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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Thailand is a funny place having no real estate agents. Unless you live in Bangkok or Pattaya where the place is swarming with UK real estate agents flogging condos, there seems to be no one you can approach to buy a home or a piece of land. It seems that lots of people will show you lots and property for sale but they are just neighbours doing it apart time to earn some points money. I assumed that when I built my home I was making an 'investment'. I realise not that there is no way I could sell it for even 50% of what I paid for it....and I think I would struggle to get 25%. Buying land is better as an investment...building seems to reduce the value.

  2. I hope tourism will never come back in the form that it took. The volume of toursists grew 3-4 fold from 2009 to 2019, but the share of GDP only doubled. What this means is that the revenue from tourism had a relative decline....ie each tourist generated less in real revenue. We need to go back to quality tourism instead of the riff-raff that have been coming for a cheap <deleted>.


    They should ban these bus tours that Chinese, Indians and Koreans use. They should introduce some transparent planning laws in Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, CM etc and stop overcrowding with poorly built cheap hotels. Start knocking down all the <deleted> hotels and building some quality. Lets move away from sex tourists, backpackers, bus tours and the like let's get a better class of tourist that appreciates a nice clean environment, places where sh!T from the sewers doesn't flood into the streets when it rains, somewhere where you can get a taxi at a fair price etc etc.

  3. Absolutely stupid. I don't give a hoot, ambassadors, Americans, soldiers.....they should all go through quarantine. If they don't want to come, use Zoom for a teleconference. The US military that got the free pass, only wanted a photo op of the signing ceremony....any discussions could have been done by teleconference. Putting the whole country at risk because a few <deleted> are inconvenienced, is asinine. 

    Prayut, wake up, we cannot afford these diplomatic niceties. Put a stop to them immediately.  

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