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Everything posted by baboon

  1. What "successful, proud and content majority" are you talking about? The ones in Thailand on their index linked pensions? And explain how I am a traitor, unless you wish to clarify your implication that I am such a traitor. Or that the Scots or Irish are?
  2. As is the breakup of the United Kingdom at the end of Her Majesty's life. Well done you English patriots!
  3. And in the meantime he should either do something to earn his 13 Grand a month or else p!ss off now and hand over to Raab.
  4. Tax cuts are of zero help to those who don't earn enough to pay tax. Just another example of the CON party subsidising the rich.
  5. Then why the hell is Johnson being paid 13 Grand a month Prime Minister's salary? More taxpayers' money wasted, as is the Tory wont....
  6. Here is one such Tory. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/lifestyle/who-is-archie-battersbee-right-to-life-tory-mp-photo-op-331843/ What a disgusting woman.
  7. And couldn't give a toss. It's all about Johnson and what he wants.
  8. Perhaps it is better that way, given this 'government''s negative midas touch. They would in all likelihood just make matters worse.
  9. Their articles are free to view. Can you post a few to demonstrate your point?
  10. Just quoting your post at random. People! Jesus, if there was ever a time for reconciliation, it is now. Look at us: American, British, Dutch, Canadian all ripping each other to pieces. 'Woke' this and 'Facist' that, as we scrabble to put food on the table. The m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶f̶u̶ our leaders will be just fine, thanks, and raking in their profits at the expense of us all. Can't you see we are all being played?
  11. 'Join the Flat Earth society. We have supporters all round the globe...'
  12. So you support this government even though they are a disaster waiting to happen and can't control the cabinet. Just goes to show how low your standards are.
  13. Oh no there wasn't. Media outlets reporting news is not a 'frenzy'. Unless you count the Daily Mail, (the paper that supported Hitler) running 13 consecutive Beergate headlines. Starmer was cleared. Will you condemn the Mail's "Witchunt"?
  14. There was no media frenzy. Just reports of his lies, corruption and incompetence from the Tory leaning MSM. His party ousted him because of his lies, corruption and incompetence, once they realised how toxic he was among the voting public.
  15. How did you find out about Blair and Starmer (not that Starmer did anything wrong)?
  16. Don't you want the media to call out corrupt, lying politicians or should they all simply be given a free pass to do what they want?
  17. 'Darling of the Left' would be a more accurate label.
  18. Dammit I hope you are correct, but I just don't see how. Starmer's Labour Party seem scared of their own shadows. The Bluekip WANT permanent acrimony with the EU. They need something to blame for their failures and lies. Me, I think I shall stay cosy with the Scots. At least they have a chance to wrench themselves away from this demented Kingdom and won't forget who their mates are...
  19. I would be returning it and wanting my money back, that being the case. Your Tardis is clearly faulty....
  20. They will not. They will think 'Jesus, why did his party take so long in getting rid of the tosser?'
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