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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I have been separated from my Thai partner for 3 months now. I am in Thailand and she is in Japan. She has to finish up some business at the end of August and then wishes to return. She has the return portion of her original JAL flight that can be extended for up to a year or we can apply for a refund.


    She has been to the Thai embassy but says the are useless and give out little of no useful information.


    My question is can she fly back on her original JAL ticket at some later date. JAL don't charge anything for this. What documentation will she need for this? 

    IF she elects to try to try to get on a repatriation flight, are these flights free of charge, or will she have to pay for the flight? Does she need less documentation for a repatriation flight. To be honest I am alarmed at the Hugh number of COVID cases that are emerging from Thais and farang's in quarantine.



  2. Thailand is a victim of its own success with corona virus. It has done an outstanding job of keeping the the virus numbers low and protecting the local population but cannot re-open until other countries have done a similar job of eradicating the virus. If it opens up no, then we will have the first wave all over again. If other countries have done as well as Thailand in controlling the virus then we could open ups safely. But places like the UK and Europe have done a lousy job and we can't admit their infected populations any time soon. There has to be a bloodbath for small players in the tourism sector.

    On the other hand the good news is, if the government are will to take the role, they can improve the tourism experience of visitors by allowing all the surplus restaurants, T-shirt and souvenir shops to go out of business. Same with excess hotel rooms and condominiums,. 

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  3. I have seen articles like this for the past couple of weeks. They say the auction expects to yield about 300 million baht from the sale of 200 vehicles ie 1.5 million baht per vehicle, yet all the photographs are of vehicles worth 10 million or more.

    What is the catch? Is it rigged and the media using fake math to fool the public that the privileged people who participate and buy these cars are really paying full value for them?????

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  4. 16 hours ago, Airalee said:

    So, if a room is ฿1000 per night (฿7000 for a weeks stay).   That’s 185 rooms booked for a week.  If it’s a higher end hotel at ฿3000 per night, that’s 60 rooms booked for a week. 

    How many rooms are on Phuket?  Just counting the Ibis in Kata (258 rooms), that doesn’t even fill one hotel up.


    How much was spent putting on this 4 day road show?


    Just checked...Phuket has 1800 hotels with 84,700 rooms.  

    I think you need to go back to school and learn Thai math ???? 258 rooms in Ibis Kata divided by the total number of rooms in Phuket is a 95% occupancy rate. This promotion has been an outstanding success for Phuket and for TAT who invented it. Who else but TAT could have thought of this?? ????


  5. Somehow I am not tempted....it's a fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me situation.

    I am pleased perhaps to be recognised for the contribution we seemingly hated expats might make to the economy, but I'm sure that if I go to my favourite hotel with my 60% off card, I will find the hotel rates have gone up by 100%. I don't want to go through all the aggravation of getting a card (I'm sure it will be a hassle to get one) and then find it to be of absolutely no use.

    I guess if the government can trick enough expats then it will be worth it for the economy, which to be fair, does need a boost. 



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  6. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    2016 Republican Platform: "Federalism is a cornerstone of our constitutional system. Every violation of state sovereignty by federal officials is not merely a transgression of one unit of government against another; it is an assault on the liberties of individual Americans."


    Weird that the NRA isn't all over this? I mean, the NRA has fear-mongered about government tyranny for years. But now that the government is acting tyrannically, the NRA is silent.




    One might suspect hypocrisy on behalf of the NRA. Even as a gun owner I despise these horrid, evil people.

  7. Assume you are a hotel operator.  You raise your prices and make a killing. Either you get away with it or you get away with it...there is no punishment except getting kicked out of the scheme. 

    If you do get found out, the government kick you out of the scheme.....but what about all of the folk who had already booked? Another invitation to cheat for free....like Yingluck's rice scheme. 

  8. And what is going to happen to him? Is he still on the road eyeing up other opportunities to inflict pain on others by his driving. Will he get a massive 500 baht fine for killing this woman? No way too stiff! How about loss of licence? Too stiff he's a taxi driver and would have to change his job. What about jail time? Well he is poor so he stands a good chance of a suspended sentence as the jails are all full of yaba users.

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  9. Lots of negative comments about the veracity of the data. While politicians are not know to have a close relationship with truthfulness or reality, nonetheless we have not seen hospitals with patients waiting round in corridors, ICUs full to brimming, morgues overflowing or mass burnings as in other countries.

    Many bring up low testing rates, but people who have symptoms get a test, rather than just mass screening which is a vast waste of healthcare resources. 

    In my opinion when the chips are all counted, we will see that Thailand did a decent job, but the particular virus causing the infection here was of low virulence and transmissibility compared to the virus in Western Europe and the US.

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