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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Here's me thinking Maryjane and Ketamine Kate were practically legal here in Thailand. All drugs should be legalised and policy towards drugs should move away from interdiction and jailing addicts to harm reduction immediately. The so called 'War on Drugs' is a massive world wide government failure and here in Thailand responsible for untold numbers of poor people being jailed. All these stupid American inspired wars lead nowhere. Time to say NO to America, and let's have a War on American Inspired Policies.

  2. Crackdowns are totally useless for chronic problems. Chronic problems need constant enforcement. Every day the highways are clogged with over loaded, polluting vehicles spew black smoke and that look like they were last cleaning during the Vietnam war. Polluting vehicles need to be impounded and taken off the road until the owner pays for them to be made roadworthy. Hit the owners of these polluting heaps of junk.

  3. 1 hour ago, maddermax said:

    Many expats came here and purchased condos for rent to tourists to supplement their pensions and provide some financial assistance whilst living in Thailand. This new policy could see our condo units remaining empty for some time. As some expats choose to sell off property values will reduce. This is possibly a good thing for the richer Thais who will buy them up, but who are they going to rent to? It will also make Thailand less attractive as a property investment destination. Clearly, the status quo would be the best financial option for everybody concerned. Leave the snobby 'high-end' market where it belongs as there are a lot fewer of them!

    Good observation, I might snap up a couple of condos if they get cheap.

  4. I'd invest in a government backed crypto. Not looking to speculate, simply to retain purchasing power of money. There are too many things about Bitcoin that make me very suspicious eg trading is very thin and a handful of folks make 80% or 90% of the daily transactions which sounds like a cartel of investors driving up the price selling to each other. 

    The other thing, that I read was that blockchains are very slow to process transactions, about a million times slower than say Visa or AMEX transactions, and that this would limit the technology. I have never read any update saying that it has become faster.

    Finally the spectre of governments stepping in and destroying value for existing investors on the basis that blockchain was laundering money from criminal activities (which it is) .

    For these reasons I have avoided digital currencies. Does anyone have different information?

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