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Certainly not. The very last thing the US needs is to stop focussing on making wars with other countries and to start to heal the divisions in the US itself. Unfortunately given the US cultural mindset which is that violence is OK if it is against somebody that doesn't believe in the same thing as you (like your view on abortion rights, like your view on gun ownership, like your view on voting for Trump, like your views on racism, BLM, wokeness etc etc). The country is totally polarised on all these issues. Americans (well most of them) cannot agree to disagree about issues.....every issue is Manichean and there is a a good side to every issue which you hold; and an evil side which anyone who doesn't agree with you belongs to. Because every issues is framed in moral terms of good and evil, no one can have a sane discussion about anything in the US.....I know I lived there for 20 odd years. But now is a time for healing not civil war. And it would help if the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, and government propaganda weren't spewed out night after night on the TV news and for 90% of Americans this is the only news source they watch, and it forms warped opinions.
40 police officers to be transferred over overloaded truck bribe scandal
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Transferred???? Transferred????? Indict the scumbags and their senior officers and then send them to jail for a long time. What about the safety of other road users, what about the destruction of the roads due to overloaded trucks? -
I have recently been to a public hospital where I saw nurses doing everything but nursing. Shockingly lazy and couldn't care less about the dying patients, lying in bed soaked in their own urine, while they sat around in the nurses room having a laugh. Honestly it was sickening......it is private hospital for me every time.
I don't have any skin in the game here....I live in Issan and can see the great progress made here when Thaksin was in power eg provision of electricity where there was none, extensive building of hospitals and schools, introductions of pension and health care....radical ideas for a third world country like Thailand, aiming to become a developed nation. I don't think it any coincidence that all progress stopped when Thaksin was the subject of an illegal coup, and it has never recovered...Thailand has gone from an Asian tiger to an Asian donkey. As to whether he should go to jail? Personally I don't think the trail that condemned him was fair. It was clearly rigged and the sentence given was illegitimate. All people are supposed to be treated equally under the law....Thaksin was clearly not, and neither was Yingluck, and she was a complete travesty of justice. But the philosophical questions you raise would be very interesting to debate, albeit imponderable. I'd settle for an unbiased legal system that treated defendants equally....and Thaksin was clearly victimised, as Trump is being victimised in the US now where it has been exposed unequivocally that the FBI tried to create an environment where Democrats would win the presidential races and neglected to prosecute Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton, even going as far to seed cover ups stories for their evil doing. These things happen....I don't care whether Thaksin comes back or stays away. I have to say that I don't think his return is in the best interests of the country....but a destabilising influence and a fall in the value go the Thai baht, would be in my interests as I earn in USDs. I have never met any nice billionaires, you don't get to be a billionaire by being a good human being, you get that sort of money by breaking laws. I worked at a high level in a very large US corporation and met a lot of very rich CEOs, most not very talented, and by and large, all as$holes. I'm guessing Thaksin fits this mould. Rather than the man or lady going to jail if they return, I would like to see them appeal, get bail like every other person (even police officers sentenced to death got bail), and then have a totally FAIR, unbiased, non-political and transparent trial.
I must admit to being a fan of Thaksin....he got good things done in Thailand, especially in Issan. OK he maybe feathered his own nest, but how is that different to the vast majority of the politicians here. Some years ago I read that out of 100% of government procurement money 40-50% went in graft according to the World Bank. All politicians promise they will eradicate corruption, but to be honest, it all seems like a game to me, where nothing actually changes eg government departments or police investigating themselves and finding they did nothing wrong.... Anyway, I'm hoping Yingluck will be coming back too.....it would be great to see her on the TV again. I used to really like it when she was PM and on the TV every night.....after Abhisit's ugly mug, to see her beautiful face every evening was real lift. Now we've had 9 years of Prayut, and I never turn the TV in case I see him, ugh!
