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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. I'm not traveling, nor water tossing, for Songkhran, so won't bother.


    However as I am looking to travel soon, I will have an additional booster next month. I will stop in at the local mall. Make a choice of the (free) Moderna or Pfizer vaccines. After ten minutes for data input, shot, thirty minutes wait. That is that. Great it is not a big production with charts or graphs, you just turn up and do it.

  2. 13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The crime was deemed a conflict of interest, as well as having damaged the integrity of MPs, both of which are considered ethical violations.

    Oozing sanctimony, that for sure.

    Another land case. Land bought legally, then suddenly found to be illegal. This seems  a go to move against politicians and political parties, the powers that be, do not like, such as the Thanthorn case.

    • Like 2
  3. On 4/6/2022 at 8:09 AM, jacko45k said:

    It was touted strongly as a single dose vaccine I recall..... then I saw news that it too would require boosters

    -Moderna, Pfizer and AstaZenica were touted strongly as a two dose vaccines I recall ... then I saw news that they would require boosters.- In actual fact by the time all of these vaccines, JJ included, were being rushed to the public, it was pretty much certain boosters would be needed.

    BTW and yes this recent news did surprise me.



    "As Virus Data Mounts, the J.&J. Vaccine Holds Its Own

    Once dismissed as less effective, the vaccine now seems to be preventing infections and illness about as well as the two mRNA options." March 15 2022"





  4. Quote

    "Antagonism towards the US, which some establishment figures accuse of stoking Thailand’s recent youth-led protests, has also shaped conservative responses to the conflict"

    In Thailand they always have to find something/someone to blame. The protests and the "youth" who lead them cannot be protesting on their own, that would be un-Thai. No, the evil thoughts and ideas must come from outside of Thailand. The US and the west in this case. Yawn. 

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  5. No mention of China, that beacon of Thai tourism.  Perhaps and only perhaps, they might return for Chinese New Years 2023. Still with Chinas no covid policy good chance it will not happen. Two years after China's government request/order for tourists to come home, no idea when they will return. Strange memories of 2020, on the cusp of the Year of the Rat, malls decorated. Within days the Chinese tourists dwindled, poof, gone. Now the Thai media tiptoes around and does not even mention them. 

    • Like 1
  6. More likely he visited in response to Thai Generals publicly wishing for F35's, when the US has not offered them for sale to Thailand. Given Thailand's close relationship to China, sales of the F-35 are not going to happen. Still relations must be maintained with an old, former, ally, so a US Commander made the trip. BTW, that doesn't seem 'arrogant' at all.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    I was not aware they had even found the murderers of the Saudi Businessmen,

    but the Policeman involved with the jewelry and murder of the jewlers wife and

    child was freed 

    Well they did not find them, according to the Thai Supreme Court.

    The five officers who had been tried for the murder the Saudi businessman Mohammad alRuwali were acquitted in the final Supreme court case; March 2019. There had been other court cases, charges dismissed, then recharged. These officers were thought to have knowledge of, but never charged with, the murders of four embassy workers.

    This was a different group than Lt Chalor's who had been convicted of the jewelers families murder, then had his sentence reduced, eventually received a royal pardon in 2015. 

    • Sad 1
  8. 1 minute ago, petermik said:

    Any chance he might reciprocate and give the diamonds back????

    There is  was no way in heck, diplomatic relations would be established unless he returned the stolen diamonds. As the Thai government had chosen to free the policeman involved with the Saudi embassy personnel murders. To his credit Gen Prayut manned up and made the trip.

  9. Pattaya in particular, and Thailand in general, has a higher than average number of westerners who are depressed/alcoholic/skint/mental and suicidal.  Still that doesn't explain a lot of the deaths. Suicide does provide 'an explanation', no further investigation is needed by the BiB, making it a popular method of disguise. It is interesting Asean/Thaivisa posts up this story. In the past they have blocked comments on a couple jump stories, one was quickly removed, as if they knew something was hinky.  


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