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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Personally I would rather we had a very small tourist industry with few Brits, Russians and Germans and no Indians or Chinese. I'd like the industry to occupy about 6 % of the economy instead of 20% as it does now and that decisions were taken to ensure that any new hotels etc adhere to the strictest environmental standards in the world. When I look at the ugly development and environmental destruction in Koh Chang, for example, it makes me want to weep.


    Having said that, I am well off and can survive without working for money, so I am in a privileged set. Thousands or millions of people whose livelihood is tied up with the fortunes of tourism, would probably disagree with me. Basically there are probably a great deal more people in the tourism camp, that in mine for restricted tourism. Bowing to democracy I would have to expect the our tourism will continue to attract huge numbers of Indian men and Chinese couples travelling about the country in coaches. 


    • Haha 1
  2. I retired at 54. I am comfortably off with good pension and SS from the US of around 7500 a month and about a couple of million in savings, investments and financial assets. Unfortunately about 5000 per month of my pension is not index linked and so inflation is what keeps me awake at night. The government here have proved themselves to be fools and you can be 100% sure they will be unable to deal with rising inflation. 

    The other problem I have is how my mrs here will deal with the sums of money I will leave her. I'm sure her brothers will clean her before I'm even burned.

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