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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Joking in the pub, is one thing, but about a murder. I guess there are all kinds. I think murder does not deserve jokes. But guess you think its funny.
  2. Of course there is the moral ethical duty to disclose, however not doing is NOT a reason to kill someone. As for trans panic defense is crazy what is next viable defense if your wife cheats or wants to divorce you. Now it might be a mitigating circumstance. (in some countries if you catch a guy with your wife in bed they give less punishment if you kill them not that there is no punishment)
  3. Just questioning your interpretation it often says a lot about the person. You make a strange reasoning that that is the reason it happened. So just wonder how your mind works. Sounded a bit like justification.
  4. Ah next step in your thinking process is kill ? Not, just end it there and forget about it.
  5. Yea certainly unlucky and unresponsible. There is a reason why i never do that. When i have a regular GF i make sure she is on anti conception. I hope nothing comes from it but you might be responsible (at least morally) for some money for your kid.
  6. Ok as far as i know in the The feminine looking girl in a lesbian relation. Toms are their male acting looking counterpart. Of course this is not the same in all Thai lesbian relations. At least this is how it was explained to me.
  7. Thailand has always had many gays, ladyboys Toms, Dees and so on. Thais have brought this law on the table, Thais voted for this law. Not sure where you see western influence.
  8. No problem, i can show my belly im lean on carbs. The stupid myth that carbs are bad per definition needs to die.
  9. Of course it depends on personal situation, if you dont need to be fit and clear you can use it as much as you want. Also some people tolerate it better then others, its always personal. You can function ok when using, though not during work or getting high before work. Anyway for me i don't like using it that much as it kills my diet. I really lose all self control and combine that with grab delivery then my diet will go to hell ???? Like mmmm chocolate icecream.. mmmm cake.... (imput other bad stuff).
  10. I would not touch drugs if there was random drug testing at work. Its a no brainer.
  11. Lack of energy is certainly a thing for people who use it every day. You don't want to do much if your in that state. But i doubt its much different for people who drink all day. (alchohol) Every day is just too much. Occasional (depending what one calls occasional)
  12. Why do they make stuff up You can’t overdose on cannabis in the way that you can overdose on, say, opioids. To date, there have not been any reported deaths resulting solely from cannabis use, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). https://www.healthline.com/health/can-you-overdose-on-marijuana
  13. Nah, just not my style to do such things. I find it childish. But then again this is the pub. Should have known the level here. ???? Bar stool humor.. sorry. Ill leave.
  14. Oh so you on purpose misrepresented something to get a rise out of people.. oh i get it.
  15. @Gottfrid Her abs are not that flat that is an exercise where you pull in your abs to get a slimmer belly. That is not how they look when she is not holding it in for the exercise.
  16. As far as I know the on screen keyboard is not connected to the real keyboard. So that it works on the on screen keyboard does not mean that the keyboard is good and its a driver problem. Sometimes computers just fail, maybe bring it to a shop to look at.
  17. Right.. there is no such thing as fake money.. Come on both cash as this can fool people. But not if they really check.
  18. I think you missed my point, filming is not much of a problem in normal setting Phuket on the beach in trains. But in red light district different. I mean if that is what you want to film. I would not care if you film me on the beach id be less happy if i were in a red light district with hooker on my arm. Different situation.
  19. Common sense is says if your filming on a beach people will not have many problems with it. However if your filming in an area with bar girls and prostitution people wont like to be filmed. I mean you should have been able to figure that one out yourself, even in Amsterdam they don't like it when they get filmed in the red light district but in other places of the city its not so much of a problem.
  20. Probably will use on occasion as i hate alcohol its just not for me. But i really get the munchies so i wont use it much as it kills diet. Also heavy use will kill the will to do things. Occasional use can be fun. As a Dutch guy i know all about it of course and own a vaporiser so it does not smell and is less bad for the lungs as you just heat the product to release the THC not burn it and get allt he <deleted>. Still not perfect. Perhaps edibles are the way to go.
  21. Do whatever you like i like a good breakfast and I don't believe in the myth of it being the most important meal. I am hungry in the morning unlike you. I do eat the same every day for breakfast but I am not easily bored. A balanced breakfast is a myth unless you include greens in it otherwise its all the same whatever you eat be it rice, oats, bread or whatever.
  22. Naive young men do believe that but I am not naive, nice to see the creatine benefits. I have used it in the past and it does work to get a extra rep or so out of a set. But im not too concerned about that. But the other benefits for the brain seem interesting. I stayed away from creatine mainly from a weight tracking point of view as whenever i used it i got heavier. Now that is not a problem, if i knew how much of it was caused by the creatine (ATP binds with water). But should not be much of a problem once you got a base line.
  23. For most normal people it does, Im sure you made errors in your work. It happens when they are dealt with properly its not a real problem (unless it happens a lot) Even ITIL does not strive for 0% problems. That just does not happen in the real world.
  24. A problem is only a problem when its not solved. I mean when you get a bad product and you get a refund then its not a problem. It can happen its part of normal business. Now if you get a bad product and nothing is done then its a problem.
  25. What card are you referring too ? If you once bought something at decathlon just giving you their email address is enough. Last time i think paid there with my Thai debit card but i think they also accept cash ? Maybe your card was the problem ? Not trying to put you down or anything trying to be helpful here to see what the problem is but wording it carefully so I dont get shot down by some people. Who seem to be easily offended.
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