know she was a ladyboy seems farfetched (according to the newspaper that cant be mentioned)
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