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Red Forever

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Everything posted by Red Forever

  1. Oh dear, this won't please the resident Pavlovian Thaksin hate mob.
  2. How many of his own billions of dollars went with him? There, fixed it for you.
  3. More red meat for the irrelevant Thaksin haters.
  4. You mean the illegal invasion which was enthusiastically supported by the Tories?
  5. Thaksin said "I don't disagree with this concept" while talking about plans for foreigners to own land. Cue Aseannow posters falling over each other to shout hypocrisy and reminding us of his family's Chinese origin. Jeez....the guy said he agrees ("I don't disagree") with the idea. Another false start for the predictable Thaksin haters.
  6. It's the Issan beer which is liked by many Thais and farang. I pay 50 baht for a 630 cl bottle. Beer snobbery alive and well in Thailand I see by some posts here.
  7. "A media obsessed with removing Boris"! Don't you know what the Wail, Scum, Excess and Torygraph have been banging on about?
  8. Trouble is that he got "things done for the good of" himself. This racist, homophobic, lying tub of lard is facing the just end of his 14 years (London Mayor, Foreign Secretary included) of incompetence.
  9. The point being that you don't have to queue behind any "damn moron" if you do it on your phone.
  10. How about shareholders in the privatised railway companies "pick up the bill" cos they are the only beneficiaries of this fragmented, complicated transport system. £200 Euston to Manchester <deleted>!
  11. 3 years ago I went to Savanakhet to apply for 1 year M. E. Visa based on marriage. I handed over all the asked for documents as I had done for 10 previous years. The officer refused to grant visa cos I didn't have my wife's kor ror 2. I'd never been asked for this before and I don't think this is on the list of required docs. I've since found a much easier and cheaper way to 1yr visa. There's plenty to do in Savanakhet. Down by the river many restaurants and bars. Very cheap. 2000baht to enter Laos!
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