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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I went to Catholic school in the time when primary and secondary kids were subject to corporal punishment by, priests, nuns, teachers and selected administration staff. This was cane or tawse, depending on the institution. 

    I stammered badly as a kid and when I was 10 years old and had to stand up to read in front of the 48 strong class, I read very badly indeed. One teacher threatened to beat me if I stammered in his class. Surprisingly enough, I stopped stammering in his class from then on. 

    Just sayin'

  2. If everyone is forced to have a smart phone, then everyone who complies is trackable and surveillable 24/7.


    I have a smart phone, I don't know how to use it to do this scanning nonsense....I use it to make phone calls; to read the internet if I am in a coffee shop and bored; and to access music via Spotify. 

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