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Everything posted by robblok

  1. Using a mobile phone is different from using a banking app. Now I am not saying that this goes for all older people. That was why the in general. My dad is ok with mobile phone and apps.. mom .. total disaster. But you will find few young kids that cant use apps on mobile phones better then older people. Is this so hard to admit. What is your problem if it does not apply to you so be it. Everyone can use a mobile phone to call, not everyone can use all apps on their phone.
  2. Well written, I was not trying to make out old people as senile or anything like that. I put IN GENERAL twice there just to prevent remarks like the one i got. I must say i think frequency of use is really important. Its not hard to learn but you need to use it a few times to master it. I Another big part is the willingness to accept stuff like this and try new things. First time i played with crypto wallets i was not comfortable even though I love computers and technology. Once i used it a few times it was no problem.
  3. Facts are facts and I made it clear that i said IN GENERAL. Anyone doubting that younger people are IN GENERAL more tech savvy should really re-educate themselves. How you know the age, as most ar retired here you can see that in the visa section for retirement visas. Ageism is not ageism when its factual. Do you also think that an the average old guy can sprint as fast as the average teenager ? Or is that agism too ?
  4. Let us not forget the demographics of the forum, older people. So its not so strange they are IN GENERAL more resistant to change, and IN GENERAL less tech savvy. Plus we are in a foreign country so its also harder to learn things like this. So I am not surprised by some of the reactions. For me its a blessing this works better then cash. Though there is merit in the remark that by going digital we give away some control. But as long as cash is still accepted people have options.
  5. If you scan a qr code you can give it a group with your payment so you can still keep track of what you spend it on. Works better than remembering where i spend my cash on.
  6. Nobody linked it to Eu to sulking teen girl its all in your mind.
  7. Reading all kinds of Isekai novels (yea im crazy) fantasy setting life in an other world stuff. Got a great ereader a boox note air 2 (IMHO better then a kindle as its A4). Kindle is like apple too locked in their ecosystem. Plus I havent seen an a4 ereader with paperwhite. This is a chinese company but i think its good i can even access Thaivisa with a browser on Eink and read in the sun. Its not so good for typing and stuff. Combine this ereader with ScribD subscription and you can read countless books cheap, you can still read kindle stuff too. I owned a kindle before and this eread has a kindle app so i got all the books i bought for kindle too. Its also easy to import books you find online to this ereader. Not saying you cant get EPUB on Kindle but you need to convert first and then import all a lot harder. Kinda like Apple making it hard on users to get stuff from other sources
  8. Nationalist are just people who haven't accomplished much themselves in their life so they need to be proud to be from a certain country as they can't be proud about what they have done themselves. For instance when the Dutch win some soccer or Olympic medals loads of people feel proud to be Dutch then, I never really got that. I mean did they score the goals or did they win the medals? It's misplaced pride and only leads to conflict. Try to be happy in your own life that all we can do. I don't really care where people are from as long as we get along have similar hobbies or ideas (and of course understand each other). I rather have a friend from the UK even a Brexiteer that likes working out with me then a bar fly Dutch. Its not about where someone is from but how much you got in common.
  9. And i was taking a pot shot at the ancient thinking of Brexiteers linking it to the empire. You ultra conservative living in the past. Perfectly reasonable too.
  10. So its ok for you to make stupid comments about teenage girls sulking but when i make a joke about an empire its suddenly serious. Talk about double standards. Its poking fun, just like you did.
  11. You forgot the real reason.. its breaking an international treaty. If you think the EU would just let this slide then you are crazy. This will hurt the UK more then the EU. Slowly but surely your Great Britain will disintegrate. (Ireland gone, Scotland gone)
  12. Its more that those dreaming of the empire are now understanding its not going to happen and need to keep stoking the fire of discontent to justify their decision to break away. Anyone still believing BJ and believing that what he said about Brexit was right have serious problems. I mean party gate shows how liberal the guy is with the truth.
  13. I responded to a poster about arrested, arrested i see as put in jail. Maybe im mistaken its not my native language. But sure she should be arrested and then granted bail like so many others.
  14. Why arrest someone over this, its not as if she is going to flee. Its a fraud case do they put people in jail before courtcase in other countries ?
