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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. Whenever I see headlines like this, I always hope to see the publishing of a statement from the 1st party. However, I'd say about 99% of the time, looking into the article, it looks like this


    Foreign Company Says a Bad Thing for Thailand

    Bangkok - Thai Authorities say a foreign company said a bad thing for Thailand.


    Subsequent searching for the statement almost never yields the info (in the same context) as the Thai utterance. Weird. And dumb.

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    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Personally, I wished they'd use their energy to effect change here in Thailand instead of leaving.


    Thailand for hundreds of years has been not much more than a playground for connected Sino Thais. Despite their very visible screams for their love of the country, what they really love is the pleasure and status is provides them. Not unlike the rabid China nationalists who buy up property and live in western countries. Same clan, in fact.

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  3. 18 hours ago, JamieM said:

    It's not just this guy they are letting run free. They have been letting out prisoners that have murdered farrang after only a few years lately.


    Yes, this is the Thailand MO. And, all Thais know it. They know that murdering a foreigner -- especially a westerner -- has very little consequence. The few who are imprisoned are quietly let out after a very short period of time, and of course the Thai media would not dare do any follow ups.


    There are only a couple countries that understand how to make Thais weary of targeting their nationals. China is the biggest. Thais will generally not mess with Chinese because China protects their people aggressively (as much as I hate that country). Japan also leverages their business dealings in Thailand to protect Japanese nationals.


    All the western countries toss their nationals to the wolves. Virtually no protection at all. Consequences of individualist societies.

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  4. On 4/28/2021 at 1:04 PM, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Covidiot.  My Thai relatives asked me if I was a Covidiot.  and told me a few times  that, I would be an idiot if I ever believe the low

    numbers of the infected or dead people in Thailand.  My one relative who is in the medical industry, said that the numbers are

    many times higher than the government will admit to.  She has been threatened to stay quiet many times.  I just cannot believe how many

    members on this forum, still seem to believe the official numbers.  Remember this is the country, where if you do not die at the

    scene of the accident, then you are not counted with the traffic figures of traffic deaths.  Try remember that fact, when you keep

    hearing the low number of deaths in Thailand due to COVID.


    Most people are simply not very intelligent. That's true for westerners from rich countries, too. Lots of very poorly educated expats in Thailand as well. Also lots of old blokes who can't reason well on account of their older age. 

  5. 34 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The top countries that have members are China #1


    I've highlighted the entire purpose of this propaganda. They would like more China nationals to buy - and there will probably be many trying to sneak their wealth out of China. They'll have buyers for sure, especially if they continue to give China big face by publishing these stats (whether they be true of not).

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