There are no more important questions than the ones you raise. If there is a god and we fail to believe (as I fail to believe) then we are condemned to eternal pain and torture with no parole.
Since and early age I was suspicious about how religions were used as tools of control.....with doctrines abandoned and invented to meet the need for control. I was raised in early life as a Catholic and now I look back on the history of the religion as one of almost total hypocrisy and of doing much harm and little (or no) good in the world. That is not to say that there aren't many good grandmother was one....but she followed the doctrines of Christ, not the warmonging doctrines of the awful Old Testament God (the 10 Commandments, which Jesus preached should be discarded).
Despite the awful future in the event that I am wrong about religions and life after death, I cannot subscribe to the superstitious nonsense that is fed to children in order to make them pliable and amenable to control by the hierarchy in later life.