  15. Oh I don't see this forum as a representation of the British at all, the demographics are totally wrong. We got many older guys here who in general are far more conservative and hate the EU and live in the past days of the empire. Also this does not reflect on individual members or whatever. I know perfectly well there are plenty of Brits who hold other views. I am sure this will add to some members calling me anti Brit because again i dared to speak out against their beloved country. But this behavior is just strange, the party who negotiated this now wants to break open the deal while the ink on the contract isn't dry yet. I mean this is so short after agreeing its laughable. That is what you get when you got a PM that is a populist and driven in a corner. I just hope the EU puts up some trade sanctions in return. They must learn that you don't just break contracts like this. Like you I don't agree with stuff my government does and when people call me out on it i won't defend my country because im Dutch. Stupid nationalism.
  16. Yes I understand things like that, however you don't just tear up agreements your OWN party negotiated. Anyway its not the EU that is at fault its your government. If the UK does break its word i hope tough financial sanctions will follow. Its just crazy to do such things.
  17. If you are not going to keep your word you should not agree to something. Untrustworthy that what it is. Next time don't trust UK. Hope the EU puts up some sanctions if they do. First you agree to something and later you want to rip it up. Definition of untrustworthy. I hope the EU hits back hard if they do so. Besides if the Irish want to unite and leave the EU its their choice.
  18. around 2000 at a steak house is not that strange, it would be value for money for me. However I don't often go there as its not something i need that much. Everyone has their own standards. When I eat with my parents on a holiday the prices are also higher then what i would do when eating alone. But when you eat steak expect to pay a lot if you want some quality.
  19. Expensive dining is not for me. (ok I don't go for the really cheap stuff but the really expensive dining is not for me). Its not value for money IMHO. But people have different likes and dislikes. I spend a lot on my computer or gym others dont. Not up to me to judge. As for hotels as long as location is good, clean and bed is good im ok. But not judging people who see it different.
  20. Sorry for not keeping up with the times i thought it was still a thing. I like all those inclusive things just that they go to far at times. Like putting black people in a European historical setting (Romans) and presenting it like it was that way. It would be the same like having a white guy play Martin Luther King and stuff like that (bit exaggerated of course). Works of fiction excluded of course. I consider myself as far from right wing as one can be and all for equal rights. But some actions just do damage to the cause whatever its called currently.
  21. @Jingthing I get a crying emoticon, does that mean you disagree ? I'm basically stating almost the same as you do. Saying its a stupid action. Normally I don't care but those emoticons mess me up sometimes, usually it means someone does not like a post but in this case i don't see how that is possible as we both seem to agree this is a stupid action.
  22. Woke gone too far. Some things are just plain stupid and do damage to the cause.
  23. I like woman in the same socio economic circle. But hard to find, and this one is above me ???? Or at least as long as her expat contract goes. 100k house + electric (monthly base included in her contract). But at the same time it also means that dining and stuff is more upscale especially with her friend. She herself can eat street food. The worst was a 5000bt per pax Omakase diner (just the food). Her friends paid for me. I told them I would not want to attend. I don't like seafood that much and to pay 5000bt for it even good quality is crazy. Sure these prices are not as high as back in Europe for fine dining. But its just not worth it for me. Also when i first met her we went to an expensive restaurant and after that her driver picked herr up (i was in shock for her having a driver but was included in her expat contract). Good thing she is relatively easy and comes from modest roots. She thankfully does not have too expensive tastes but still its different when with a Thai gf. If you both have the same socio economic status the dynamics in a relation are different. My previous GF's and one wife were also financially independent though because i made a lot more i paid more. (bigger part of joint spendings) (otherwise its unfair IMHO). Anyway i like it when a woman has her own money then at least you partly eliminate the she is with you for the money. However you can get a much prettier woman if your paying for it. I mean i can't have a 20 something gf and expect her to pay. Im not that handsome and my game is not that good. So it all boils down to personal preference. I value good English skills a lot and intelligence. Sure looks are important too but having a gf you can actually hold a conversation with and who can help out with stuff is important. Lot of guys just want a pretty lil thing in the bedroom. Their choice not mine. Same goes for kids / no kids. Same again like in this thread about hotels, i don't need an expensive hotel as long as location is good and its clean and the beds are nice im ok. People have different expectations and needs. That makes this world a fun place. But for me complaining about no toothbrush is strange. But maybe this guy always travels to high class hotels and that is why he does not have a small toiletry bag with the basics.
  24. That is probably true too, cant speak for all of Thailand just Bangkok and provinces around BKK. But I absolutely paying by mobile. Loved it when I could pay by mobile at the Makro. But you need to be like technology too.
  25. What you do with cash i do with a phone as fast maybe faster.. it all depends i got people with cash who dont prepare they take as long as those with phones who dont prepare. Its all about preparation and getting used to it.
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