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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. IMHO Omicron is the end of COVID. You cannot have this many mutations in a single virus and it have long term viability. Parties should be encouraged and masks removed and have everyone try to get an infection by being close to others. Mothers used to do this with childhood infections like measles (the most infectious virus)....such that when a kid on the block got measles you would be sent round to play with him and so catch it yourself.

    If everyone caught Omicron in a given nation then that nation would develop the herd immunity everyone talks about.

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  2. 2 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:

    Spot on. The more detail emerges, the more rum the whole affair looks. Also seems like no-one is interested in hearing this guy's side of the events (his 'lived experience' as I believe we should call it this days).


    I can easily see a comms screw up at the original one-night hotel leading to him thinking he could leave and then panic after they realised they let him go but he was "positive" (if he even was; seems to me that arrivals since November are consistently testing positive at around 1:1,000 - something close to the 'typical' PCR test false positive rate [we'd need to know whether his original 'positive' test was positive on a single gene, or more than one: the former likely being genuinely false, the latter more likely to be genuinely positive]).


    CCTV from the hotel would be the most revealing: if he's clearly on camera sneaking out of a fire escape, would support him knowingly doing a runner. But if he's on CCTV at reception settling his bill and his bags with the bellboy, well that would be a different story.


    Let's see if the CCTV footage from the hotel is suddenly 'missing' or there was 'a technical problem and it didn't record'.






    To be honest, it doesn't matter whether his tests were negative or positive.....he broke quarantine. 

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