Thai investor confidence sinks as government formation uncertainty looms
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
I've never invested in the Stock Market in Thailand. I guess I reason that with corruption being rampant in many parts of Thailand, why should the stock market be any different? And the possibility of corruption is the last thing you want as an investor, especially given the culture of legal impunity for important people here. I do keep some money in the banks here and do worry about corruption/mismanagement in the banks, especially since the government insurance is now a pitiful 1 million baht per person per bank, and given the ridiculous amount of time one spends in banks compared to the US or Europe, they seem to be very inefficient....although the Asian banks I have visited seem to be peas in a pod. In US/Europe, the banks do almost anything to stop you dealing with an actual person, either a teller or own the phone, always trying to push you to a website that can't handle your question. The media shares that Pita owned and are now 'defunct' (whatever that means....I assumed it meant bankrupt and stopped trading, but apparently the company is still operating). The whole miasma around these share dealings give me the willies as well....you never seem to get a straight answer to a simple question here. I've been a life-long value investor, tending to buy a beaten down market and looking for undervalued companies with quality management. Generally I have done pretty well with this strategy. The recent 8.6% drop in the SET might offset some risk, but I think I'd like to see a 30 or 40% drop before I'd be tempted to dip my toe in the stock market here. -
Pita Allays Fears Of Possible Snags Over Rise To PM
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Don't be silly. There have been what 19 coups since 1932. The military can use force like they did in 2010, when the people were disenfranchised. The poor win every election in a landslide, but never get the power....when they do, like with Thaksin and Yingluck, there is a coup. -
I saw Tyson Fury's Gucci man bag and decided if he's got one then I have to have one too.....but I'll buy a fake one because I'm not giving more money to those grasping parasites at Gucci.
Thai Police Continue to Investigate Alleged Highway Bribery Scheme
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
I think I can smell a cover up in the works......let's have an independent investigation. If the RTP were handing out the overload passes, then the RTP should not be investigating. -
What do you believe happens to you when you die?
Pedrogaz replied to 1FinickyOne's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
I will never know because I will never die......I am immortal. -
Thai stock market suffers as Stark Corporation defaults
Pedrogaz replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Will this put Kasikorn at risk? It's my bank and I wouldn't like it to go bust. -
Thailand urged to prioritise accessible tourism for disabled and elderly
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Now this is good news if it ever happens. Good stuff moves like molasses here, but the grift goes on. -
DPM Wissanu addresses Pita’s media share ownership
Pedrogaz replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Seems pretty obvious that "holding" shares in a defunct company that has no value should not be an excuse by losers in the general election to hold by-elections or to ban the party. Corrupt Thai politics and politicians up to no good as usual. -
No great loss.....crappy overpriced venue for anything.
Sorry, the timing for COVID infection doesn't fit. I had symptoms of increasing severity for 8 months before I got Covid....a very mild dose and self diagnosed with testing kits. I have used MRI as a general inclusion term for different types of tests, not being an expert in this area. Of course there are CAT scan Pet scans and others. As I understand it, you can diagnose AD from the clinical symptoms and MRI, PET AND other types of scans and together they form a clinical picture. I cannot say for certain which 'MRIs"I had. The first was straight into the tube....the second had an injection prior to it, which (I think) was to look for plaques and possibly narrowed arteries. As I said at the outset, the neurologist based on clinical symptoms, had several hypotheses. I had specific memory tests, physical ability and balance tests and saw a number of other specialists including a sleep specialist. The conclusions were that it was either early onset Alzheimers (hippocampus and brain were atrophied) or a reaction to the vaccine, and the neurologist said she had seen several of varying intensity and with different inconclusive symptoms. As I understand it, you need a demonstration of spike protein through your body to confirm if the symptoms are due to the vaccine or covid infection (ie long covid) but as I understand it (I am a layman but have read top on the subject). As I say in my mind, the presence of symptoms prior to me getting COVID rules out long COVID. I sincerely wish I had got the Chinese vaccine instead of Pfizer which is poison. No I had two Pfizer jabs....caught COVID later....but the symptoms started long before I got COVID