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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 2 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    I encourage the Kingdom of Thailand to further develop and promote medical tourism, as well as assisted living facilities. Thailand has a good medical development opportunity, especially for Americans as the USA lacks a national healthcare program. The promotion would be advertising Thailand's world class healthcare availability at a fraction of the cost in the USA. Put together a package showing, say, the cost of a hip replacement, include the airfare and recovery time at a reasonably priced resort. Another related ideal would be to reach agreement with the US government to have Thailand approved facilities to provide USA Medicare services. This would benefit US retirees in Thailand and Thai medical facilities (US military on full retirement already is covered).

    I agree. I never understood why Medicare is not available for Americans who wish to reside in Thailand....why would you not want cheaper prices?

  2. 4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Guess this is how they will meet their 300,000 arrivals each for november and december


    Ridiculous that we have to have 2 vaccines, tests , quarantine , insurance, another test and another test and these people will just walk in - can't tell me this lot will have what we will have to get

    Absolutely, you can definitely see hiso employers willingly paying for quarantines and RT-PCR tests. Pay decent wages and use unemployed Thais.

    • Like 1
  3. Probably the first thing I have ever agreed with from the mouth of Anutin, albeit that I would amend the statement slightly to: Sinovac has never been proven to be inferior to any other vaccine.


    You need a DBC to establish superiority with outcomes as endpoints. It is notable that all of the studies in the media none tell you the design of the trial, its endpoints or the outcomes. Note that hospitalisation is n to a valid endpoint for assessing efficacy across countries as different countries have a different propensity for hospitalising patients. Hospitals and ICUs do little for patients unless they need a respirator.

  4. What do we know about the requirements of a Thai visa?

    1) they, like planets and meteors, are in constant motion.

    2) they are arbitrary and at the discretion of the person dealing with you

    3) 65,000 is not an adequate income in rural Thailand, let alone a city. If you only have $2200 a month, stay home.

    4) all changes mean more meaningless hoops to jump through and more paper copies to deliver to people that never, ever look in the mountains of files.

    5) If they increase the financial requirements, fewer people will come to Thailand,


    It is difficult to see how Thailand will get out of this mess. Why don't they clean the place up and make it nice for tourists? Why do the restaurants have cheap plastic table covers and high quality plastic chairs? Why are the beaches full of trash? Why do excrement and rats come out of the sewers in Pattaya when it rains? Are sewers so new and hi-tech that they are impossible to maintain? etc etc.


    The last thing we need is a country full of (horny) single male Indians drinking a coke with 5 straws.


    • Confused 4
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