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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 8 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    Whatever goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business but theirs. The legal status of marriage however is for wider society to settle. Myself, I feel there must be limits or you'll get people wanting to marry their dog, or their bicycle, or their lava lamp. Human nature being what is is, not everyone can be pleased, and millions of years of evolution are not going to be dismissed by some silly 21st century social construct, no matter how accommodating.





    Very sensible.

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  2. 20 hours ago, shady86 said:

    All diesel sold are biofuels, B7 with 7% palm oil, b20 with 20%. Palm is actually more expensive per liter than pure diesel but the gov subsidies them all these while until it's not sustainable anymore. 

    Does this mean that when I put regular diesel in my truck, I am actually putting B20 in?

    I won't use B7 because it is more expensive that what, I assumed, was regular diesel. I always go to the pump that just says 'diesel' in Thai script. The attendants always try to redirect me to the B7 pump which was, until recently, about 3 baht or 10% dearer. I assumed they were trying to upsell me.

  3. 12 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

    it is going to be a very quiet NYE if you can not go anywhere to celebrate.


    I thyink the reason for the closure has not hing to do with covid but a lot to do with being able to have a year that people can advertise less deaths on Thai roads.


    It is to keep the drink and drive people happy and nothing else.


    Wonder  how many hiso people will have parties at home





    We will

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  4. On 11/24/2021 at 10:20 AM, tomacht8 said:

    23423 Baht per piece.

    Are these originals?

    Or China Copies?



    Good job they were buying in bulk and got a great discount. Think of the money the government and taxpayer could save if they put a negotiator into the buying department.

    Anyway, I'm glad that these folk who are doing such a fine job, don't have to fork out for their own iPhoneys.

  5. 17 hours ago, blackprince said:

    The English Proficiency Index is the most methodologically flawed test around. Serious linguists wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. From their own website:


    "The test-taking population represented in this Index is self-selected and not guaranteed to be representative. Only those who want to learn English or are curious about their English skills will participate in one of these tests. This could skew scores lower or higher than those of the general population." Not 'alf guv.


    A more telling comparison would be with the number of westerners who gain any Thai fluency after years or decades of immersion in the Thai language.



    Do you have a better test and survey? This tallies with my own experience in Europe expcept that I would have ranked Sweden somewhat higher. In Asia, the top Asia nations all were former colonies and many still have English as a recognised language of the state.

  6. 17 hours ago, Thunglom said:

    Every year it is the same single source and a company involved in selling English Education.

    We really need a better analysis.

    Would you disagree with the conclusion that overall Thais have very poor English skills? I don't, but I noted that all at the top of the list have been British or American colonies. 

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