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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. The authorities in Thailand have a weird relationship with the idea that other people can have fun drinking alcohol. It's is a Neo-puritanism, where anyone having fun must be doing something wrong or evil, and therefore what they are doing should be banned. Like earlier brethren Puritans, many of the people closing the bars are hypocrites.

    Small quantities of alcohol do little but lower inhibitions of people allowing them to enjoy the company that they are in. However alcohol taken to excess is a monster leading to wife beating , road accident, fights etc. 

    For COVID control alcohol is not really helpful.....a small amount of alcohol leads to people being amorous, kissing and more....all of which helps to spread COVID. Larger amounts of alcohol make these problems even worse.

    Another relevant issue is the British disease where Brits seem unable to have a good time unless they are drunk out of their minds, shouting loudly, attacking each other or innocent bystanders, groping women, and generally being vile people. Thailand could do without this sort of ruffian, but I suspect that if TAT were to give some truthful numbers and analysis, they would see that this ugly Brit-type tourists spend at the high end of the scale and are the source of riches for tourism owners  in Phuket and Pattaya.

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  2. We paid 10K per month for living expenses to our niece plus about 6000 per term for 5 years. There were also some miscellaneous expenses like a couple of hospital bills during the 5 year teaching degree. Then she upped and didn't bother becoming a teacher. Go figure.


    Incidentally we don't speak to this little angel now....she got her money and then blocked my wife of social media. So don't expect any generosity.

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  3. Usual nonsense from the white English speaking aggressors. Agression, agression agression and then blame the defendant for wanting to defend itself. Let China have her own system, even if you don't like it.

    How would you feel (if you were Thai) if China ringed Thailand with hundreds of military bases and told Thailand to change its system and economy to a communist one? 

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  4. Why on earth would anyone expect Thai authorities either police, railway, local township to act just because 19 people had died at a particular spot. It would be too damned sensible! 

    Thing why don't they buy a bit of paint and paint stop and give way markings on the roads? Again, way too sensible.....and not enough money to be diverted into the pockets of the already obscenely wealthy. 

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  5. The first thing I noticed about Gen Prawit is the thickness of his wrists. I am guessing that there can only be one other person in Thailand with wrists as thick, obviously this person being the person that loaned the precious watches to Gen Prawit. When I bought an expensive watch they measured my wrists too make sure the watch was a perfect fit. It should be simple enough to get a measurement of Gen Prawit's friends wrists, or to get the records from the watch maker using the ID number on the watch. 

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